Why not, I'm both Swedish and a student
While good, red is rarely particularly "interesting", most people want to do big stupid fun things in cube and red is usually viewed as the "fun police"
It's possible people know it's there, they'd just rather play some awesome ramp deck

Basically what I'm saying is it could well be a personality problem instead of a power one
I agree that red seldom is too interesting, and some of my players have an aversion towards decks that just turn sideways, and would rather play some sort of control, and have a hard time drafting aggro, so there is definitely a personalty problem to it too.
I've noticed the same thing, except switch red and blue. Generally, no one wants to be the guy in blue. The decks are usually good, but generally we find them to be boring. Its taken serious strides to get people to care about blue, but I think its starting to take hold.
As for Red, you could consider adding more hook cards or tune up your aggro even more. You are running a lot of high cost red creatures, maybe drop a couple of them for a little more early game or a few stupid red build around enchantments.
Some interesting red-based decktypes to ponder Squeebind/Aggroloam/madness value, Furnace Celebration, Ion Storm (Lol, probably not, but who knows!), Wildfire/Jokulhaups, Ponza (looks pretty supported already, though I've liked the devasting dreams angle thus far) and Wolfrunesque ramp.
I did put together a squeebind/cursed scroll/discard for value deck that went 2-1 a while ago, but no-one has tried to put it together since. I might throw in some more LD to make ponza easier to get into, like perhaps stone rain and ice storm, since RG is underrepresented in the drafting too, and I would love to see it getting some action. Madness would be fun to add, but I don't know how many of the madness cards I would use, and which ones to add. Mongrel, Rootwalla, Wurm, what else is there that is actually useful in madness? I'm actually considering taking out the last wildfire too, since I've been the only one drafting it.
My cube has an anti red-aggro personality, so I have won an obscene number of drafts with RX aggro decks. They don't play them more, so my answer has been to make red decks more fun to play. Fixing and stuff like Slayers Stronghold go a long way.
RX has been drafted a bit, but the only one that has got any results is rakdos, since the ones drafting boros are usually the ones without experience, so they get a bunch of good cards, and then end up building a sub-par deck, sadly. I try to help out, but people don't always want my help.
Yeah, as a cube owner, it's often up to you to fill the void when your players' sensibilities just don't line up with a particular archetype. In the beginning, my early playgroup had an aversion to red, so it fell to me to bust their balls with near mono-red aggro decks. More recently, my current playgroup tends to fight over green and avoid blue, so that leaves me with the control deck more often than not. It's part of the curse of being a cube owner; knowing your own list inside out, you should be able to sniff out the signals better than anyone, and move in on an underrepresented colour or archetype. It's just that with this technique, chances are that you'll find yourself gravitating towards similar decks much of the time.
Yeah, knowing the list, I do see what archetypes are completely open, but I suck at changing direction after my first pick

Which is something I need to get some practice in on, so I guess I should start doing that.
I try to get my players to look at the cube at cubetutor, at least before we start the draft, so they know what is in it, but I have some people who say that they see absolutely no synergies whatsoever. Maybe I just need to bludgeon them over the head with something.
Can I just say how much I love this place, for the feedback you get, and the random discussions that come up in the threads, it's very good at making one feel welcome