Which was your favorite Standard meta?
I am talking about which sets were legal when you thought Standard was best. You can also answer with a deck name/list.
My favorite Standard was Lorwyn -> Alara Reborn
So that's Lorwyn, Morningtide, Shadowmoor, Eventide, Shards of Alara, Conflux, Alara Reborn and either 10'th Edition or M10. (They were on each side of Lorwyn and Reborn and I liked both metas)
Back then I started my nationals career so there's certainly some nostalgia for me but I think the meta was SO diverse. There were six decks that were almost equally strong and tons of other off-meta decks that was not far behind.
I also liked the meta during Travis Woo's Omnidoor Thragfire (Link: https://strategy.channelfireball.com/all-strategy/home/woo-brews-omnidoor-is-the-real-deal/)
That deck was near unbeatable if piloted perfectly but it was performing poorly overall because most people could not even pilot it decently.

Which was your favorite Standard meta?
Past Fun Q
(7) Creature Power Creep
(6) Worst Nightmare
(5) Worst card to lose to and best to win with:
(4) 2021 art:
(3) Clothes & Christmas:
I am talking about which sets were legal when you thought Standard was best. You can also answer with a deck name/list.
My favorite Standard was Lorwyn -> Alara Reborn
So that's Lorwyn, Morningtide, Shadowmoor, Eventide, Shards of Alara, Conflux, Alara Reborn and either 10'th Edition or M10. (They were on each side of Lorwyn and Reborn and I liked both metas)
Back then I started my nationals career so there's certainly some nostalgia for me but I think the meta was SO diverse. There were six decks that were almost equally strong and tons of other off-meta decks that was not far behind.
I also liked the meta during Travis Woo's Omnidoor Thragfire (Link: https://strategy.channelfireball.com/all-strategy/home/woo-brews-omnidoor-is-the-real-deal/)
That deck was near unbeatable if piloted perfectly but it was performing poorly overall because most people could not even pilot it decently.
Which was your favorite Standard meta?
Past Fun Q
(7) Creature Power Creep
(6) Worst Nightmare
(5) Worst card to lose to and best to win with:
(4) 2021 art:
(3) Clothes & Christmas: