It only took one draft for me to sour on Diregraf Colossus. It seems really parasitic, a bum of a card without gravecrawler, and even then you need a sac outlet to really break it.
I tried it out for a long time, but it never worked. It was one of those that would get last-picked passed to me and I'd think, sweet, this time for sure.
Maybe I've stepped down the power level enough or added enough sweet white aggro to try it again since then, but my impression was it was...
Fair enough. It was never my intention to offend. But while we're offended, who said Deranged Hermit was a 'he'? All I see depicted in the art is a Elf Hermit Creature of indeterminate gender with the rare all-leg-day workout routine.
We had a 4-player draft tonight, with some really...
I've always wanted a playable-at-my-power-level Great teacher's decree.
I would start, though, with something even simpler - a {1}{W} Kor Hookmaster and a {1}{U} Frost Lynx.
Had a really silly heads-up draft today. Villain appeared to be building the Eureka deck, so for some reason I decided to build a pile that relied on turning over creatures with Mesmeric Orb and reanimating from both graveyards with Puppeteer clique and Diabolic Servitude.
Plan B was having...
I'll put in a good word for Obelisk of Alara.
Obelisk of Alara
It's been in the cube since the beginning, pretty highly picked. There you usually don't see it cast and activated on the same turn, it's more take the tempo hit as soon as you can afford to and try to turn the corner on the...
People complain about MTG commons being boring or a waste of a card, but Wizards would never go as far as Blizzard has with shit like Ice Rager and now Am'gam Rager
Nerfs are up!
That can't be all of them, though. They nerfed Druid into the ground and barely mentioned the other classes.
Everybody knows about T1 Gravecrawler into T2 Carrion Feeder into T3 Liliana, Heretical Healer.
What about T1 gravecrawler, T2 Erayo, Soratami Ascendant, T3 Gitaxian Probe & Carrion Feeder?
I've added even more SOI cards but haven't had much opportunity to test them. In the meantime, here are some hot takes on issues that have come up here recently:
There aren't enough playable reanimator spells, I imagine because the mechanic is really strong in constructed. Right...
Double Bonesplitter? Seems a bit on the weak side next to the other cards in the list, such as Lotus Cobra and Precursor Golem and such.
Here's one I'm really proud of that I think does the trick much better:
Double Grafted Wargear.
Eh? EH? Loves tokens, loves aggro, loves recursion...