General What are your favorite cards??

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
I haven't truly and thoroughly enjoyed standard since those sets were legal. I could probably construct the Elementals deck I played from memory honestly. It was chock full of so many awesome cards I love.

Man, you said it. I remember Bloodbraid Elf into Blightning - and the cascade mechanic in general - being an unviable strategy, even though the mana base could more than support it, because the power level of all of the decks was so high. I played Standard for another year and a half after Lorwyn rotated out, but slowly came to the realization that the quality of the games was nowhere near the level of that format, and would never reach those heights again. So I stopped playing and went over exclusively to cube.

I can't put my finger on what made that format so indelible, aside from its high power level, strong-ish counter magic (for a Modern era, anyways), plethora of dense interactions, and having a huge card pool with gobs of playable cards. Hmmm, okay, now that I spell it out like that, maybe it's not impossible to put my finger on it after all.

Maybe it's because I have such strong Timmy leanings, too, that it felt like the entire tribal mechanic was custom built just for me. I think I built five fairly linear tribal decks that tickled my fancy to no end, and they're now among my favourite decks I've ever played with. The only one I still have intact - a casual deck to end all casual decks - used Drowner of Secrets's activated ability to squeeze the most out of Judge of Currents, Grimoire Thief, and Merrow Commerce (it stacked!). I wish they would incorporate more oddball, goofy subthemes like this on small handfuls of cards all the time!

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
Before I returned to Magic in 2008, my 4th Edition-era white weenie decks were using Savannah Lions, Order of Leitbur, and Crusade. I couldn't have been more thrilled and pleasantly surprised when I came back to discover that white weenie was being pushed as hard as it was - and has ever been, arguably - with a whole tribe's worth of support behind the archetype. I'll conveniently ignore the fact that the best cards in that Kithkin deck ended up being one of the OG planeswalkers and a really annoying evasive token generator. Kithkin all the way!
I wish they would incorporate more oddball, goofy subthemes like this on small handfuls of playable cards all the time!


Edit: For clarification, I liked Drowner. I wish they would print more playable stuff at common/uncommon. It gives brewers and cubers more to do.
Hahahahaha, alright I can already tell me me and Doug and Jonas are on the same page when I scrolled down through their cards and was like: I love that deck! Jonas especially reminds me of early cubing days or weird casual tournament decks I'd make.
I'd love it if we had more write ups on why they are your faves for everyone or memorable experiences.

I can't really think of why my favourites are truly right now but I'll put a couple old standbys down

Ugh I wish I could remember actual faves but man do those cards make me want to build decks. I also think I like every white card ever printed but hate myself for it.
Yeah I was so enthused when I saw people playing Carrion Feeder in their cubes with these black denial / recursion decks. Takes me back. I'm sad they force black attacking into such a weird little corner with the {B}{B} and life/card loss but god is it fun riding the razors edge with your Drinker of Sorrow or Wretched Anurid. Back with stacking combat damage black's rather novel ability to get rid of it's guys at a whim was really something. Creatures just felt so much better back then.

It's so rare you meet anyone else that's played 4 of Flesh Reaver.
Playing Sui-Black around Urza block was amazing fun, and really nerve wracking. I like that feeling of just going all in. More cards that I like in the same deck:

My favorite thing about Lorwyn/Alara block standard was there were so many viable decks, eking out tiny little advantages here and there really paid off, and you got to play with powerful cards but you got punished if you played them poorly. Example using another card I really enjoy Magus of the Moon. I was playing mono red against 5 color control. I played turn 1 Figure of Destiny he plays land pass. I attack and level for a few turns playing nothing else while he just plays a few tap lands and passes. He bounces my Figure and draws with Cryptic Command stuck on 4 lands. He misses another land drop and passes back to me. I play my figure he taps out to Cryptic it then I just slam Magus of the Moon and win.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
Why does this forum hate me? Can anyone tell me what's wrong with that formatting? Just click quote and you can see my weak attempt.

It's because all your shit is hyperlinked. Make it plain text.

EDIT: I fixed it for you.
Yeah, figured that (or a silly mistake). I think it's AutocardAnywhere which does it. I tried copy/pasting into a notepad, but couldn't hit save before they were all blue. And of course, I need to restart Firefox after disabling the add-on to do it properly. Sadface.