The Video Game Thread

James Stevenson

Steamflogger Boss
Staff member
Who's the you? I work for a small-ish IT company (30 people) primarily active in the healthcare domain, specifically patient records.

Ah right, I was curious where FSR was from. But I phrased it terribly... and actually for some reason I did think I was asking you. You're somewhere in The Netherlands or something, right?
Wow, that looks wonderful. I've never been to Europe, but I've been told that the Netherlands are a great place to visit. I've got some Dutch ancestry, so maybe some day I can use that as an excuse.


As much as I loath the games that make you grind to get their content and don't relish the idea building up a content library in another MOBA, the core gamplay of Heroes of the Storm just makes so much more sense then Lol/DotA/Smite/HoN that I'm probably going to do it. Now, if I can only convince my Lol friends to do it too. . .

Chris Taylor

I love that each match is 20 minutes with a standard deviation of like 2. Nothing like those horrendous hour long dota matches where I'm pumping adrenaline trying not to get picked off the whole time.
I have a bunch of games that end up being about 30 minutes long when they are evenly matched. Or just have sucky players on both sides. But it is a really good game.


As much as I loath the games that make you grind to get their content and don't relish the idea building up a content library in another MOBA, the core gamplay of Heroes of the Storm just makes so much more sense then Lol/DotA/Smite/HoN that I'm probably going to do it. Now, if I can only convince my Lol friends to do it too. . .
Can FSR (or any of you guys) elaborate on this a bit? I've pretty much concluded that MOBAs aren't for me, but this kinda piqued my interest.


If what you dislike about Mobas is controlling a dude on a team with 4 other dudes and pressing doing the same 4 skills over and over to kill another team of 5 dudes, Heroes of the Storm won't change everything. Its still that kind of game.

If what you dislike about Mobas is the lack of direction of the gameplay (the object of the game is to dunk the nexus and you do that by standing around in killing minions for twenty or more minutes?), Heroes of the Storm might fix that by making the gameplay all about taking objectives. No farming, no items, just soaking xp, skirmishing over watchtowers and camps, and effectively working as a team to smash towns and accomplish the quest that the map you are on gives you. The most frustrating thing that happens in games like Lol, getting in your lane and just being useless, doesn't happen because leveling is teamwide. When you are behind, the other team can use the advantage to take objectives, but your character doesn't become useless(and your opponent doesn't become godly) just because you had a bad start.


Ecstatic Orb
I have been looting Steam during the summer sale. Ori and the Blind Forest is a fantastic platformer! Story, atmosphere, graphics, gameplay, everything. It's also funny how the game has you backtrack through some "completed" areas, which really contrasts the challenging first time you play through a part of the map with the second time, where your newfound powers make everything a breeze, even unlocking new secrets. You get a real sense of development, without the backtracking becoming very tedious. Clever! :)
It's also funny how the game has you backtrack through some "completed" areas, which really contrasts the challenging first time you play through a part of the map with the second time, where your newfound powers make everything a breeze, even unlocking new secrets. You get a real sense of development, without the backtracking becoming very tedious. Clever! :)

I always liked this about (at least the old) metroid games. The speed booster often let you literally just run through any long areas, and power bombs cleared out annoying rooms of enemies in a snap. May have to try this out!

The name reminded me of "Within a deep forest," an extremely simple freeware platformer from the mid 2000s iirc.