Sets [M21] M21 Previews!

I'm very tired right now. These are leaks but since official spoilers start tomorrow I'm just going to throw up my hands, say "whatever" and share them anyway.​
Ugin confirmed, and new Chandra! I don't know if she's good or bad. My gut says good but I'm having a hard time thinking right now...​
Good reprint!!​
My Baneslayer Prediction was correct :). I'm happy she's not Akroma.​
New Walker!​
I actually really like this guy in cube. He's a quintessential "army in a can" style card for aggro decks that also just so happens to fit right into counters shells. I like this a lot and may even test it if I open it.​
Some of you may be into the common, but I'm a bigger fan of Demonic Embrace. It makes a little dude big, gives it evasion, and is re-castable. Seems like a very good card for riptide style cubes.​
There was also a different Teferi leak which may be a leak but may also be fake and a legend which WOTC is pricing out which appears to be from Ixalan but hasn't been fully spoiled yet.​
1. Man, could Basri be any more boring? It's like they took Ajani and Gideon and just kinda smooshed them together. I would have preferred this to be a new Ajani and have them find a more unique effect and personality for whatever new white walker they made to replace Gideon. I mean, I'll probably slot the guy in because he seems hilarious with Winota, but he otherwise gets a resounding 'meh' from me.

2. I like new Chandra. I'm not sure I like her more than any of the current options I'm running, although that first +1 is super sick with Rielle, the Everwise. But I always like new Chandras, because I'm a sucker for Big Red decks.

3. That aura is awesome. Lots of effect density there. Enables black aggro, madness (which often ties in with black aggro), give lifegain strategies somewhere to spend their excess life, creates recurring enchantment casts for enchantress decks. Very meaty.

4. I'm tempted to give Baneslayer a try. I've had Archangel of Thune in the removal check slot for years, and I do love that card. But there is something to be said for running the OG, and there's a Timmy part of me deep down that can't deny that she is cool.

5, Man, should I put Ugin back in? I cut him a while back for being too backbreaking for a colorless card, but the power level of my cube has drifted upward as WotC has printed more interesting effects at a higher power level and my cube has also gotten more aggressive.
This is one of the most hateful aggro cards I've ever seen:


This hurts me deeply in my Recursive Aggro loving soul.
When Onslaught came out it brought us the original five ‘real’ Fetch lands. But it also brought us Exalted Angel. A card that was so much more expensive than anything seen before in Standard. It pushed the upper limit of how much a Standard card should cost in $. Fast forward 7 years to M10. The first Core set of the new world order brought non-reprints and also Baneslayer Angel. It got the nickname Walletslayer Angel. Or $Slayer Angel. One can still look back on MTG Salvation archives to find the old topics about this monster expensive card that once again pushed the limits. (Galadrial voice) But they were all of them deceived. For another card was printed. A card to put all other expensive cards to rest. Mister 2010 Worldwake Jace, the Mind Sculptor.

Fast forward to today. Baneslayer is worth about $7.

Do you guys think Baneslayer Angel will make an impact in Standard? Or will it be somewhat narrow and niche like Lyra Dawnbringer was 1 and 2 years ago?
Baneslayer isn't going to be anything more than a sideboard card. That's just where we're at design-wise, I'm not sure she'll even make a dent as far as Constructed goes. Pretty sad place to be.

Dom Harvey

I wish that Teferi were real but it's a great custom card!

I really like Demonic Embrace - it's a nice crossover between graveyard themes and aggro in black and it's scary with recursive creatures without being as low-cost as Grafted Wargear. It's especially good in BG which already has the best self-mill enablers as you get big threats like Wild Mongrel or Tarmogoyf to send to the sky

I want to justify running Ugin again - it's the perfect incentive for ramp while still being a realistic end-game threat for a midrange deck (compared to, say, Ulamog) and doesn't force you to keep an eye on reanimation etc the way big creatures do. That said, it's basically unbeatable for any slower deck that plays to the board which is the most common deck type in Cubes on here/in general so it places its own constraint on your format

My first impression of Basri Ket is that it's a less swingy alternative to the 1WW Ajani if you want to go wide and tall (my actual first impression is that it's great with Look at Me, I'm R&D)


I really like this as a new type of lifegain incentive (sure, Sanguine Bond exists, but this is so much easier) and yet another card that goes wild with Zuran Orb

Chris Taylor

What a weird way to preview a card. Sure I get papering over the text box, we don't know how big it is. But the...bottom part of the art? o.O
Alright I dig this one:


Instant speed activations will be obnoxious at higher loyalty, but I think the +1 and -3 template will keep this one safe for most cubes. I dig the design, not sure if can find a spot for it though. Things are going well with Mu Yanling, Sky Dancer and I don't wanna mess up a good thing.
Let's goooooo!


Leak Teferi is real.


Budget Liliana of the Veil. Actually, I think I might like this better for Riptide purposes, because limiting the number of 3 CMC planeswalkers is better for the health of a format. There's more time for your opponent to establish a board presence to threaten them.


They finally keyworded Mill.


Everyone is freaking out about Hounds being Dogs, but I'm pretty sure the dogs should gain the life and the cats should do the damage.


And a pair of interesting but probably do-nothing enchantments.