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  1. VincePendrell

    General Fight Club

    I'm actually considering the krasis for my next iteration of powered cube. It is a decent combat trick, works wonders as an aggro deterrent and combos with Kiki-Jiki/Splinter Twin and whatnot. The card is not without uses, and it is so cheap that it is worthless to trade away.
  2. VincePendrell

    Article ChannelFireball: Grid Drafting and Tenchester

    Article was 10 out of 10, would read again. Aston's last pick made me think for a second that a card hadn't loaded, then I was like "I see what you did there" I'm actually really interested in the software you made for picking the cards. How is the drafting workflow? Do you have any VODs of it...
  3. VincePendrell

    General Custom Cards: The Lab

    We just used a post-it to note down whatever was being copied and kept it inside a sleeve with a basic land. Markers over basic lands or crappy cards are also a possibility.
  4. VincePendrell

    General Custom Cards: The Lab

    I've participated in a Build-your-own Cube draft a couple of weeks ago (no, I'm not dead in a ditch somewhere) and came up with this mechanic that was inspired by the Riptide Lab<3: (Conehead Zombie was waaaaay more OP than expected, especially because there was a Hidden Agenda Conspiracy that...
  5. VincePendrell

    GP Utrecht?

    hahahah... I actually came back around a couple of times during these years to lurk on you guys, especially during the Conspiracy release. Though I've had no time or money to invest on Magic, so yeah. On the event, it seems like there are at least 2300 people registered...
  6. VincePendrell

    GP Utrecht?

    Hey guys, long time since I haven't even logged in here! I've been living in Denmark and have been away from Magic for the last two years, though I noticed that GP Utrecht is not that far away from here and its right around the time of my birthday, so was thinking about the possibility of flying...
  7. VincePendrell

    Card/Deck Green Aggro

    You can build what would be the best and worst decks possibles that would play him and try them against some 3-0 lists that you have recorded to get through your testing bottleneck ;) (or just put Garruk in your 3-0 lists and ride him to victory) I did this a lot of times when I wasn't sure...
  8. VincePendrell

    Pendrell's Cube (576 cards, powered, uses a test pool)

    I have a full drafting day schedule for tomorrow (aka today before I wake up) so I hope to bring a lot of new data here. We had a small draft today with 5 people between the FNM rounds. We did a very confusing first-come-first-served type of matchmaking and, by the end of the night, nobody was...
  9. VincePendrell

    Tinker 2.0 Release

    Just adding to my suggestions: Would be good to have a way to track how long some cards are in your list. Not only as a curiosity, but could help editing contents of a list whenever someone adds new cards and wants to edit their info in the list. The user could just organize by newest cards on...
  10. VincePendrell

    General Chatcast topics

    Looks like it is going to be very entertaining. I'm not going to be online to watch or hear it live, but I'm sure going to check it out later (assuming that you guys are going to record it and make it available).
  11. VincePendrell

    Pendrell's Cube (576 cards, powered, uses a test pool)

    Just updated my CubeTutor page with all my cube depowering changes: I'll probably be updating my spreadsheet sometime during next week if I have enought time. I only have two weekends left here in Brazil, so I won't have much time for testing out my list and...
  12. VincePendrell

    Tinker 2.0 Release

    Yeah, I think it might not even be the display limit that is the problem. Going through changes in the list is a rather dull process in Cube Tutor yet. I think there is a bunch to inprove on both that front and on data analysis and display. Cube Tutor could use some more Lambic :rolleyes:
  13. VincePendrell

    Card/Deck Green Aggro

    Midrange (better with equips and stuff) ;) It is also a good tech in mirror matches or against creature decks because of regeneration. I think the true question is: What are we expecting of green as an aggro color? What past examples of good green aggro decks we want to foster? Are we...
  14. VincePendrell

    Tinker 2.0 Release

    Lebenski, are there any plans for being able to download cube lists or making duplicates? I'm currently doing a bunch of changes for my cube and would like to keep my soon-to-be previous list separated for parralel development. Oh yes, I think someone might have asked this already (I probably...
  15. VincePendrell

    Pendrell's Cube (576 cards, powered, uses a test pool)

    I haven't actually tried it since about 2009. I'm adding it to my test queue to see how it goes in the future.
  16. VincePendrell

    Card/Deck Green Aggro

    This is a thread that interests me very much. I currently play both "last picks" Wolfbitten Captive and Jungle Lion and I'm almost embarassed to say that they have pulled some heavy weight on a few ocasions. Those were very exquisite ocasions, so I'm not taking them as a baseline to say that...
  17. VincePendrell

    Pendrell's Cube (576 cards, powered, uses a test pool)

    Doing some preliminary changes for playing a little today. Next week, I'll have my hands on the rest of the cards needed to unpower and double-fetch my cube. - Savannah Lions → + Champion of the Parish #2 - Icatian Javeliners → + Champion of the Parish #3 - Vampire Lascerator → + Gravecrawler...
  18. VincePendrell

    A place for input:

    Just as a heads up: It is now possible to change the number of packs for each player in a draft. Pack configuration would be cool, though.
  19. VincePendrell

    Article ChannelFireball: Set Cubes

    Might be one of your best articles to date. Loved the intersection of real math with cube design. I wished more articles were about decisions based on data analysis and less about "I think these cards are powerful" (not that those aren't entertaining).
  20. VincePendrell

    Pendrell's Cube (576 cards, powered, uses a test pool)

    Oh, I'm not changing cube size. Those are making way to other cards :D I'll keep my eye on Spellskite as well, even though he does poses as an interesting card for tempo to evade removal as well. Do you guys know any more interesting removal spells that work better in aggro than in control decks?