General [WAR] War of the Spark

I really, really like Ashiok. Perhaps they will be what makes me put open the gates and let some planeswalkers into my cube. They tick a lot of boxes.
  • Hybrid, so works in any Ux and Bx decks that deal with graveyard or just use it as wincon.
  • A single proliferate takes it from milling 20 to milling 24, which is a huge difference in terms of how often it wins a game.
  • Enabler for pretty much any graveyard decks in my cube, which are UB, UG or BG.
  • Does not snowball.
  • Interactive enough - any points of damage will remove a lot of its effectiveness because milling 12 is almost useless.
  • Unique effect.
  • Representation.

That's pretty cool!

As someone who runs a very specific zombie wizard counters tribal, I really like this. But really, I do like the potential of this card a lot. Makes me want to look into what cards have counters and interact well. Unfortunately, a lot of the good ones I can think of are green. It's cool with Vivids and particularly juicy with Devoted Druid. Nice stats, too. Might have to do a bit of research for this one. Especially for things with detrimental counters.

A little late, but who likes this card? (besides the stunning art from Seb)


I wish it was costed {2}{B}{G} to be more splashable in landfall, but I might try it.

I really like the card in concept, but I think it ramps a bit too late and a 4cmc kill spell isn't worth a gold slot in most environments.

I am going to try out Brad’s legendary theme for Selesnya as can be seen here:

Make sure to post back in the thread how it works out. The more I think about the deck, the more crucial I think it's going to be to have powerful synergies which include legends to take advantage of the additional tutoring. PM me or go to the Selesnya thread to chat about it. Trying to get it more developed.
EDIT: Would you guys rather keep it in the Selesnya thread or do you want me to make a development thread? Not sure on threadiquette here.

My God Review
White: Seems like it ends most games where you get any kind of follow up. Too powerful for me.
Blue: It's a bit pushed, but this ability is interesting and gives your deck a goal while also having a solid body for anyone not in some spells deck. Seems good to me.
Black: Same review as blue, but for the sac deck.
Red: I don't like how big the trigger is. You don't even need a deck to abuse the trigger and this will usually attack for 10+.
Green: Saw some hate for this guy, but I actually like it. Imagine it's a bad overrun with a 5/5 for 5 attached. That's good to me.

I don't know if this is better or worse than Remand, but it's different in interesting enough ways that even at UU I'm in.

all kinds of other leaks today but they're just boring commons or Planeswalkers and nothing that speaks to me enough to post

Chris Taylor


Man, is this...better than oblivion ring in my cube?
There's not a ton of random artifacts and enchantments I need killing with, and I'm all for letting people play better magic...


This is also interesting.
Scry 1 seems like a small consolation prize and not quite enough to last an 'eternity' in the Meditation Realm (Exile). I am sad for Bolas but there was no other way.

Looking back at the story I am mostly sad about the lack of casualties among major players. I would have killed at least 30 % of the existing planeswalkers, one would lose both legs, one would only have 3 fingers left, one would be clinically sterile, one would be forever sparkless etc. etc.

I rate this set, story, artwork and flavor texts 9 out of 10 :) So many cards to test in cube.
Well Gideon is confirmed dead:

Heartfelt Redemption
Discard all the cards in your hand. Draw the same amount of cards discarded this way plus one. Then gain life equal to the number of cards in your hand.
Kytheon knew war everyday of his life. Now finally he knew peace.

This card also looks really strong and fun
Nah he can come back anytime they like

If the story leaks are correct- Bolas was stripped of his Spark, can't use magic for even simple spells, and is locked on a world of which Planeswalkers can't come in or out.

I'd give it at least a decade before they would even consider bringing Bolas back. Even then, I think the chances would be pretty slim.

For Example- The original Phyrexians were defeated during the Apocalypse set in 2001. They would be seen again, but not until the block 10 years after their original defeat (Scars of Mirrodin).

Bolas could come back in the future, but I don't think it will be anytime soon. We just spent 11(!!!!) years following the current Bolas plotline, with the last 3 years being almost entirely devoted to it. We are literally getting an entire set about the fall of Nicol Bolas. He might come back eventually, but it will take a while.
So do you guys think the next evil threat will be Phyrexia again (on Theros was my guess) or a new one we have never seen before?


Ecstatic Orb
So do you guys think the next evil threat will be Phyrexia again (on Theros was my guess) or a new one we have never seen before?

I think Garruk is a likely next lead. As a planeswalker hunter you would expect him to end up on Ravnica, but he didn't, so my hunch is that they're saving him for a near future storyline.

That said, Elspeth's storyline also needs resolving, and the Gatewatch is down a monowhite walker, so Theros definitely is a possibility!
I think Garruk is a likely next lead. As a planeswalker hunter you would expect him to end up on Ravnica, but he didn't, so my hunch is that they're saving him for a near future storyline.

That said, Elspeth's storyline also needs resolving, and the Gatewatch is down a monowhite walker, so Theros definitely is a possibility!

Makes sense.

I always thought Garruk’s absense was due to his nature of being a planeswalker-killer and thus stepping on Bolas’ toes story-wise. Koth is also missing and I expect to see him with Phyrexia in the future.

Another opportunity is more Eldrazi but new ones se haven’t seen before.
Now that most of the set is out, these are the cards I want to test in my cube:


I am a huge fan of the static abilities on the WAR planeswalkers in general although some of them are too narrow for my taste. I am looking at you Arlinn, Voice of the Pack.


