General Boros has a really, really boring theme. Alternatives?

Well look back to things like mercadia @Chris, think of how many cards you've seen depicted as a ruler or person of powerful character in red. Someone used to power and getting what they want. Look for the word tyrant in gatherer and what colour cards do you see. We've even seen the designers say red is the colour of art and emotion, and aren't those a big part of celebrity and politics? The scandals and the intrigues may be flavored UB in magic, but if you tried to flavor them from up close, you'd probably see a lot more WR when say examining a tudor or dynastic chinese court.
I'm sure someone can name several red-aligned Game of Thrones characters?
Obyrn and Dany come to mind. I think Theon might have a red/x version or two. The Hussars are probably a red tribe. I feel like those books put too much emphasis on amorality and context to really have one character with one colourpie representation though.

Like Jamey might well be WR during the first couple, but he certainly does things that reflect the whole pie through his stay in the books. Robert seems very red to me at times, he is impulsive, violent and love to drink and cavort! I think even Cersei even has a red side to her and joff might even have a black creature and a rw creature.

Chris Taylor

I'm sure someone can name several red-aligned Game of Thrones characters?

Haven't actually watched any :p

Well look back to things like mercadia @Chris, think of how many cards you've seen depicted as a ruler or person of powerful character in red. Someone used to power and getting what they want. Look for the word tyrant in gatherer and what colour cards do you see. We've even seen the designers say red is the colour of art and emotion, and aren't those a big part of celebrity and politics? The scandals and the intrigues may be flavored UB in magic, but if you tried to flavor them from up close, you'd probably see a lot more WR when say examining a tudor or dynastic chinese court.

Ah! Okay, that makes a lot of sense. I'm much more used to seeing the intrigue court (see Twisted Justice) than the emotional court (Which as you mention, is likely best represented in portal 3 kingdoms :p)

Also Fun Fact: Just about every "tyrant" creature is red, and lots of them are dragons, which I'm interpreting as the "Rule with an Iron Fist" description, with one exception:


Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
new project: divvy up all of the game of thrones characters across the colour pie

i agree with Oberyn and Jamie Lannister being red, not sure about Daenerys


Everything I know about Game of Thrones, I learned from the South Park 3-part episode that spoofs it and the one game of the board game I played. So, yeah, Mustering and floppy wieners.
Can you pitch me the red half of a court though?

Courtly intrigue is super red! The control and restraint involved in timing mean maybe straight {R} isn't the best fit, but the conflicts between {B}{R}, {R}{W} and {U}{R} factions (the nongreen pairs in general i guess?) could be really fascinating. This is one of the times I really feel the limitations of the swords-and-sorcery setting - I hope they go back to Paliano for Conspiracy 2, and do more cool stuff with the voting mechanics. I think there's definitely room to capture intrigue and politicking in Magic's ruleset that went unexplored (iterated voting? Frankie Peanuts style conclaves? the conflict between ambition and bureaucracy?)

Anyway, here's Maro on red:
[...]This makes red seem like a big bully. And to be fair, it often is, but red does have many other less aggressive components. Red, for instance, is the color of passion and drive. Red is the home to most styles of art and poetry. Red has a very gentle side. It's just not the kind of things you build a Magic card around.
Red is simple – Just because red doesn't like to think doesn't mean that its philosophy is simplistic. Emotions, for example, are quite complex. In addition, if you look at red's two most basic conflicts – chaos vs. order (red vs. white) and emotion vs. intellect (red vs. blue) – you'll see that they are both very intricate.
I find red to be one of the most interesting colors to study. Its motivations are easy to understand but hard to interpret. In addition, red has numerous aspects that get overlooked in the game as they don't make much sense in a duel setting.

I agree with most of what he's saying, but it's worth noting that twice in three paragraphs he positions 'we haven't done this' as 'it's not the kind of thing we do'. To me, that sounds like design space.
I feel like I'm one of the only people that doesn't like dany but I also don't get to talk to a lot of other book readers. Even her liberation angle seems very right for red. She just wanders into places, fucks them up and then wanders out to the next grand adventure, without ever thinking about the implications of her actions or bothering to learn about what shes gotten her self into. Shes 16, the mother of dragons, of the old blood, born to rule! Who's gonna stop her? She's the one with the guns and the right name! Her advisors on the other hand are great, and her chapters are often really fun when she's not being a teenager lol.

I kinda like the idea of pairing GOT characters and objects / events with magic colour and text, but I also recognize I've gotten into more than one argument about what colour tywin would be so I am a little reticent lol.

Do the lannisters feel kinda WRB to anyone else? Despite not being at all like the mardu and doing nearly as much scheming as the dimir (in GOT almost everyone with significant power has to have intrigues though)


I've read the books and feel the same about Dany. I think part of that though is George R.R. Martin's meandering story structure: the last book was her realizing that her prior conquests didn't really matter. ugh
Despite not being at all like the mardu
Mardu, as they were printed, are far from what I would have expected for RWB. Before Khans block, I would have expected RWB to be the one with Exploit and other things that ended up becoming Sultai / Silumgar. Value etbs, sac, recursion, edicts. Hell, RWB could be a gain+burn+drain control wedge with enough sources of black card draw / red card filtering.

