General [ZNR] Zendikar Rising Spoilers


Ecstatic Orb
Are we going to see a Kor Merfolk Vampire Goblin Elf?

Also, all of those except Kor have appeared in Alpha, as did Horror.
Thank you for posting Mr. Train :)

Yeah the four mana symbols are probably Omnath. We have the Nephilim from Ravnica and the legendary from Commander 2016.
Are we going to see a Kor Merfolk Vampire Goblin Elf?

Also, all of those except Kor have appeared in Alpha, as did Horror.

It is not a requirement that the creature types are from Alpha according to MARO. Did you mean it as a funny little coincidence that 4/5 were from Alpha? :)

The three creatures with five creature types and the Alpha-buffing artifact are two different hints.

"• Three creatures with five creature types

• An artifact granting +2/+2 to a subset of creatures that first appeared in Alpha"

In other words: I do not believe Alpha has anything to do with Zendikar Rising. The set just randomly has an artifact that grants +2/+2 to a subset of creature types that first appeared in Alpha. This is just a coincidence if you ask me.

If I were a betting man I would bet for a creature with Kor Coward Goblin Horror Wizard.


Staff member
You take a lot more game actions for the same effect is what I'm saying

Also check out the best fake:

But the landfall ability just draws the game, as it gets stuck into a loop of forever making wastes :D


Ecstatic Orb
It is not a requirement that the creature types are from Alpha according to MARO. Did you mean it as a funny little coincidence that 4/5 were from Alpha? :)

The three creatures with five creature types and the Alpha-buffing artifact are two different hints.

"• Three creatures with five creature types

• An artifact granting +2/+2 to a subset of creatures that first appeared in Alpha"

In other words: I do not believe Alpha has anything to do with Zendikar Rising. The set just randomly has an artifact that grants +2/+2 to a subset of creature types that first appeared in Alpha. This is just a coincidence if you ask me.

If I were a betting man I would bet for a creature with Kor Coward Goblin Horror Wizard.

The five creature types guess was based on the prevalent creature type in each color. Then for the other hint (the artifact) I noticed that four of those five happen to be in Alpha, as well as horror (relevant because Eldrazi were here TM), so I would guess it's one of those five (i.e. either one of the five major tribes, except Kor, or horror).
Well, double-faced cards are supposedly going to be a thing in this set according to rumors. Maybe the 5 creature type cards achieve this by having different types on opposite sides.
If we get double faced cards, wouldn't this rule out landfall as a possible mechabuc, as we'd have already two returning ones with kicker?
Well, double-faced cards are supposedly going to be a thing in this set according to rumors. Maybe the 5 creature type cards achieve this by having different types on opposite sides.

Fingers crossed!


If I were Wizards I would do a quest mechanic with double-faced cards where the front side is the quest challenge and the back side is the reward for completing the quest. It would fit the world of Zendikar and it would be in line with Wizards policy about using old mechanics in new ways.

Chris Taylor

I'm not sure 5 creature types fit on one line, so DFCs make sense.
Also makes sense with the leaked duals. I don't have a mockup on hand, but imagine an island you can have enter the battlefield transformed as a plains if you want.

Not fetch able iirc
I'm not sure 5 creature types fit on one line, so DFCs make sense.
Also makes sense with the leaked duals. I don't have a mockup on hand, but imagine an island you can have enter the battlefield transformed as a plains if you want.

Not fetch able iirc

Oh right, that makes sense! So the five creature types don’t all have to show up on the same type line. Smart! This seems very much in line with MARO’s teaser before the original Innistrad set where he teased there would be a planeswalker with 5 loyalty abilities. Turned out to be Garruk Relentless.

They could also do a level up kind of thing like we saw on Figure of Destiny to bypass the awkward type line.
If we get double faced cards, wouldn't this rule out landfall as a possible mechabuc, as we'd have already two returning ones with kicker?

Double-faced cards don't really count as a mechanic, since there are so many different ways to transform a card. Search for Azcanta and Reckless Waif have nothing in common save for having two sides.

MaRo said in the "Zendiclues" live stream that one of the new mechanics was "a new take on something we've done before." I thought that was referring to the double-faced cards rumor.


