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  1. Eric Chan

    Card/Deck The Simic Combine

    Is anyone still on Bring to Light I've had it in for a while now, but I don't think it's cutting the mustard.
  2. Eric Chan

    Sets [EMN] Eldritch Moon Spoilers Thread

    Eternal Scourge seems pretty sweet, and because it's colourless, the barrier for entry into cube is a lot lower than if it were mono-coloured. I can see it taking the Endless One slot in my cube, as they both fit into aggro/midrange shells, but the former feels like it would lead to more...
  3. Eric Chan

    General Seeding Packs - An Exercise in Randomness

    Yeah, from what I understand, MODO actually does use print runs in its digital-only products, so with the Holiday Cube (or whatever they call it now) all the Power was clumped together. It sounds weird - and I think sealed deck was busted?! - but it made sense for draft, because it ensured that...
  4. Eric Chan

    General Seeding Packs - An Exercise in Randomness

    This is a problem in paper as well as digital, with any cube randomization method: What you want is not true randomness, which produces odd spikes that are really bad for signalling, but the appearance of randomness, when in fact you're doing something more akin to a uniform distribution. Two...
  5. Eric Chan

    General Custom Cards: The Lab

    file this under "things I least expected to hear immediately after AW YEAH!"
  6. Eric Chan

    General Fight Club

    Okay, I think I'm convinced - I still run Banishing Light, Prison Term, and Faith's Fetters as enchantment-based creature removal, so it makes sense to swap one card out from that suite.
  7. Eric Chan

    General Fight Club

    Journey to Nowhere vs. Declaration in Stone
  8. Eric Chan

    Sets [EMN] Eldritch Moon Spoilers Thread

    I think I'm board with this one for cube. She's decent if not spectacular in reanimator or any other kind of cheats deck, but if she can be reliably cast for ~9 mana, that makes her a perfectly reasonable top-end ramp target, with both a unique and fun effect on the game. She's probably...
  9. Eric Chan

    General Fight Club

    Hellrider and Hero of Oxid Ridge were both too good here, so I tried downgrading them into Shaman of the Great Hunt (who, really, is a mono-red card - all that ferocious & hybrid fluff is flavour text). After a couple of drafts with this switch, I'm not even sure it's that much of a downgrade...
  10. Eric Chan

    To loot or not ?

    That's a good way of putting it, and probably why most people's gut feeling to not loot immediately is so strong and raw: it hurts to have to move the second best card in your deck from your hand to your graveyard, but it hurts a lot less if your best card was on top of your deck when you died...
  11. Eric Chan

    To loot or not ?

    I think I understand why it's correct to loot on end-step, despite holding a great card in hand, but this goes against everything my intuition tells me. My 'gut feel' is so strong that I probably still wouldn't loot at the end of my opponent's turn, despite strong reasoning that proves my gut is...
  12. Eric Chan

    Sets [EMA] Eternal Masters Spoilers Thread

    I'm really happy that it's not just Vintage Masters redux - there's a healthy sprinkling of Modern-legal cards, and a lot of them seem positioned as exciting build-arounds, to boot. Green is the only colour I'm a little disappointed in, as there look to be three non-overlapping strategies which...
  13. Eric Chan

    Sets [EMA] Eternal Masters Spoilers Thread

    Wow am I hyped for this set. The commons alone make me really want to give this a go - it's like a Riptide cuber's dream! To say nothing of the uncommons, many of which look worthy of building around - or, are just plain awesome. Now this is complete and utter GRBS... but I guess G/W...
  14. Eric Chan

    General CBS

  15. Eric Chan

    Article Rethinking 'Rethinking Red'
  16. Eric Chan

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    I've tried to run Enlisted Wurm in about every format since they printed it - cube included - and it was always nowhere near good enough. A vanilla 5/5 for {6} is way, way behind the curve, and flipping up a Llanowar Elves just as often as a useful five drop gets you killed right quick. At six...
  17. Eric Chan

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    Is there some kind of big mana, super value engine in Etherium-Horn Sorcerer, a la Capsize? I never cared for Enlisted Wurm, because he was just too unreliable, but being able to get a free spell for nine mana a turn sounds like just the kind of Durdly McDurdles that a U/x control deck might be...
  18. Eric Chan

    General Elegance in cube card selection

    Though I do this here and there with my cards, I've never explicitly thought of it as 'elegance', but more as having some simpler, easier-to-process 'vanilla' cards that just do what they say. Especially when the edge cases are likely to come up less than 5% of the time, I try and go with the...
  19. Eric Chan

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    Sheoldred, Whispering One still the original and the best but if she's too strong, Overseer of the Damned is a good alternative
  20. Eric Chan

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    Yeah, Prison Term also came to mind when I saw Martial Law. While it's less flexible and more likely to be cleared off the board, I think the one mana savings is more than worth it, as it makes it that much more likely to make the cut in an aggro deck.