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  1. Eric Chan

    General Breaking Singleton

    Remand Is anyone here running more than one Remand? I really like the tempo it can provide to blue decks with a proactive plan, but I'm a little worried that two copies might be a hair too good. On the other hand, Lucas recommended a few years ago that I double up on each of Condescend...
  2. Eric Chan

    General Fight Club

    I loathe the word 'staple' when it comes to cube card discussion, but I think Acidic Slime is about as close to that as it gets in my cube. It's something I even doubled up on, for a time. Looking at your list, I would sooner cut Naturalize than Wickerbough Elder, though. Straight Disenchants...
  3. Eric Chan

    Sets Spoilers Over Innistrad (Digest)

    This is a fantastic idea, RavebornMuse! Done and done.
  4. Eric Chan

    General Fight Club

    Righteous Confluence vs. Linvala, the Preserver
  5. Eric Chan

    General Decks that have 3-0'd your cube

    Ones 1 Enclave Cryptologist 1 Ancestral Vision 1 Inquisition of Kozilek 1 Niveous Wisps 1 Oust 1 Preordain 1 Thoughtseize Twos 1 Baleful Strix 1 Snapcaster Mage 1 Coldsteel Heart 1 Prismatic Lens 1 Ultimate Price Threes 1 Vampire Nighthawk 1 Hero's Downfall 1 Jace Beleren Fours 1 Cryptic...
  6. Eric Chan

    General Blue creatures

    I'm really partial to Aetherling myself, but after playing a blue control deck in a powered cube last weekend and finding that Aetherling was arguably the best card in my deck there, too, I'm wondering if it's a little much. The Meloku suggestions sound great - I'm generally not a fan of...
  7. Eric Chan

    Sets Shadows over Innistrad Spoilers Thread

    Okay, guys, ease up on the aggressive tone; save that for your attacking decks, as opposed to these forums. There's a couple of folks here taking Grillo's stance as if it were somehow a personal attack on them, and then responding in kind. C'mon, guys, give him a little credit; he's been around...
  8. Eric Chan

    Sets Shadows over Innistrad Spoilers Thread

    Right, I ran Hyena Umbra for a while and was generally underwhelmed, but Gryff's Boon getting the patented FSR Seal of Approval is making me reconsider it. I suspect that in about 50% of the games where it's drawn, the pilot won't ever have time to think about, let alone use, the activated...
  9. Eric Chan

    General Stale Cube - What Do You Do To Refresh It?

    Just out of curiousity - when you say your cube is stale, is that your own opinion as a cube designer, or have you been getting this feedback from your playgroup? I ask because I've been in that rut a few times before, and I questioned whether it was worth continuing to run my cube sessions, or...
  10. Eric Chan

    Site News Cube Lists Subforum

    Thanks! It was one of those things that we just copied from that other site a couple years ago, without much thought. But it took all of you guys and your honest feedback to crystallize what we want to do in that subforum, to have everyone get the most out of it.
  11. Eric Chan

    Site News Cube Lists Subforum

    Kirblinx - thank you for such a fantastic and articulate analysis. I feel like you wrote almost a 'State of the Union' address for the Cube List subforum, and put into words better than I ever could what exactly is happening in that area, as well as emphasizing the good stuff in there that we...
  12. Eric Chan


    This 'Cube Blog' subforum is a little bit different than what you might be used to at other cube websites, so please take a minute to get acquainted. The following aren't strict, hard-and-fast rules, but more suggestions on how to structure your posts and threads in order to get people to...
  13. Eric Chan

    Sets Shadows over Innistrad Spoilers Thread

    So what are people thinking, about including a discard & madness themes in their cubes, and potentially going heavier on graveyard interactions? Is this worth overhauling the cube for somewhat, or are the discard outlets and madness spells mostly a pass?
  14. Eric Chan

    General Fight Club

    Sultai Emissary vs. Carrier Thrall vs.
  15. Eric Chan

    Kirblinx's MTGO Adventures + Sometimes Cube

    Yep, it's hard to 'make' people think and play faster, but in order to be respectful to everyone's time, I also implemented a round timer back when I drafted with Lucas's crew, because one player (who shall remain nameless) was about twice as slow as the rest of us. It does feel a little weird...
  16. Eric Chan

    Site News Cube Lists Subforum

    Wow - I just want to say, I deeply appreciate the well-thought-out and in-depth responses from everyone on this thread. I started the poll on a lark, to see what the heck we should do with that red-headed stepchild that is the Cube List forum, but I couldn't have expected such a genuine desire...
  17. Eric Chan

    Site News Cube Lists Subforum

    No, I hear you. In the first year of the site, I think I tried to reply to every new poster with a cube list thread, and offer at least some general guidance as to which direction they should go, along with a couple individual card suggestions. But as you intimate, it's a low-return activity; a...
  18. Eric Chan

    Site News Cube Lists Subforum

    So while overall activity on this site is at about where the steady-state number of posts per day has always been, I've noticed that the Cube Lists forum has gotten progressively less and less attention from the regulars over the months. It was once a source of good discussion, especially for...
  19. Eric Chan

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    That's been a common misconception since planeswalkers were introduced in 2008ish, but doesn't actually work, if I think I understand what you're suggesting. Only direct damage going to opponents can ever be redirected at their planeswalkers. Source:
  20. Eric Chan

    Sets Shadows over Innistrad Spoilers Thread

    could you make it a little bigger, i can't read the text