So yeah mardu is cool but hardly the final definition of what RWB is. Lannisters could easily be BWR or BRW


Ecstatic Orb
I know nothing about Game of Thrones, other than that George R R Martin apparently wrote a series of fantasy Hamlet novels. This is why I suggested someone else name the characters :)

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
I kinda like the idea of pairing GOT characters and objects / events with magic colour and text, but I also recognize I've gotten into more than one argument about what colour tywin would be so I am a little reticent lol.
i've read the books (well, up until halfway through four, anyways... first three are great but man is the fourth one long winded), but haven't thought at all about where the characters lie on colour pie. lay it on me, you've clearly thought about this, and i'm curious to know. if other people disagree and it turns into an all out flame fest then it was my fault, not yours!
i've read the books (well, up until halfway through four, anyways... first three are great but man is the fourth one long winded), but haven't thought at all about where the characters lie on colour pie. lay it on me, you've clearly thought about this, and i'm curious to know. if other people disagree and it turns into an all out flame fest then it was my fault, not yours!

Omg it's hard to know where to start really because the aesthetic of their gloomy compromised world doesn't suit card art and flavor conventions at all. Imagining starks as some goody two shoes GW group of valiant dunderheads makes sense until you start actually thinking about it. It would seem hella hard to get say Theon, Robb and Bran into the same scene if we were talking about a magic deck, they have such different colour identities.

It's also rough because we are very trained to try to port the characters and settings into tribes that will play nice with each other, but some of the perfect pairings of juxtaposed characters would be very hard to reconcile with colour pie into a form that works well. I assume you could make a Hound + Arya deck within the constraints of BR, and maybe you could get Pod and Brienne and maybe even ser hyle into a mono white deck but I think you might be just as likely to end up with Aeron Greyjoy + Tywin Lannister decks or maybe some kinda zoo deck that pairs robb and loras and maybe even strong belwas!

(strong belwas is a eunuch pit fighter in dany's service for you show watchers, aeron greyjoy is the head of the drowned god religion)

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
i guess i'm less interested in "custom cards made from game of thrones characters" and more in "where do these characters align with the colour pie philosophies that magic's defined"

e.g. if Dany is {R}{W}, that's cool, we don't need to picture her fighting alongside Brion Stoutarm
Well i didn't mean trying to make a guy for each thing, it was more demonstrating how it's hard to really plant colours or groups or places in that show into colour pairs because of ideology vs mechanics vs flavor.

Like is tywin more of a sorin or more of a elspeth sun's champion or more or a jace the mind sculptor?

Jamey at the beginning or when he is fighting ned is totes RW but when he's pushing the kid out the window or a prisoner he's almost certainly a black creature right? When he's saying no to his sister and his son as a kings-guard knight hes probably just a white critter.

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
yeah, i think the most interesting part is ideology. i mean, i'm not much of a custom card guy, so trying to make mechanics for Tyrion Lannister or Sansa Stark is not what i was thinking. nor flavour, because flavour changes so much from set to set and block to block. plus the flavour of the game of thrones world is already well established.

wow, good points about Jamie being white, i hadn't thought of him that way before. you're right in that he has a sense of personal honour about him, even if he doesn't follow the same code that an 'honourable' person like Ned does.
I always thought Jamie was W/B due to his rants about loving the feeling of killing and his ruthlessness to get his way. I see the white in his feelings towards honorable combat and his family, not to mention his slaying of the the mad king and his drive to be a noble King's Guard. Though he's fairly impulsive and emotional. He may be the most W/B/R character in the show. But if I could only go with two colors? W/B. Tyrion is a solid U/R and MaRo's claims of Grixis Tyrion is madness. Daenarys is totally R/W. But enough talk of those characters, I wanna just throw it out there that my personal favorite character is Bronn. He's definitely B/R and I hope his story doesn't end in the show the same way as it does in the book. Totally deserves more screentime despite being insignificant to the main plot.
Jamie has definitely changed the most out of any character from the series. He's pretty much a W character at this point, though he was different tinges of W/B/R at different points. He's lost quite a bit of the black though as the series has gone on. Agree w/Tyrion as U/R, I don't see any black in him at all.

Initially I read Bronn as Bran and I'm like wtf how is this even possible, most boring shit ever. But yeah, Bronn was so awesome, the actor was great too.
If I were to make a kingslayer card, it would probably be jamie being what everyone expects of him and it would probably be WBR.
OMG Stannis the Mannis would be so hard to pin down. Actually his whole retainer is kinda a hard thing to call.

Hound is way more into killing being the sweetest thing there is than jamie, but you might have a point, but jamie is much more characterized by emotion vs vows and especially his youthful expectations of knighthood + his lieges and of course his relationship with his family (SISTER). He's got a lot of classic RW conflict in him though having broken his vows pushes him into the realm of black to everyone in this world and I think that may have warped him some.

Hound is also still pretty conflicted and shows a lot of different sides in the story. Actually it'd be nice if they could pen a predominantly black or red character like him as something sympathetic and human despite very much embodying RB's tendencies. Has there ever been a UB or RB hero in magic? I know the myojin of nights reach fought bolas but I'm kinda still outta the loop for a lot of this stuff. Umezawa?