Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight


doomed traveler is a good magic card as is. kinda surprised no similar experiences what with tokens and sac themes


And yet young wolf sucks?

I think thats maybe more of an oversimplification. Its a real card if your threats and answers are playing a meta game of rocks, papers, scissors with edict effects being part of that equation. Any of those guys became great in that instance, as threats that run support for more critical threats; and very important if they are protecting hexproof, shroud, or regenerating threats you want to warp the game around.

In a more mundane world of efficent threat vs. efficent answer, perhaps with some sac. effects tossed in, the 2/2 body it leaves behind is just very marginal to the point where it almost feels like it never had undying in the first place. Doomed traveler, on the other hand, gives you a token with evasion, which not only is a better attacker, but a better blocker as well, and is in the same color as other token strategies.

Its funny you mentioned it, because I just played against a G/B modern budget deck that was running young wolf, and all that YW did was work as a chump blocker, effectively doing nothing, and being completly incapable of exerting any kind of pressure. However, if I was having to mix my lightning bolts with stuff like diabolic edicts or chainer's edicts, rather than terminates and murderous cuts, you can imagine how amazing the card have been as a tool to protect their tasigurs or anglers.

Sure, traveler wouldn't have been amazing in that spot either, but at least spirit tokens can fly over a young pyro or an angler, or can block a delver.


Ecstatic Orb
doomed traveler is a good magic card as is. kinda surprised no similar experiences what with tokens and sac themes
Yes, but it's narrow, and it's a common. There is room for improvement to make the card more attractive to, for example, white-based Aggro decks, or spell decks (if we change the landfall trigger into a prowess trigger).
Hearthstone seems to love those sort of effects. I'm sure Haunted Creeper would be pretty rad if we ported it over.

Edit: The "insert image" function doesn't seem to be working. Here's my take on the mtg version.

Haunted Creeper {1}{G}

Creature - Spider

When Haunted Creeper dies, put two 1/1 Spirit Spider tokens onto the battlefield.



Ecstatic Orb
I don't know what to say guys, have you really been satisfied with Doomed Traveler in your white-based aggro decks? I agree the card is fine, and good even in sacrifice decks (Cartel Aristocrat, Goblin Bombardment, Smoketack, etc), but ugh, the 1 power. I hate it!

I will be testing this instead, which is much cleaner than the attempt above:

Paragon of Virtue.png

Chris Taylor

Hearthstone seems to love those sort of effects. I'm sure Haunted Creeper would be pretty rad if we ported it over.

Edit: The "insert image" function doesn't seem to be working. Here's my take on the mtg version.

Haunted Creeper {1}{G}

Creature - Spider

When Haunted Creeper dies, put two 1/1 Spirit Spider tokens onto the battlefield.


I had this in my cube for an update or two. It's good, possibly too good, and there's lots of nice little things about it (It's arc lightning with goblin bombardment in play, does a great job just blocking, reach is relavant, etc)
One small point though, in order to MTG-ify it a bit, I had it make generic White Spirit tokens instead of the spirit spiders. (Also your tokens are missing a color)
Here's mine if you like the art better :p

If you've got a lot of scry and scry-ish effects going on, to the point of "i know my top card" being an archetype, is this worth 4 mana?

And while we're at it, what does this gal need to be worth her 3 mana in said decktype?


Conundrum Sphinx
If you've got a lot of scry and scry-ish effects going on, to the point of "i know my top card" being an archetype, is this worth 4 mana?
Do I need to point out that it is still a 4/4 flyer for 4 mana? That is a good rate, and synergies with already cool cards like Courser of Kruphix and Brainstorm are a sweet bonus.

And while we're at it, what does this gal need to be worth her 3 mana in said decktype?
Flamespeaker Adept
No idea. A high density of instant speed scry that are not on combat tricks? Hmm... Viscera Seer would be a sweet one to have in play along side her, but at that stage you have basically just assembled a 2-card Nantuko Husk. Jace's Sanctum basically gives her Prowess? Crystal Ball? Adept didn't get touched in standard, even with the Temples being the best dual land option, but possibly at a lower power level, where Temples are prevalent as well as a fair amount of incidental scry.

I don't know, but with Scry becoming ever-green, perhaps we will reach a point where it occurs often enough on random cards that we can start to think of her ability as more like Prowess, but even then a 2/3 for 3 Prowess that gains first strike still needs a slightly lower power level.
I was thinking of giving her Menace, but i feel like there's another simple ability that would do the trick even more elegantly. Like, the ceiling is there, i just want to raise her floor/average case a bit (okay maybe more than a bit).

In terms of cube power level, the cube i want to stick her in is, uh, maybe 2 notches below an unpowered MTGS cube. Like there's no Titans or Swords of X&Y but there will be PWs and Scuttling Doom Engine.

But srsly what about Menace? Or maybe add 3R: Scry 1?

I do like the double strike scry trigger but i want to raise the floor more than the ceiling.
I do agree that giving her a scry ability would be a good way to go, but that's a lot of words to sharpie in. I'm thinking something like "3R: Scry 1" would be about right, but it's hard to tell, play unplayed, whether that'd be too much or not enough.
I just don't think it's worth it. You take good scry cards because they're good, not because you want to power up the flamespeaker. It feels like you're trying to force something that isn't worthwhile in the first place.
It's worth it to me because I do like Flamespeaker Adept (though I know she's un-cube-able as is), and I do want to run an under-supported (but IMO quite fun) theme that she would work well in, once she has a simple boost. The question is, what boost do I want to give her?
I'm gonna try a few of the things suggested on here, and break singleton on Magma Jet, to see how the theme holds up as a draft-around.