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  1. Eric Chan

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    It has been <0> days since a thread was successfully diverted to Lorwyn art discussion.
  2. Eric Chan

    General Emotional Spikes in Cube Design

    Ashiok is akin to the planeswalker version of Bribery: they're great against half of the field (especially on the play!), and utterly uesless against the other half. Any green deck leading off with Joraga Treespeaker or the like is probably going to have a rough time against Ashiok, while small...
  3. Eric Chan

    General Fight Club

    I love new Kiora, but I'm one of those people who adores "grave Impulses" - your Mulches, Satyr Wayfinders, Grisly Salvages, and so forth. RavebornMuse hit the nail on the head by pointing out that she's more of a BUG card than a Simic one, but for the moment I'm more than happy to run some...
  4. Eric Chan

    Sets Shadows over Innistrad Spoilers Thread

    I really enjoy Lousy Reanimator, but Ever After is a little much, even for me. I think four mana is the realistically as expensive as you can afford for reanimation; any higher, and you're usually better off playing a run-of-the-mill five or six drop fattie.
  5. Eric Chan

    Sets [EMN] Eldritch Moon Spoilers Thread

    Fortune's Favor is so close! But I agree with you - I couldn't quite find a slot for it in my draft deck, and just ran Catalog instead, for curve considerations. I think a cube-friendly version would've been rare instead of uncommon, and flipped up five cards for your opponent to mull over...
  6. Eric Chan

    General Fight Club

    I've run both over the years, and I'm pleasantly surprised at how much my players and I've been enjoying Nightveil Specter. Even though devotion isn't a theme in my cube anymore, the extra damage from Specter isn't irrelevant, and it doesn't get randomly blocked by some opponents while sailing...
  7. Eric Chan

    General Expensive Eldrazi Domain Cards

    If you just want "midrange green fat", and don't need it to have land-tutoring capabilities, there's a metric ton of them available for next to nothing. Arbor Colossus Titania, Protector of Argoth Greenwarden of Murasa Hydra Broodmaster Rampaging Baloths Soul of Zendikar Woodland Bellower
  8. Eric Chan

    [Design/Construction] Rebuilding my 360...

    I've touched on this topic in various places on this forum, but this is the main reason I've moved away from an even number of packs over the years: when a drafter has as many packs going right as going left, they're punished far less for 'forcing' any particular deck archetype or colour...
  9. Eric Chan

    General Expensive Eldrazi Domain Cards

    It's a fairly big step down from PrimeTime, but Ulvenwald Hydra is probably cheaper. Is there actually a lifegain theme, or is Archangel of Thune just a mega-anthem? If the latter, I've been impressed lately by Sublime Archangel; she gives your go-wide strategy another dimension, and has...
  10. Eric Chan

    The Video Game Thread

    Anyone here playing Clash Royale? I know, I know, it's both F2P and made by Supercell, the same folks who made Clash of Clans, so you have every reason to be wary and maintain your distance. After about a month and a half of playing, though, I'm coming around to the fact that there's a truly...
  11. Eric Chan

    Card/Deck Shit Thread: Planeswalker Tier List

    Oops, misunderstood Dom's question, thought he was asking for more archetypes, as opposed to more cards. Ashiok is probably the poster child for the category of "Three Drop Planeswalkers That Potentially Warp the Game Around Them". They're actively bad against some decks - hello, mono-red! -...
  12. Eric Chan

    General Custom Cards: The Lab

    no, i mean the second deck from the right
  13. Eric Chan

    Card/Deck Shit Thread: Planeswalker Tier List

    I've always been partial to "Lousy Reanimator" - Merfolk Looter or Enclave Cryptologist into Makeshift Mannequin or Dread Return - but I think I might be the only person on the planet who enjoys drafting this archetype only to go 1-2 every other week. What I like most about it is that a...
  14. Eric Chan

    Card/Deck Shit Thread: Planeswalker Tier List

    Yeah, I've noticed exactly the same thing here. U/B was originally the control colour combination, back when I ran Grave Titan, Consecrated Sphinx, and other powerhouse cards. But since I removed them, that colour pair fell way back behind U/W as the dominant control deck. Only in the last...
  15. Eric Chan

    General Custom Cards: The Lab

    yeah the third duck from the top has a major problem with your templating
  16. Eric Chan

    Card/Deck Shit Thread: Planeswalker Tier List

    I might change my opinion as I cube with him more, but right now I'm a big fan of Ob Nixilis Reignited. He's on the strong side for a five mana card, but he does multiple things I like: he enables black control decks; he's powerful, but nowhere near oppressive; he defends himself, but not in an...
  17. Eric Chan

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    Not scrying is a huge deal; just rearranging the cards in the absence of a fetchland is miserable, if you desperately need lands and don't hit any, or vice versa. I mean, I might say Index 10 is worth a card, but then there's still the odd chance that you somehow whiff on lands or nonlands...
  18. Eric Chan

    Card/Deck Shit Thread: Planeswalker Tier List

    cmon you know that real discussion only happens when it's an off-topic tangent so uh what's your favourite lorwyn art
  19. Eric Chan

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    I don't think that ability is worth a card, even with a reasonable density of fetchlands, and neither is a 1/1, sadly. I much prefer Halimar Depths for this sort of effect.
  20. Eric Chan

    One Pack One Pick (p1p1 thread)

    I think I'm on the opposite plan, take Secure the Wastes because it goes into any white deck, and then hope to wheel one of Thalia, Guardian of Thraben / Bygone Bishop / Valorous Stance. Secure is good enough that I don't see it making it past fifth pick or so in a Riptide-style cube, whereas...