General The Card Art Thread


Just added the sweet art version of liliana's specter to the penny cube


Makes me think of some great LOTR art


Check out all of the detail on the new nightmare art--never noticed the way the artist combined the idea of disembodied fear via the skeletons into the manifestation of the horse.


this is a very SERIOUS AND RESPECTABLE fantasy card game that needs its big boob'd warrior angels to be drawn in a SERIOUS AND RESPECTABLE MANNER
i don't see anything out of line with most mtg art from 1994

generally conveys the idea of "headache" which seems to be how blue deals targeted damage with spells

probably bottom 25% of legends card art, but far from the worst thing ever
A lot of the expedition art is a treasure- it's really a shame they didn't work harder to shrink the text box or remove it altogether... the closer flowers likely won't show through too well if the process resembles old eldrazi cards or any planeswalker :(

I love the flavour provided by Izzet and Simic art. Steampunk always was a favourite of mine, and who the fuck does NOT love those adorable crossbred crabsharks and crocodilefrogs (in fact, the German name of Crocanura is the exact translation of Frogodile which just makes me happy).
Carnophage is an all-time favourite that made me fall in love with the zombie tribe early on.
There's a lot of art from Invasion block, Odyssey block and Onslaught block that really is giving me some nostalgic feelings. And damn, Peter Mohrbacher:

But I don't know if I like or hate that kind of art: