*Crick's Neck*
I'm just gonna talk in terms of the blue aggro thing here since you could hit random on gatherer until you filled your blue section and make a decent control list, even if it ends up finsihing people off with
cloud djinn
Specifically about 1 drops:
Enclave Cryptologist: Probably one of the better looteres, but almost strictly a control card.
Delver of Secrets: I've been outspoken on this before. Even if the flip chance was 50/50 (which requires aprox 20 instants/sorceries) I wouldn't want to run it. Too high variance, and a real shitty average case.
Cloudfin Raptor: Decent card, but 2 main problems. 1) You need to evolve it twice before it's worth anything as a creature, and 2) you need to play a LOT of creatures. Spending your turn casting
repulse isn't going to cut it with this guy.
Phantasmal Bear: Probably my favorite blue 1 drop at the moment. Do a quick pass over things that your opponent can cast that wouldn't kill this guy anyway (It's probably sylesnya charm). Not so great if your blue decks lean heavily on
runechanter's pike, but this is becoming less and less the case as time goes on.
Cursecatcher: This card sees play almost entirely on lord synergy, and won't be good without a pile of lords. Don't run 1 power creatures and expect people to attack with them. They get cut instead.
Wingcrafter: A decent support creature, but does very little on it's own. Even then, evasion is nice, but it's usually not worth a whole card on it's own, unless the creature is huge. Don't run cards that are only good when you're winning (Have a huge creature out)
There's a problem with blue creatures in that they all have low power. From
Merfolk Looter all the way up to
mulldrifter, blue has this problem that it can keep you on the back foot for a long time, but can never finish the job.
How sweet is
Coralhelm Commander? I'm interested, but keep forgetting to test it.
Coralhelm Commander is fine if you have time to level him up. If your cube demands people actually do something each turn, he's shit since people have to do more with their turns then pay his echo cost to remain competitive. Do remember you're basically paying

to give one of your creatures +1/+1 and flying. I'm sure that's an okay play sometimes, but would you play that card?
If you don't have all the time in the world, he's

grizzley bears, which is so below the curve it's laughable. The only reason
enclave cryptologist works despite the same principal is because it skips turns your average blue mage isn't doing anything on anyways
I like
Azure Mage but it just never seems to get activated when I play it.
If you've gotten to the point of the game where azure mage is good, you're likely in good shape.
Don't play cards that are only good when you're winning.
Man-o'-war suffers from this as well: It's really poor on the defensive. The time you buy is nice, but unless you're getting extra tempo out of it by bouncing something with auras/equipment on it, the
gray ogre you get out of it is just really disappointing.
Yeah, Metamorph is a colorless 3 drop for sure. It gets run by the first player who feels there's nothing better in the booster, regardless of what colors that player is in.
I run
Riddlesmith, which is fairly funny, but probably worse than Merfolk Looter. It can beat down though, so there's that.
I think if riddlesmith read "spell" instead of "artifact" he might be playabale. Increased Card Quality + goblin piker is an okay package, but still a little weak. I played a version with flying and it was....okay.
I have high hopes for Frost Walker (The Phantasmal 4/1 for

from FRF) for basically the same reason as phantasmal bear, but I'm not sure. 1 toughness is rough, especially on a nonevasive creature.
Lastly, my all time favorite blue tempo card needs to be shared: (Straight outta
compton prophecy)