I also went to my first prerelease event since Shadows over Innistrad, although this one was draft.
Pack one I stayed open, drafting elements of


auras and a Threadbind Clique. I got somewhat rewarded pack two with the Goosemother. When my deck went off with stuff like Up the Beanstalk and Troyan it felt really unfair – but it didn't work consistently and I went 1-2 in the end. If I would've won the very close game three in my second match, I would've won three set boosters, but I didn't and thous didn't got anything besides a new spin down.
For my girlfriend it went even worse. She drafted a

Faeries deck, won her girst game in the first match and then nothing for the rest of the evening. I couldn't take a closer look at her deck yet, but it sounded like she was missing removal (we were at different tables and will battle it out tonight).
However, it was still a success. My gf loved the flavor and the socialising with new people, I rarely heard her talk so enthusiastic about mtg

(she honestly enjoy the game, but she's not a crazy cardboard crack junkie like me)
At the same time, I recruited about a dozen people interested in drafting my cubes, got added into some new whatsapp groups and will hopefully cube even more and with more different people soon. MtG isn't MtG without the gathering after all!