Note: It looks like ZNR isn't uploaded yet to whatever our forum plug-in uses... I will have to take a look at the format of this post later to see if it displays correctly 
PP2: Inventor's Fair V2020
My initial approach is in the spoiler tags, and I'm leaving it in progress as it's too ambitious at the moment. It is probably is leaning more toward PPv3 territory than PPv2.1.
With the above being said, an update encompassing all of the prior looks to be in magnitude of 15-25% of the total card population. I didn't foresee this when making my first comment, and it feels like too much without understanding the current environment. To limit the chaos, a maximum of 45 cards will be changed in the first update (11 of which are lands). The updates will focus on:
-updating lands
-updating multicolored cards
-removing Kirblinx-identified cards
-removing tribal support
-adding a small selection of MDFCs and Adventures (1-2 each color)
The proposed cuts are:

Cut because they Kirblinx said to cut them: Steam Augury, Magnivore, Cogworker's Puzzleknot, Leave/Chance, Valorous Stance, Citywide Bust, Careful Study, Nimbus Naiad, Undead Alchemist, Aeon Chronicler, Dark Bargain, Onward/Victory, Foundry of the Consuls
Cut because they are tribal: Thalia's Lieutenant; Liliana's Mastery; Krenko, Mob Boss; Necromancer's Covenant
The rest of the cuts are due to lessening the amount of different tokens (e.g., Maverisk Thopterist), removing some hard-to-answer cards that take over the board (e.g., Masticore, Goblin Trenches) and removing cards that will have similarly included MDFCs/Adventure cards.
The proposed inclusions are:

-Modal Dual-Faced Cards (MDFCs): The inclusions are somewhat arbitrary, but in general, I wanted to focus more on utility/situational spells.
-Adventure Creatures: Added creatures that would be impactful bodies even if they didn't "go on an adventure". This, combined with the MDFC inclusion, is to increase the utility/situational spell count without spells mostly residing in sideboards.
-Scrabbling Claws and Soul-Guide Lantern: Some cogs that add graveyard interaction.
-Doom Foretold: Another Braids, Cabal Minion-like card to strengthen black-white's attrition focus.
-Azra Oddsmaker: An interesting madness-enabler.
-Eladamri's Call: Gives green-white some flexibility to assemble creature-based synergies.
-Path of Mettle: There are quite a few haste/double strike/first strike/vigilance creatures in red and white, and in my experience, the quest flip lands are fun for drafters.
-Beacon Bolt: Blue-red doesn't have a ton of great instant or sorcery spell-payoffs... could see something else here.
-Thundering Djinn: Another take on the Masticore-like control wincon, but more fragile and requires some work to take out larger creatures.
-Species Gorger: Green-blue creature-based build-around.
-Ancestral Blade and Mask of Immolation: Bridging between equipment and creatures.
-Emry, Lurker of the Loch: Self-mill and artifact synergies. A sort of second Auriok Salvagers.
-Carrion Grub: Self-mill replacement in mono-black.
-Surly Badgersaur: Possibly madness/cycling-payoff creature. I am unsure if the base stats are too low, but this one interests me a lot! (I'm a sucker for some of these Commander-product-only cards.)
-Elvish Reclaimer: I am not a fan of the forest/plains clause on Knight of the Reliquary. This maintains the effect and opens it up to other green decks.
-Selesnya Eulogist: Graveyard interaction with a pay-off for self-mill; I'd be dishonest if I didn't mention how excited I am at the thought of populating an Eternalize/Embalmed creature...
For the smaller update, does anything seem out of place? Are any of the cards being removed seem too important?
PP2: Inventor's Fair V2020
My initial approach is in the spoiler tags, and I'm leaving it in progress as it's too ambitious at the moment. It is probably is leaning more toward PPv3 territory than PPv2.1.
With Zendikar Rising adding MDFCs and completely turning the available bounce-land-based synergies on their hand, a full update to Penny Pincher seems more complex than previously assumed. My full approach is as follows:
-Remove under-performers (and assumed given the feedback provided) identified in this thread
-Decrease GRBS and cards that support them
-Update mana-fixing with new toys (thriving lands from Jumpstart, tri-cyclers from Ikoria, misc. other)
-Remove all tribal support (besides golems) to avoid setting incorrect expectations
-Decrease number of unique tokens created by cards to lessen information when analyzing board states
-Integrate MDFC cards from Zendikar Rising to (1) add to bounce-land synergies, (2) increase spell density of decks and (3) add more tension during drafting
-Integrate adventure cards from Throne of Eldraine to increase spell density, specifically combat tricks, while
-Update color triad/pair archetype focus (and update signpost cards accordingly)
Color triad/pair archetypes:
GWB: Sacrifice Combo (Melira Pod)
GWR: Ramp-Aggro (Fires of Yavimaya)
GWU: Midrange Blink
UGR: Ramp-Control
BRG: Graveyard-fueled Attriton (RecSur)
RBU: Tempo Midrange (Grixis Delver with a higher curve)
RWU: Aggressive Artifact decks (Vehicles Aggro in Kaladesh Standard)
UWB: Reanimator Control (Solar Flare)
RWB: Sacrifice Aggro/Midrange (Aristocrats)
BUG: Self-mill/Library Depletion Themes (Spider Spawning / Golgari-Guild limited decks)
RB: Madness
RG: Berserkers//Haste
RU: Burn Tempo// Burn Control
RW: Artifact Aggro//Horizontal Aggro
UG: Ophidian Tempo//Ramp
BW: Attrition Midrange
UB: Flash Control
UW: ...Flyers ?
GB: Reanimator
GW: ++ Counters//Reanimator
Observations In-Depth (continuation from prior, to be continued):
-has too many 5cmc threats (9 if Gruesome Menagerie and 2 ninjas are included)
Cards possibly to remove:

