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  1. Eric Chan

    General Fight Club

    says the guy who runs Jinxed Idol
  2. Eric Chan

    One Pack One Pick (p1p1 thread)

    Yeah, I've cubed with Sower of Temptation plenty, and am aware it's one of the single swingiest cards you can get for your money. But just like how Baneslayer Angel dominated its Standard era in 2009, they don't always have the Doom Blade, and when they don't, you often simply run away with the...
  3. Eric Chan

    Sets Conspiracy 2 Spoilers Thread

    ^--- that's a really good way of thinking about it. Better yet, all your 'basics' are actually split cards with possible niche value - your Naturalizes are also Utopias!
  4. Eric Chan

    General The Draft Exchange

    I can't find the post anymore, but Ben & I worked this out sometime in the summer of 2013; I made a casual suggestion to him for Riptide support, and he had it working within a day or two. The guy is awesome to work with and just a pleasure to talk to all round. I agree, I think it's super sweet...
  5. Eric Chan

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    I play Loxodon Smiter as essentially a vanilla {1}{G}{W} 4/4 beater, and he's done some good work in that role. The most important thing about Smiter for us is that he requires zero hoops to jump through; any three cmc vanilla animal (in any colour, really) needs to pretty big if it's coming...
  6. Eric Chan

    Sets Conspiracy 2 Spoilers Thread

    When I saw him in action, it wasn't the token production that was concerning, cause -2 for a 2/2 flyer is pretty fair. But giving your whole team a power boost and lifelink (!!) means these gigantic life swings out of nowhere that can both put games out of reach and prolong an already...
  7. Eric Chan

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    Yeah, I echo what the others have said about naturally casting eight drops; it's not a reasonable expectation to place on your drafters, especially when the card in question only goes into one deck (B/x control). The great thing about black, though, is that there are a number of sweet seven-drop...
  8. Eric Chan

    General Fight Club

    I'm on team "Hate Thoughtseize" (aka Team Kibler), and I know it's a pretty divisive issue both within the larger Magic community as well as on here, so I don't really wanna open that can of worms right now. But basically I'm looking for the best of the other options. Related question: what's...
  9. Eric Chan

    Sets Conspiracy 2 Spoilers Thread

    Yep, done. I don't usually like moving posts to new threads, but in this case, it should make discussion for Kaya easier to find down the road, cause that other thread is humungous.
  10. Eric Chan

    General Fight Club

    Pick two: Blackmail Duress Inquisition of Kozilek Transgress the Mind
  11. Eric Chan

    A better way to communicate live than skype

    Just clicked James's link and signed up, love that it works in a browser without needing a download. This already seems way better than Skype. Thanks for the suggestion, Meltyman!
  12. Eric Chan

    General Gift Shop Draft

    Yeah, didn't even realize what thread I was in - just assumed it was Single Card Spotlight. Agree that Into the Roil is not quite niche or build-around enough.
  13. Eric Chan

    General Gift Shop Draft

    I've always have a soft spot for Into the Roil, perhaps obsessively so. To me, it's most at home in a blue control deck; an aggro deck would prefer something like Vapor Snag or Repeal, which consistently cost less, while control is comfortable having the flexibility of paying four for a locked...
  14. Eric Chan

    One Pack One Pick (p1p1 thread)

    That pack is so sweet! Sower of Temptation, in my experience, tends to be head and shoulders above everything else in formats that aren't packing a plethora of Lightning Bolts and Swords to Plowshares. Which is kind of a shame, cause there are so many other cards here to go deep on.
  15. Eric Chan

    General Fight Club

    Profane Command is safe, as one of the premier black control anchors - it's been in there since the beginning, and is only getting better as I lower my format's power level. I'm just trying to figure out how to supplement the archetype with more grindy value spells, in lieu of overpowered...
  16. Eric Chan

    General Fight Club

    Generic black control value card: Palace Siege vs. Wretched Confluence vs. Grip of Desolation
  17. Eric Chan

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    He hardly... something something...
  18. Eric Chan

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    Between Liliana, Heretical Healer, Relentless Dead, and Cryptbreaker, I think I'm swapping back to Gravecrawlers again from Bloodsoaked Champions. I really liked the humans in theory, but having :1::b: and raid tended to be more inconvenient than mustering up :b: and a zombie in practise. Having...
  19. Eric Chan

    General Gift Shop Draft

    i misread the title as "Thrift Shop Draft" and thought it was about buying other players' draft picks off them second hand, trying to score the best deal with whatever coins you had in your pocket all non-profit of course
  20. Eric Chan

    General Fight Club

    all these years i always thought that's what this idiom meant, but i just checked urban dictionary now and was proven wrong :(