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  1. Eric Chan

    Sets Shadows over Innistrad Spoilers Thread

    I love that poor man's Primeval Titan! All of the M11 titans are well above the power level of where I want a six drop to be, but swapping out trample for reach makes a huge difference in letting the green ramp deck stabilize and set up for a long game, rather than just rumbling their way to...
  2. Eric Chan

    General Fight Club

    I thought Black Sun's Zenith would be the be-all end-all, but in practise, we found it unwieldy and clunky. Four mana to do an Infest impression is a really bad rate, and even a six mana Wrath isn't all that impressive anymore. If Languish is an option you're not already running, my vote would...
  3. Eric Chan

    Notes From The Road: Japan Part 1

    Pretty sure that makes you the first developer and contributor on this site! Hard to believe, but in three years, you're the only person to shake and bake. So your 'developer' title isn't accurate anymore - what custom title do you want?
  4. Eric Chan

    The Video Game Thread

    I'm late to the party on this one, but I've been hooked on Civ 5 for the last couple of weeks. Holy crap game is addictive.
  5. Eric Chan

    Card/Deck Shit Thread: Planeswalker Tier List

    Not to be pedantic... but dumping all three +1/+1 counters on a single, dominating threat can often be just as backbreaking as spreading the wealth.
  6. Eric Chan

    General Fight Club

    Fact or Fiction vs. Dig Through Time
  7. Eric Chan

    Sets Shadows over Innistrad Spoilers Thread

    if Bone Splinters was any indication, I suspect Angelic Purge is going to be pretty bad, despite being able to sacrifice lands in limited at least you'll be able to dump a clue!
  8. Eric Chan

    Card/Deck Shit Thread: Planeswalker Tier List

    Yeah, Meltyman's tier list is great - we can tell you've taken the time to test all of these planeswalkers thoroughly and be able to speak articulately about why you think they rank where they do. I'm with Chris in that Ajani, Mentor of Heroes is underrated. Dude is straight up bonkers. He...
  9. Eric Chan

    Eric Chan's Modern cube (405)

    I run 50 fixers (two sets of shocks, two sets of fetches, and then a mix of temples & manlands) in a 360, which at first felt a little excessive, but I've slowly come to appreciate. But it all but squeezes out any other sweet fixing lands Wizards prints. Evolving Wilds is the perfect power...
  10. Eric Chan

    Eric Chan's Modern cube (405)

    Utility land draft was available for this sealed deck, which includes Evolving Wilds, among other selections. But that still doesn't fix the awkwardness of a R/W aggro deck with zero Sacred Foundry and zero Arid Mesa :confused:
  11. Eric Chan

    Sets Shadows over Innistrad Spoilers Thread

    It's probably a hair better than the Ire Shaman that I'm currently running, who's no slouch but isn't terribly exciting, either. I also suspect that many turns it'll do nothing - a lot of the power of Dark Confidant is revealing lands and taking zero - but I suppose if you merely draw one spell...
  12. Eric Chan

    Eric Chan's Modern cube (405)

    What I meant by my flippant comment is that in a 'normal' cube, your fixing situation tends toward mediocre, whether you run a draft or a sealed event. In cubes on this forum, though, fixing tends to be sweet in draft. However, that doesn't extend over to sealed, because of the nature of opening...