I had that in my cube for awhile. Cool card! Interesting that you can play it mid game to get a wrecking ogre sized creature, and then buff it later.
I'm looking to try this guy in my RG section.
I think he fits pretty well into the RG beats deck and his trigger can help push a little bit of damage through without being ridiculously oppressive like Ruric Thar.
Don't do it, man. That thing wasn't even good in DGM draft.I'm going to give this one a shot in my cube:
Shit. I'm gonna have to put Gargadon back in, aren't I? And right after I went on a big rant about it in the Elegance thread.
just fyi, mysteries triggers off of non-token creatures. Just in case anyone thought you could strip all the counters off of garg in one go.
He was just offering examples of sac outlets in response to chris' question.
Wow, I somehow missed that.
I've run both over the years, and I'm pleasantly surprised at how much my players and I've been enjoying Nightveil Specter. Even though devotion isn't a theme in my cube anymore, the extra damage from Specter isn't irrelevant, and it doesn't get randomly blocked by some opponents while sailing right past others; everyone has an equal opportunity to block it. For whatever reason, it's also more fun to "steal" the other player's cards, even though you won't be able to use ~1/3 of them for any given game.