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  1. Eric Chan

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    holy crap, is that a real card...?! i've never seen or heard of that
  2. Eric Chan

    General Modern Masters 2015 - Director's Cut

    I'll grant that Creakwood Liege is essentially a gold card, and not hybrid like its mana cost would suggest. Even though it's eminently killable, you still sometimes come across Baneslayer Angel problem, wherein, although Path to Exile and Doom Blade (among other things) were both legal in the...
  3. Eric Chan

    General Modern Masters 2015 - Director's Cut

    That's an entirely fair point against Mycoloth - it's just that I would level the same criticisms at Creakwood Liege, in that it can run away with the game when unanswered, and a turn earlier at that. It might be one to watch out for, and to cut for the same reasons if it gets out of hand. I'm...
  4. Eric Chan

    Article Necrotic Brews: The Goryo’s Vengeance Variety Hour
  5. Eric Chan

    General Modern Masters 2015 - Director's Cut

    but not Good Stuff, that's something totally different
  6. Eric Chan

    General Modern Masters 2015 - Director's Cut

    Agree, this looks out-and-out amazing, and a much-needed improvement to bring a set that had great gameplay but middle-of-the-road drafting to the next level, without undercutting the archetypes built into the set. I've already forgotten what archetype B/G is supposed to be in this set - was...
  7. Eric Chan

    General Fight Club

    I'm going to be the party pooper for this one, but Obelisk of Alara did stone nothing for us while it was in our cube, despite the high density of fixing available. Perhaps we're spoiled by planeswalkers these days, but this essentially reads as a six-mana walker with an upkeep of {2}. I'm not...
  8. Eric Chan


    I read the patch notes, but it's all gibberish to me... could someone explain in plain English the ramifications on the decks and classes, for this Hearthstone noob?
  9. Eric Chan

    General Fight Club

    Harm's Way is great in aggro vs. aggro mirrors, where there are lots of small and medium sized creatures going to town on one another. You can blow out some opponents pretty hard with this pseudo-combat trick; on the other hand, it does a bad Magma Spray impression against a control, or...
  10. Eric Chan

    Sets Spoilers Over Innistrad (Digest)

    I think I'd be excited about her if her front side was marginally more interesting, because as RavebornMuse notes, she's not likely to flip in every game she's cast. She's probably a vigilance or first strike keyword away from playable.
  11. Eric Chan

    General Making control decks more interesting

    That just reminded me: Sphinx's Tutelage
  12. Eric Chan

    General Making control decks more interesting

    Yeah, that card was just a hair short of playable without Teachings to give it a boost. In all seriousness, though, I figure aggro and midrange decks would snap up Avacyn too quickly for a control deck to make a play for her. Jank, junk, or jewel? Wydwen, the Biting Gale Teferi, Mage of...
  13. Eric Chan

    General Making control decks more interesting

    Now that a lot of us run Draining Whelk - which is a sweet card, even without Teachings! - I think we might be only one or two flash creatures away from a Mystical Teachings deck being a real thing.
  14. Eric Chan

    General Making control decks more interesting

    The tricky part about a synergy-heavy control deck is that, by their very nature, control decks live and die on their cheap interaction. In a way, an interactive control deck, with a curve as lean and sleek as an aggro deck, is every bit as satisfying both to draft and to play as any...
  15. Eric Chan

    General Making control decks more interesting

    Yeah, but it'd be both boring and narrow if that was the only thing you could do with Gifts, not to mention locking people into three colours. Unburial Rites works fine with looters, self-mill, or just by itself as a value card; it doesn't need much help.
  16. Eric Chan

    General Making control decks more interesting

    Maybe it's too low powered, but I've always wanted to support Mystical Teachings-based control, so that your random pile of removal, counterspells, and card draw suddenly becomes a "toolbox". Grillo had a fantastic post on his own cube thread recently about how he supports this archetype. Gifts...
  17. Eric Chan

    The Podcast Thread

  18. Eric Chan

    The Podcast Thread

    informal poll: what's the best speed to listen to podcasts at
  19. Eric Chan

    General Fight Club

    Howl is usually the last thing you want to cast if you're just building out your board presence against another creature deck, but it's the first thing you want to hold up if you're not sure whether to commit more bodies against an opponent who might Wrath at any moment. Though it's an instant...