Due to the way rarities do things to real sets that they don't do to cubes, we probably need to do everything by as-fan. There's no value in saying that some set has 15 one drops (or whatever); there is value in saying 1.2 cards in a booster are one drops.
E: Also this kind of bullshit...
Lorwyn was treefolk, goblin, elf, giant, kithkin, elemental, merfolk, faerie; warrior, shaman, rogue, wizard, soldier; changeling. I might be missing something?
Way more race types than I was expecting.
Of course it's bonkers! That's what enamoured me to it as a design! If red gets easy counterspells, I'd want it to have some catastrophic drawback somewhere, because that's kinda how red needs to function.
Stone rain is a three mana spell if land destruction is designed to be viable. It's deliberately held back because, lets be honest here, we want to play magic. If land destruction is good enough to consider running at tournaments, we end up playing 'I hope you can win with only 2 mana (you can't)'.
The decks that don't care about blocking profitably don't care about tricks, so they just don't draft them; this leaves them open to table to the creature decks that do want to combat profitably.
At some point we should really do some analysis of trick density, creature density, theme density...
Yeah, but it'd give you some sweet stories. Surprise counter your spell so I can win next turn seems like a good use of that sort of lose the game shenanigans, although since it's flashback you'd need a discard outlet to get properly free. Might be awkwardly splashed into non-red decks at that...
So, er, I never read people's cubes. If I want to get a feel for them, I draft them on cubetutor and see what I see. I probably end up with first level thinking decks, but I see what's floating around that's non-standard. I can't parse that many cards.
Right, and then that is a deliberate decision to make attach-ing things less good, which means your auras and other equipment also have to be pretty insane to be any good at all, and limits the viability of combat tricks that don't just end up with you 2-for-1ing yourself. Giant growth can't be...
But seriously, I think we should talk less in absolutes ("Jitte/Batterskull/JTMS is GRBS", "4 Gravecrawlers is dope"), and more in, like, "Jitte is red flagged for GRBS, but should be ok if xyz", "multi-crawler works well if you support themes xyz".
Mill god plus triton tactics seems fun. For varying values of fun. I'd run him, but might cut the mill everyone 7 sorcery with flashback who's name I've forgotten.
1W: next turn your creatures get +1/+0 until end of turn and deal 4 damage to the 1 power creature of your opponent's choice, unless your opponent deals one damage.
best sorcery. certainly better than the 1/1 that turns into a 3/3.