AH, GUTTERSNIPE! a travis woo hero. 
now that you put it that way it makes more sense. i love the 'head-scratching' image -- survival is a great example, as are wildfire and armageddon and your goofy goblin.
as i see it, jitte is the opposite of a head-scratcher, though, i'd just pick it and be like, 'derp.' as an artifact and a sweet equipment it 'goes in anything' and doesn't require the kind of work to build around that the other three cards do. that's the distinction, which is reason enough for me to not consider running it. (i think survival is my favorite cube card because its power is so, so hard to build around -- and as a result it gets shipped a lot when opened in p3, for example, which is impossible to imagine with umezawa's salad tongs.)
it's also been my experience that recursive gy-matters themes in cube cannot work except by breaking singleton. of course breaking singleton past a certain point does reduce the amount of combinations each deck can have (from a combinatorics perspective). on the other hand, gy themes like value reanimator are easy enough without singleton, but i have doubled up on certain hate cards (ooze, deathrite, something else) because md'able gy hate is so hard to come by.
academy is an interesting card, i would consider running it in my cube, but i only have like 25 artifacts and a very low density of rocks. at what point would it start being worth it?
now that you put it that way it makes more sense. i love the 'head-scratching' image -- survival is a great example, as are wildfire and armageddon and your goofy goblin.
as i see it, jitte is the opposite of a head-scratcher, though, i'd just pick it and be like, 'derp.' as an artifact and a sweet equipment it 'goes in anything' and doesn't require the kind of work to build around that the other three cards do. that's the distinction, which is reason enough for me to not consider running it. (i think survival is my favorite cube card because its power is so, so hard to build around -- and as a result it gets shipped a lot when opened in p3, for example, which is impossible to imagine with umezawa's salad tongs.)
it's also been my experience that recursive gy-matters themes in cube cannot work except by breaking singleton. of course breaking singleton past a certain point does reduce the amount of combinations each deck can have (from a combinatorics perspective). on the other hand, gy themes like value reanimator are easy enough without singleton, but i have doubled up on certain hate cards (ooze, deathrite, something else) because md'able gy hate is so hard to come by.
academy is an interesting card, i would consider running it in my cube, but i only have like 25 artifacts and a very low density of rocks. at what point would it start being worth it?