I'm currently running only these two, but I am often tempted to cut them completely. I do not know what a UG deck should look like in this cube, apart from BUG graveyardy stuff. What are you guys doing with this color pair?
What if you just cut the section entirely?
Does anybody have a decklist for ug tempo?
I feel like Wizards has been doing that with the "uncommon tie-in archetype card" in their gold sections lately. Just look at Origins- some of 'em are pretty boring, but I've caught myself more than once using a sealed pool generator, ignoring dragon fodders, then seeing the red/black dog in my gold and rethinking things. Or similar.I've been using the multi-color section as a sort of flex section, where the cards are there to provide prompts to players of differnt directions they could go in the draft, that might not have been obvious to them. Sort of trying to recreate the feeling of opening a pack with interesting rares. Its been fun so far.
Is the title a pun? or am I reading too far into this?