The new black 4-drop is pretty tempting...
but I hate the art. I hate all these Eldrazi. Why am I still debating buying any of this sealed product? I cannot stand these clownish Eldrazi. They all look like they were made out of play doh or something. The other art so far is mostly fine, but these Eldrazi, who let all of these ugly things wind up on cards? And the frames aren't much better. They look very try-hard. I don't know, this just isn't doing it for me. I'm liking the Awaken Hero's Downfall and the Awaken board wipe. I guess that's something..
(I know this is supposed to be the hype train so I will do my best to make this the last time I whine about art in this thread, but man you guys, these eldrazis sure have been el doozys...)
(I know this is supposed to be the hype train so I will do my best to make this the last time I whine about art in this thread, but man you guys, these eldrazis sure have been el doozys...)