Ecstatic Orb
I'm a bit doubtful landfall is going to be a returning mechanic. It makes combat very polar, because the active player will (usually) be the only one with active landfall effects. In og Zendikar this led to a very aggressive limited meta. That said, it was the only returning named mechanic last time we revisited Zendikar, so maybe they can't get around it? At the very least, even if they choose not to include the landfall mechanic, I still expect a few "landfall" cards, even if they have to write it out.
Yeah I also doubt we’ll see landfall return as a mechanic with several cards in each color. They had the mechanic in both the first Zendikar block and the return block.
The spoiler season has begun:

Production is pretty high quality (although a bit Hearthstone childish). Still the best way to see the new spoilers is through the video and not single pictures.

Enjoy <3
I love new Linvala. It's like a souped up Selfless Spirit that sometimes does a Siren Stormtamer impression and if the stars align with a few changelings is also an Arrest. Bloodchief's Thirst is just a lot cleaner than Fatal Push, plus I love adding more incidental PW hate, since it means that I can include more of them guilt-free.
The two best hits from today are:

Gnarlid Colony is a new take on the amazing old Kavu Titan and even better gently used Untamed Kavu. Colony is great since it also buffs any +1/+1 counter shenanigans going on in your deck. I think this card is slightly better than Kavu Titan for it's built-in evasion and possible synergies, but it's not quite as good as Untamed Kavu in the average deck.

Bloodchief's Thirst is a neat little removal spell, capable of destroying pesky planeswalkers as well. This card is perfect for me because it can be used by control decks to help stop early bleeding from aggro, yet still be relevant in the late game/against the mirror.

There's also:

Party is a new mechanic where players get a bonus for basically building a D&D adventure group consisting of a Cleric, Rogue, Warrior, and Wizard. I think this mechanic will prove itself for cube unless the cards are all very pushed, since it asks both drafter and designer alike to add a bunch of cards to meet an arbitrary type threshold for fairly minor bonuses.

Grotag Bug-Catcher here is possibly an exception to this idea (although I hope it's closer to the rule). Since it's a warrior itself, it starts as a 2/2 trample for {1}{R}. However, it's pretty easy for this guy to be a 3/2 or even 4/2 trample for 2 mana. That's a pretty good rate!! I think if there are a few other reasonable party people, this could absolutely be a good inclusion. As it stands, I'm not too keen on adding a single card with such an offbeat and strange mechanic to my cube, although I could see playing it alone. This definitely will have an easier time making it in than the mutate cards, even if it is the only partier. I know some of my more min-max oriented friends are going to have a field day with this guy.
if they do party right i will absolutely tweak my sections to make adventuring parties a thing. forget mono tribe tribal!
ofc they could absolutely just screw it up... but like you said, if most party cards are like this one where you need 1 other creature from a different party tribe to make it happen? yeah!
I like the party mechanic a lot.
Now my players will think Sword of Dungeons & Dragons is a legitimate card.
Mostly just because Cleric, Warrior, Rogue and Wizard are pretty heavily supported tribes. Rogue and Cleric don't have many lords/payoffs (love prowl though) so hopefully we get more for them.
Chief of the Edge is less parasitic just by having the party mechanic in the cube. The chief really is not bad already because its two mana for a 3/2, but many inexperienced players will skip it even if they're in the colors just cuz of the tribal text. So having more cards to incentivize players picking up more cards will just keep your Cube healthy.

Chris Taylor

Okay so here's our 5 creature type card maro hinted at.
I like this new baseline of green 2 drops can be 2/3 or 3/2 occasionally.

If this thing has a decent hit rate, you figure people want a 5 mana 3/2 draw a card or 2 mana 3/2?
View attachment 3339
Okay so here's our 5 creature type card maro hinted at.
I like this new baseline of green 2 drops can be 2/3 or 3/2 occasionally.

If this thing has a decent hit rate, you figure people want a 5 mana 3/2 draw a card or 2 mana 3/2?

A vanilla 3/2 for 2 doesn't seem all that worth while.

Someone would need to do the math to figure out the optimal number of creatures that share a type with it to always have it cantrip. I don't think this card is playable unless the 5 mana mode can hit a target more than 90% of the time.
There's been a bunch more spoiled that I don't have the time to make a post for, but my secondary cube is an Onslaught cube that's patiently waiting for enough tribal density and overlap to come to fruition, so I'm excited to see Clerics and Wizards heavily featured. Also,

Compare to Thalia’s Lancers, a 4/4 first strike for 5... kinda underwhelmed on that card’s development.
awesome concept but would be hard to find a spot for when i could just run GSZ or CC or COC or whatever tutor you prefer