Planeswalkers I will not run

I am not a fan of Gideon Blackblade. Very powerful but he also leaves the player with almost no choices. He will always be attacking as a 4/4 since he can never block and cannot take damage. He will always use his +1 since he has no minus ability he can afford right away. He's too simple and powerful for my taste.

I am a fan of Teyo, Shieldmage but I will not run him because he will slow down games too much.

I like Vivien, Champion of the Wilds but I do not think I can craft a cube where the -2 ability will be reliable.

I am afraid of Domri, Anarch of Bolas. I fear it is too strong.

I am on the fence with Saheeli, Sublime Artificer.


Planeswalkers I will test

This Liliana will end games and do it fast. She is a huge threat and a board swing. She is expensive and thus cannot truly go into either Tokens or Aristocrats properly but she can still be added to those decks as a finisher while still be on theme. I am a big fan of such cards.

Cheap to cast and creates interesting gameplay. He can combo with any ETB creature effect you might have or restart your off-colored Demonic Pact. He opens up some flashy plays with flash sorceries, wuhuu. He makes your sorceries uncounterable.

Flexible sideboard card against control and against anyone with too much search. I am a big fan of having a few sideboard cards in cubes.

This means I include one mythic planeswalker, one rare planeswalker and one uncommon planeswalker.



I will test the four Amonkhet God-Eternals.

I run a Selesnya legendary theme (Thanks Brad) and Selesnya token theme.
I run a black-focused Aristocrats theme.
I run a Jeskai Prowess theme.

The fact that these will come back a few turns after death will only be comfortable because that will help the themes not fall apart so easily.



I will 100 % Utility Land Draft this

I will probably do the same here or include it into the cube.



Bladderblossom :p

This will be able to fuel Zombies and Aristocrats quite nicely and I don’t think the card is too strong.

I am going to errata this to converted mana cost six (4 generic + 2 white)
Is it "Parhelion Two" or "Parhelion the Second" by the way?

Exactly what I am looking for.

Dangerous but I am willing to try it out. I can see this go three ways.
1. Be too strong because it will sadly too consistently take down a planeswalker or two for only two mana. I do not run that many planeswalkers but I might be surprised.
2. Be a little extra support for your own legendary planeswalker theme. This is also not very likely.
3. Be a sideboard card against the few times you are facing an opponent who actually does have many planeswalkers.

I am hoping for a mix between 2 and 3.
So do you guys think the next evil threat will be Phyrexia again (on Theros was my guess) or a new one we have never seen before?

I think Garruk is a likely next lead. As a planeswalker hunter you would expect him to end up on Ravnica, but he didn't, so my hunch is that they're saving him for a near future storyline.

That said, Elspeth's storyline also needs resolving, and the Gatewatch is down a monowhite walker, so Theros definitely is a possibility!

Alright- so, although I don't believe it has been confirmed yet, MARO has heavily eluded to the fact that this will be a new plane. So- I think we're probably going to see a new villain. Here's why.

First- the last 5 or so years have been solely devoted to old villains. The last time we got a brand new, self-sufficient (i.e. non-bolas linked) villainous character was all the way back in 2013 with Xenagos. Many of the villains we have contended with recently were either introduced or re-introduced in the 5 years before that. I would argue that now is a good time to introduce some new villains.

Second- Magic is going to run out of old villains at this rate. 2/3rds of the Eldrazi are dead. Bolas is in Exile (literally). The cabal was destroyed (again). Point being- we basically are left with only Garruk (who I think might actually end up being a tragic hero of sorts), Sorin/Nahiri (both of whom aren't actually villains, just jerks), and the Phyrexians. If WOTC destroys the Phyrexians- there will be no other major old-school villains left in the active story.

Third- there are some legitimately cool "scrapped" and speculative villain designs that could be introduced. For example- during Theros design, Rosewater stated that the original villain was an "anti-Jace" of sorts- a Mind Mage who attacked people's dreams. That'd be a cool villain in my opinion. There's also the potential for a sort of "Planeswalker Legion of Doom" (although bolas kind of did that already). Point being- there's design space.

Fourth- there are "old" characters who could be re-introduced as "new" villains. Obviously Merit Lage is the option everyone is going to point out, but there are also characters like Lim-Dûl, and Lesherac (I think) who could very easily be used as villains. Personally, I think Heliod could be a villain, maybe pulling a Memnarch and trying to harvest a Planeswalker spark so that he can Planeswalk. That would actually be a cool "Return To Theros" concept- Heliod stealing a Planeswalker spark and becoming a Multi Planar Nuisance.

Since we're probably going to a Viking world next (not sure, but I think there's a good chance it will be some sort of colder, northern climate type plane), we might see a new Viking Planeswalker. That would be cool.

Also, This:

Instant-Speed situational Vindicate? This seems really good!
Okay okay okay I need to elaborate :p

1. I didn’t say the next set. I fully expect us to visit a new plane in the next set. I was asking about the next villain.

2. Yes 2 of the 3 known Eldrazi titans are dead and the third is Bolas’ pen pal (trapped on the moon.) but we know that there are/could be more Eldrazi titans out there in the multiverse. I have forgotten the source but it was officially stated that there could be more.

3. I fully agree with everything else and I thank you for your input ;)
I think Dreadmalkin is pretty cool and will test it, but it is for lower power / slow envs because of the steep activation cost. It's less combo-ish than Carrion Feeder, but might be better in less synergistic deck.