General Boros has a really, really boring theme. Alternatives?

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
i think book 3 is the best, or at the very least it's my favourite. but i agree that the Sansa and Bran chapters would put me to sleep.
Tyrion goes to check out the wall because he knows how important it is to the realm's safety. He tells Jon Snow that he always tries to help those who have unfortunate circumstances and designs a horse mount for Bran. He tries to reform Joffrey and be a stern figure because he knows it's important to the realm that their future king not be a tyrant. He saves Catelyn Stark, his captor, from being killed. This is just first season stuff.

He may have vices, but he is certainly "one of the good guys."
Tyrion also protected Sansa in more than one way. He's the only Lannister worth saving honestly (the rest of the family can burn as far as I'm concerned). I don't see how you can't put W in his deck list.

EDIT: I'd concede RUW for Tyrion. He's a complex character so probably deserves to be a wedge.
Tyrion goes to check out the wall because he knows how important it is to the realm's safety. He tells Jon Snow that he always tries to help those who have unfortunate circumstances and designs a horse mount for Bran. He tries to reform Joffrey and be a stern figure because he knows it's important to the realm that their future king not be a tyrant. He saves Catelyn Stark, his captor, from being killed. This is just first season stuff.

He may have vices, but he is certainly "one of the good guys."

I see his compassion for the unfortunate as a red thing more than a white thing because he can relate to their bad luck with his whole height issue. I'm almost certain I recall him visiting the wall merely because he was interested in it after reading about it, not because he cared that deeply about the realm. Curiosity over concern there. I can't argue any solid case against his actions to fix Joffrey, so you got me there. But I'm strongly convinced that his red traits far outweigh any of his decisions that may align him with white as he's even made it clear on a few occasions that he couldn't give a fuck less about the kingdoms. His morals are really on and off as well. Those two last things aren't exactly the types of things I'd expect out of a white aligned character. Hell, Niv Mizzet made a strong effort to reinstate the guildpact in RtR but he's literally the MOST Izzet character in the game.
So are you going with UR for Tyrion then? Because I could be convinced of that I suppose. He's more anti-hero than hero.

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
i mean, Heliod kills Elspeth in a fit of rage and/or jealousy, and he's very clearly supposed to be mono-white. it's not like white characters are perfect angels; they can have lapses in judgment too.

like Diakonov alludes to, i think it's important to separate out "bad personal habits" from a character's ideologies. just because a character drinks and cavorts with prostitutes, doesn't mean they can't still have the greater good of the people as their highest priority.
He may have vices, but he is certainly "one of the good guys."
Yeah, other people already said this in other ways, but I'll chime in and say it's important to remember that just because White makes a big deal about dogmatic morality (and punishing those who stray outside it), that doesn't make them the color of nice people. A given white faction can be a faction of nice people - if that group's dogma includes compassion and forgiveness. None of the Khans whities seem to have that trait, and in Ravnica I'd say that only selesnaya lean that way, but the other white factions don't.

Passionate feelings of all kind have their home in red, and blue has pure thought - which can even include rational thoughts such as "it doesn't make sense for me to be selfish, because when I die it won't matter what I've done for myself, so it only makes sense to be altruistic for the sake of further generations of my species". Humanists tend to be at least a little bit rationalists.

So yeh goodguy Tyrion, but UR goodguy.

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
yeah, some good points all round. white =/= good guy, and black =/= bad guy. i guess we just have to look back to New Phyrexia, where the red praetor was the good guy and Elesh Norn was one of the main baddies.

okay, i'm starting to buy Tyrion as {U}{R}.

Dom Harvey

In the same vein, I think Tywin is white too. afaict the argument for him being black is that he is willing to do whatever he wants to get his way, but if senseless violence is the criterion than most of the non-Stark characters are black. Tywin has a strong sense of order and tradition, and adheres to a certain moral code even if it's warped by our standards.
In the same vein, I think Tywin is white too. afaict the argument for him being black is that he is willing to do whatever he wants to get his way, but if senseless violence is the criterion than most of the non-Stark characters are black. Tywin has a strong sense of order and tradition, and adheres to a certain moral code even if it's warped by our standards.

