I think this post can be misinterpreted, judging by a response I deleted.
Funch: You actually have a lower power cube, right? I would suggest being a bit more careful with language/tone as it seems we're all on edge at the moment.
Correct, it is literally a cube filled with a bunch of bad french vanilla's like
Keeneye Aven, signpost uncommon synergy dudes, a few bomb rares that act as extreme power outliers to end games easily and quickly, bad removal spells like
Swat and an almost non-existent amount of fixing. The goal is to create an environment that, like retail limited, is very noob friendly. I want people who are new and/or bad at the game to be able to play that format and find it easy and simple to understand, I don't want any complicated mechanics or convoluted synergies and archetypes, just really basic magic with a wide enough power level delta to ensure that the scrubbier players can more easily get wins because they drew their unbeatable bomb rare, or their opponent had to mulligan a lot due to bad mana and got color screwed, etc.
I'm nowhere close to done with it, as I kinda put it on hold during the MH2 spoiler season and I'm still mostly in the explorative phase of design where I'm just sort of looking at collections of cards and trying to figure out exactly how I want the pieces to fit together. But it's definitely a legitimate project that I intend to finish and when I say it's a "retail limited shitty cards cube for noobs" I do mean that in the most literal sense.