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  1. Eric Chan

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    Well, the effects of a three or four mana planeswalker on the game are often more subtle and insidious than the high impact, immediate effect a five or six mana walker will have. Liliana of the Veil won't win you the game by turn five or six; Jace, the Mind Sculptor often takes a long time to do...
  2. Eric Chan

    General What makes you cut an archetype?

    A combination of narrow enablers and/or too much linearity (poison principle) the archetype not being highly valued by the draft group, or just plain not understood middling power level, even when the whole deck comes together Birthing Pod was an example of the second point here - my player...
  3. Eric Chan

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    Maybe this is a bit of an exaggeration, but that's generally my issue with Every Planeswalker Ever. Most of them are fair to decent when the board state is about even; many of them are downright awful when you're behind, with some notable exceptions; but the majority of them can take a small...
  4. Eric Chan

    General Breaking Singleton

    Hmmm, I wasn't thinking of squadron picks; one copy seems good enough on its own that I don't want to reward drafters with a second one automatically. I guess I'll just use a second slot in green for now, and force the deck once or twice to figure out its ceiling.
  5. Eric Chan

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    I remember Tidings vs. Fathom Trawl being a minor debate when they were both legal in the same Standard format. I think most people ended up opting for Tidings, cause decks that want a five-mana draw spell can often use the extra lands. The bigger question is whether your deck has the time and...
  6. Eric Chan

    General Breaking Singleton

    Life from the Loam Now that I've both lowered the power level of my own cube, and seen the mythical lands deck come together (...kind of), I'm starting to come to the conclusion that Loam, being one of the key engines of this deck, is a card that's probably worth doubling up on, since it's an...
  7. Eric Chan

    Sets [EMN] Eldritch Moon Spoilers Thread

    If I'm running Exalted Angel as a mid-sized, control-friendly lifegain flier, is Gisela a good candidate to replace her? She's easier to get into play, which might be worth losing two points of toughness for. All that meld text is a real downside, though, and might set wrong expectations; I...
  8. Eric Chan

    Sets [EMN] Eldritch Moon Spoilers Thread

    Hmmm, when I ran Guttersnipe, he acted as more of an easy-to-remove global enchantment than as an actual body; it was really hard to either attack or block with a Gray Ogre profitably. I understand that Thermo-Alchemist only does one off each spell, but I was picturing more of a slow burn...
  9. Eric Chan

    Sets [EMN] Eldritch Moon Spoilers Thread

    I really want to like Thermo-Alchemist. Besides reminding me of Vent Sentinel, it fills the "cheap, defensive red creature with utility" hole that most of us might not even know we have; for the vaunted Big Red decks to work, they often need a little help surviving until the mid-game. For...
  10. Eric Chan

    Site News Sign-ups: 8-player forum-based draft #2

    Aoret - tag in for me? You both have MTGO and stream, you're a much better candidate to draft. I haven't made any picks yet.
  11. Eric Chan

    Sets [EMN] Eldritch Moon Spoilers Thread

    I get that Hornet Queen attacks for six in the air, but then, in those situations where you're winning, any ol' Shivan Dragon will do. It's the situations where you're not winning that all those deathtouch tokens clog up the board; in my experience, any deck trying to set up for a green seven...
  12. Eric Chan

    Card/Deck The Simic Combine

    one copy of Collected Company, four copies of Bring to Light awkward that it can't fetch Birthing Pod
  13. Eric Chan

    Card/Deck The Simic Combine

    I just cast Bring to Light for the full five colours, and it was... underwhelming. I didn't realize it was restricted to only three types until I read the card while resolving it, what a bummer. My feeling is that this card has the Birthing Pod problem of being better in constructed, where you...
  14. Eric Chan

    General Decks that have 3-0'd your cube

    Ones 1 Vapor Snag Twos 1 Augur of Bolas 1 Merfolk Looter 1 Reassembling Skeleton 1 Cyclonic Rift 1 Murderous Cut 1 Negate Threes 1 Flesh Carver 1 Mardu Strike Leader 1 Nightveil Specter 1 Hero's Downfall Fours 1 Dungeon Geists 1 Murderous Redcap 1 Venser, Shaper Savant 1 Consuming Vapors 1...
  15. Eric Chan

    Sets [EMN] Eldritch Moon Spoilers Thread

    aren't giant board stalls are the main problem with Hornet Queen? seems like it would be hard for any board state to progress meaningfully after a player puts five evasive, deathtouch blockers into play, and those tokens don't exactly end the game quickly in favour of the pilot
  16. Eric Chan

    Site News Sign-ups: 8-player forum-based draft #2

    I still don't have a way to install MTGO, but I'll sign up just for the draft portion. I'll happily give up my spot if someone who can actually play wants in, though!
  17. Eric Chan

    Sets [EMN] Eldritch Moon Spoilers Thread

    I'm guessing it's not nearly good enough for most cubes, but I love this design. It seems like such a fun, sweet mini-game.
  18. Eric Chan

    Card/Deck Madness Theme

    i'm starting to seriously doubt your card evaluation skills man
  19. Eric Chan

    General Seeding Packs - An Exercise in Randomness

    I might even do that the next time I shuffle my paper cube. It seems like less work overall than the original method that I'm currently using!