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  1. Eric Chan

    General CBS

    this guy might have the answer
  2. Eric Chan

    General CBS

    we're not the only ones with a problem
  3. Eric Chan

    General Fight Club

    It's generally the former - putting their mana abilities aside for a moment, you normally wouldn't want a 2/1 for :2: in the same limited deck as an 0/3 defender.
  4. Eric Chan

    General Fight Club

    The former two - especially Wall of Roots - are really good in slower, controlling ramp strategies, while the latter two are better in decks with other small and medium-sized creatures that want to get into the red zone sooner rather than later. It really depends what you're going for; if ramp...
  5. Eric Chan

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    I'll just chime in to say that abundant available fixing in a cube doesn't necessarily have to correspond with three, four, and five-colour rainbow decks from all of the drafters. For a variety of reasons, people in various playgroups may want to stick to fewer colours, even when duals and...
  6. Eric Chan

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    As much as we all probably hate it, Siege Rhino was much more successful as a wedge card than Ascendancy during its own limited run here. Everybody was excited by its power level, and went to great lengths to splash it; it demands nothing of you other than needing {W}, {G}, and {B}; it's the...
  7. Eric Chan

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    I know that Jeskai Ascendancy has worked for a number of people on this forum, but in truth, it did nothing for us during the time it was in my list. My playgroup includes an avid PTQ grinder, who played Ascendancy over the whole Standard season it was legal, and he was the one who challenged me...
  8. Eric Chan

    The Podcast Thread

    I love the idea of anything with Patrick Chapin, but loathe the idea of anything with Mike Flores... I suppose they cancel each other out into nothing, like matter and antimatter
  9. Eric Chan

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    The main thing was that, while Treasure Cruise was often the best card in any given U/x tempo deck, Dig Through Time didn't pack nearly the same punch. The best cube U/x aggressive decks a) ran a very low curve with multiple cheap cantrips, b) had great fixing to support their splash, and c)...
  10. Eric Chan

    General The Draft Exchange

    i can vouch for Delvers being great in cube - i get that there's a fatigue on this forum from seeing Delver in every format ever, but it plays out a little differently (read: less reliably) in cube, and i personally think it's been all upside for blue tempo decks
  11. Eric Chan

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    Yeah, like I said some time ago, I think the median Treasure Cruise was cast for {U} in my cube, and the mean for {1}{U}. It was especially brutal in UR tempo decks, which are already playing a lot of cheap cantrips and burn spells, not to mention disposable creatures and fetch lands. The blue...
  12. Eric Chan

    Hex TCG MMO

    I think they're actually over that hurdle - they settled with Hasbro by licensing Magic: The Gathering, which makes a ton of sense to me. I mean, anyone can tell that Hex is a blatant rip-off of Magic's ruleset, with about a 1-2% tweak to the core rules; this way, Hex keeps getting to do their...
  13. Eric Chan

    Hex TCG MMO

    Anybody try this? My latest dalliance with Hearthstone didn't click, and in looking for something with more meat on the bone, I'm wondering if Hex is the ticket. Curious to know if anyone's dabbled with it. I, uh... still haven't claimed my Kickstarter reward from three years back, and wonder...
  14. Eric Chan

    General Single Archetype Spotlight Thread

    I dunno, I like the idea for this thread. It's funny because GB Dredgevine is almost certainly an archetype that deserves a thread all its own, but in general, I'm down with the concept for this thread, that being to post more ephemeral, half-baked deck ideas that require more brainstorming and...
  15. Eric Chan

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    I'm kinda torn between Dark Petition and Sidisi, Undead Vizier... I guess the former is better for control, and the latter for midrange?
  16. Eric Chan

    Article Deckbuilding and Play Patterns with Ancestral Vision
  17. Eric Chan

    General Fight Club

    Sylvan Primordial vs. World Breaker
  18. Eric Chan

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    I wasn't too impressed with Unexpectedly Absent for a long time, but lately I've come to appreciate it for filling a niche: a tool for control decks to push the game stage forward and safely reach the late game, not unlike Oust. In aggro or tempo decks, its cost is too expensive to be effective...
  19. Eric Chan

    Card/Deck Start your Engines: A Temur Card Advantage Deck

    We actually discussed how Masked Admirers was surprisingly bad in Modern Masters 2 - which is as low powered a format as any - and that, for a midrange green card advantage engine, Reach of Branches is actually what you might be looking for, instead.
  20. Eric Chan

    Sets Spoilers Over Innistrad (Digest)

    is it just me, or this is this just about the Hardest Draft Format Ever? after doing exactly one draft, and having three different enchantments that had two triggered or activated abilities each, my mind is still reeling