For this reason I considered making him mono-U.
Tywin could definitely be B/W. Maybe even Esper. The black is there though. He is extremely ruthless and very experienced at masking it. The Mountain is without a doubt one of the most twisted individuals in the seven kingdoms and Tywin proudly wields him as his favorite tool for resolving conflicts. He clearly believes he is entitled to whatever he wants. Hell, he screwed the woman Tyrion loved just because he knew he had the power to. The man does have morals to a greater degree than others, but it seems fairly undeniable that there isn't at least a very good blotch of black on his character. The real debate is an old blogatog one over whether he sincerely cares about his family or if it is a facade to strengthen what truly matters to him, his legacy.

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
are there any maro tumblr posts about this subject? i'd love to hear the man's thoughts

but yeah, GenericZero, you seem to have a good handle on this, i'm buying all of what you're selling
are there any maro tumblr posts about this subject? i'd love to hear the man's thoughts

but yeah, GenericZero, you seem to have a good handle on this, i'm buying all of what you're selling

I care a lot about the color pie. To me, it's the coolest aspect of the game. It's actually kind of embarassing to me how often I'll watch a movie or something and ask myself "now what colors is that character?"

As for the blogatog stuff, I'm mobile still as my bills have been holding me back from getting the laptop repaired. I recommend just google searching power words like "Tywin blogatog legacy" and such. It won't find you everything but it should suffice.

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
I don't agree with MaRo on everything, despite his title as the color pie guru. Ozmandias is NOT a white villain. Completely mono blue imo. I also don't see Tyrion as a black character whatsoever. Though MaRo hits it home on other characters pretty well.

Side topic: Khal Drogo vs The Mountain, who'd win?

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
yeah, i think maro has more insight than most folks into the colour pie, from having worked with it for so long. but he's certainly not the final authority, but rather, just one more opinion. he actually had Khal Drogo as mono-red at first, and then was convinced by his readers that Gruul was a better fit.

i think i'm with you that there's not a whole lot of black to Tyrion, at least when compared to Cersei or Tywin.
I could buy Tyrion as UR, but URB?? Where does the black come from?

I agree with Ozymandias as mono-blue.

I think the Mountain would win. It's like a control (mountain) vs. midrange (drogo) matchup.
My money is on Drogo. Dude went undefeated his whole life and only died because of a witch's tampering. He also had a bit more of a thinking capacity than The Mountain. I dunno, man. I just really dig Drogo.
I hate Book One but I'll try to play your game!

I have to say I feel like I might be talking to a lot of show-watchers here though, or maybe people didn't really think very much about the books or read 3rd party stuff like I did. I see a lot of weird associations here like did bad thing = black. You can have villainy and tragic flaws without entering blacks field and certainly in a society as judgmental and backward as Westeros people will call you a villain for any number of stupid reasons.

Like seeing people put Tywin in UB is pretty weird to me. I think tywin is capable of doing UB things, but I don't really feel like those align with his motivations.
RB Jamie seems really zany to me too.
White arya doesn't make any kinda sense to me other than feeling really hurt by injustices she sees, which could be just as easily construed as personal slights/loses that she was poweless to confornt. I think she might become more white in later books when her life becomes more ordered but I have different ideas for her colour than stark-protagonist = white.

I'm not sure where people are getting green from the hound. That he's big? That he's kinda carefree? I unno. The kill or be killed rule of the fittest thing is a kinda loose nod to green.

I'll get back to you guys after work!
My money is on Drogo. Dude went undefeated his whole life and only died because of a witch's tampering. He also had a bit more of a thinking capacity than The Mountain. I dunno, man. I just really dig Drogo.
Did you hear that fight of selmy vs the undefeated pit fighter. Drogo might have a chance in some sort of horse battle but one on one lance tends to beat sword in the lists and armor sword and shield tends to beat scimitar, especially given the mountain wears twice the armor a normal man does and probably does not have unprotected armpits / gorget. I wonder how much experience drogo has fighting knights anyway? I assume all the cataphract sorta cultures in that area died out to raiding waaaay before his time.

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
I have to say I feel like I might be talking to a lot of show-watchers here though, or maybe people didn't really think very much about the books

ah, the thread isn't complete without your typical condescending Lucas post.

post your colour combinations or gtfo