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  1. Eric Chan

    General Fight Club

    I haven't cubed with Caller of the Claw, but I'll throw out yet another controversial opinion: Predator's Howl is at least as good as Collected Company in cube, where you don't have nearly as much control over the latter's outcome as you do in constructed, but the former reliably generates six...
  2. Eric Chan

    General Fight Club

    I personally think the card is underrated: it's pretty straightforward to trigger morbid in a creature-heavy deck, and plays out as a Collected Company that never misses.
  3. Eric Chan

    General Fight Club

    To put things into perspective, this is a recent, sample, 'Little Kid' 3-0 deck from my cube. Lotus Cobra should be theoretically good in such a G/x aggro deck, but in practise, is that even true? Even with four fetches in this deck, I'm not sure if there's a card I'd cut, were someone to hand...
  4. Eric Chan

    The Podcast Thread

    Limited Resources is great, though it's one that I often have to play at 1.25x or 1.5x speed, because Marshall does a ton of beating around the bush before he makes his points. Sometimes I wish there was an LSV-only edit.
  5. Eric Chan


    Okay, cool! Are all those single player thingies free, or...?
  6. Eric Chan

    The Podcast Thread

    Podcasts are the best thing ever, it makes menial house chores like vacuuming and washing dishes that much more bearable. Let me check both of those out. Also need more suggestions! MOAR!111
  7. Eric Chan


    I just installed Hearthstone last night for the first time in about two years... where should I start? Arena? Or one of those single-player expansions?
  8. Eric Chan

    General Fight Club

    Another vote for 2 cmc mana rocks, 5 cmc wraths. I find over here that control decks desperately want to land their artifact acceleration/fixing on turn two, which vaults them out of the early game and squarely into the mid game, which is where they want to hunker down and set up shop. Whether...
  9. Eric Chan

    General Fight Club

    Possible controversial opinion incoming, but has anyone been impressed by Lotus Cobra in a cube environment? Even with 20 fetches in a 360, the little guy occasionally doesn't produce mana right when you most need it, which is infuriating; the very rare occasions he boosts you by two mana don't...
  10. Eric Chan

    The Podcast Thread

    What podcasts do people listen to? I have a couple on rotation, but am looking to add some more. Not specifically asking about Magic podcasts - in fact, the more varied the better!
  11. Eric Chan

    The Wrestling Thread

    Anyone else follow pro wrestling? After roughly eleven years of not watching a match (the same length of time I took a break from Magic, incidentally), I started following a couple of promotions recently, and man is wrestling incredible right now.
  12. Eric Chan

    General Breaking Singleton

    That's really interesting about doubling up on Tormenting Voice. My plan for my next cube update was to double up on Faithless Looting - but maybe going with one of each is the better plan? I was never too impressed with Voice in the Khans nor Dragons limited formats, but it's clearly seeing...
  13. Eric Chan

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    I will say I really enjoy Blackmail - I can't remember who first suggested it on these boards, but it's been a great addition. It's not as powerful as the staples, Thoughtseize and Inquisition of Kozilek, but a) it never whiffs, b) it can hit lands, c) both players feel like they have some say...
  14. Eric Chan

    Article Dom's Pro Tour OGW Report
  15. Eric Chan

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    Yeah, the major downside with all of these targeted discard spells is that their value goes way downhill if you don't cast them exactly on some optimal turn X. Even the likes of Inquisition of Kozilek can whiff.
  16. Eric Chan

    Sets Spoilers Over Innistrad (Digest)

    i have nothing meaningful to contribute other than to say i pressed like on your post because of the adorable weird squiggles around ~weasel words~
  17. Eric Chan

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    Interesting! That's a great point I hadn't considered. I have no idea how to model this, but using a very simplified assumption that the opponent has drawn 10 total cards before you cast Appetite for Brains, but has yet to cast any of the four-drops or bigger in their hand, that bumps your...
  18. Eric Chan

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    Oops, my math was off. My cube is actually 32% cmc 4 or greater, when looking purely at spells; I mistakenly arrived at 27% because I'd also counted all the lands. But, uh, those numbers are still in the ballpark!
  19. Eric Chan

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    I think it has a pretty decent chance of whiffing, cast on any turn other than turn one. Most Riptide cubes have pretty low curves, and not a lot of spells with mana costs above three, which might make this dicier than in your traditional cube. Assume that 30% of your cube has a cmc of 4 or...
  20. Eric Chan

    Sets Spoilers Over Innistrad (Digest)

    I assume Standard is why Westvale Abbey and Thing in the Ice are both $20 (!). High singles prices really putting a damper on my cube testing.