Cards possibly to add:

-Remove under-performers (and assumed given the feedback provided) identified in this thread
-Decrease GRBS and cards that support them
-Update mana-fixing with new toys (thriving lands from Jumpstart, tri-cyclers from Ikoria, misc. other)
-Remove all tribal support (besides golems) to avoid setting incorrect expectations
-Decrease number of unique tokens created by cards to lessen information when analyzing board states
-Integrate MDFC cards from Zendikar Rising to (1) add to bounce-land synergies, (2) increase spell density of decks and (3) add more tension during drafting
-Integrate adventure cards from Throne of Eldraine to increase spell density, specifically combat tricks, while
-Update color triad/pair archetype focus (and update signpost cards accordingly)
Color triad/pair archetypes:
GWB: Sacrifice Combo (Melira Pod)
GWR: Ramp-Aggro (Fires of Yavimaya)
GWU: Midrange Blink
UGR: Ramp-Control
BRG: Graveyard-fueled Attriton (RecSur)
RBU: Tempo Midrange (Grixis Delver with a higher curve)
RWU: Aggressive Artifact decks (Vehicles Aggro in Kaladesh Standard)
UWB: Reanimator Control (Solar Flare)
RWB: Sacrifice Aggro/Midrange (Aristocrats)
BUG: Self-mill/Library Depletion Themes (Spider Spawning / Golgari-Guild limited decks)
RB: Madness
RG: Berserkers//Haste
RU: Burn Tempo// Burn Control
RW: Artifact Aggro//Horizontal Aggro
UG: Ophidian Tempo//Ramp
BW: Attrition Midrange
UB: Flash Control
UW: ...Flyers ?
GB: Reanimator
GW: ++ Counters//Reanimator
Observations In-Depth (continuation from prior, to be continued):
-has too many 5cmc threats (9 if Gruesome Menagerie and 2 ninjas are included)
Cards possibly to remove:
Cards possibly to add:
With the above being said, an update encompassing all of the prior looks to be in magnitude of 15-25% of the total card population. I didn't foresee this when making my first comment, and it feels like too much without understanding the current environment. To limit the chaos, a maximum of 45 cards will be changed in the first update (11 of which are lands). The updates will focus on:
-updating lands
-updating multicolored cards
-removing Kirblinx-identified cards
-removing tribal support
-adding a small selection of MDFCs and Adventures (1-2 each color)
The proposed cuts are:
Cut because they Kirblinx said to cut them: Steam Augury, Magnivore, Cogworker's Puzzleknot, Leave/Chance, Valorous Stance, Citywide Bust, Careful Study, Nimbus Naiad, Undead Alchemist, Aeon Chronicler, Dark Bargain, Onward/Victory, Foundry of the Consuls
Cut because they are tribal: Thalia's Lieutenant; Liliana's Mastery; Krenko, Mob Boss; Necromancer's Covenant
The rest of the cuts are due to lessening the amount of different tokens (e.g., Maverisk Thopterist), removing some hard-to-answer cards that take over the board (e.g., Masticore, Goblin Trenches) and removing cards that will have similarly included MDFCs/Adventure cards.
The proposed inclusions are:
-Modal Dual-Faced Cards (MDFCs): The inclusions are somewhat arbitrary, but in general, I wanted to focus more on utility/situational spells.
-Adventure Creatures: Added creatures that would be impactful bodies even if they didn't "go on an adventure". This, combined with the MDFC inclusion, is to increase the utility/situational spell count without spells mostly residing in sideboards.
-Scrabbling Claws and Soul-Guide Lantern: Some cogs that add graveyard interaction.
-Doom Foretold: Another Braids, Cabal Minion-like card to strengthen black-white's attrition focus.
-Azra Oddsmaker: An interesting madness-enabler.
-Eladamri's Call: Gives green-white some flexibility to assemble creature-based synergies.
-Path of Mettle: There are quite a few haste/double strike/first strike/vigilance creatures in red and white, and in my experience, the quest flip lands are fun for drafters.
-Beacon Bolt: Blue-red doesn't have a ton of great instant or sorcery spell-payoffs... could see something else here.
-Thundering Djinn: Another take on the Masticore-like control wincon, but more fragile and requires some work to take out larger creatures.
-Species Gorger: Green-blue creature-based build-around.
-Ancestral Blade and Mask of Immolation: Bridging between equipment and creatures.
-Emry, Lurker of the Loch: Self-mill and artifact synergies. A sort of second Auriok Salvagers.
-Carrion Grub: Self-mill replacement in mono-black.
-Surly Badgersaur: Possibly madness/cycling-payoff creature. I am unsure if the base stats are too low, but this one interests me a lot! (I'm a sucker for some of these Commander-product-only cards.)
-Elvish Reclaimer: I am not a fan of the forest/plains clause on Knight of the Reliquary. This maintains the effect and opens it up to other green decks.
-Selesnya Eulogist: Graveyard interaction with a pay-off for self-mill; I'd be dishonest if I didn't mention how excited I am at the thought of populating an Eternalize/Embalmed creature...
For the smaller update, does anything seem out of place? Are any of the cards being removed seem too important?