General Boros has a really, really boring theme. Alternatives?

I see myself as base R, secondary U, and I love playing devil's advocate and portraying myself in a B/R manner.

But if you disagree with me, I'll fucking cut you from your asshole up through your front until I reach your tongue, then I'll make you lick your own bloody shit out of that fresh new gaping wound.
if aliens ever invade us, and the only thing stopping such an alien invasion would be if we beat them in single-combat, one-on-one flame war, i think GenericZero is our man

rip boniface

e: also if you disagree w/ me i'll fucking, i'll fuckin' sew yr asshole closed and keep feeding you and feedin you and feedin you

Chris Taylor

I see myself as base R, secondary U, and I love playing devil's advocate and portraying myself in a B/R manner.

But if you disagree with me, I'll fucking cut you from your asshole up through your front until I reach your tongue, then I'll make you lick your own bloody shit out of that fresh new gaping wound.

Ah yes, the barbed wire floss. A classic
I hope nobody thought I was seriously angry in my all caps post. I know I threw a few decent points in there but it was supposed to be a joke.


This is the correct games of thrones allignment.

Ned - W
Catelyn - W
Arya - W
Jon Snow - W
Tyrion - BR
Cersei - BR
Jamie - BR
Joffrey - BR
Hound - BR
Robert - BR
Tywin - BR
Petyr Baelish -BR
Varys - BR
Daenerys - WR
Viserys - BR
Jorah Mormont - BR
Khal Drogo - BR
Robb - W
Stannis - BR
Sansa - W
Boltons - BR
Bronn - BR
Brienne - W
Theon - BR
Bran - W
Oberyn - BR
Melisandre - BR

Its a series of novels about ambition and moral ambiguity. The Starks are supposed to be the only major moral centers of the story. All of the other characters are variations of the same themes (ambition and moral ambiguity) and the novels would be better if most of them either did not exisit, or at least did not have entire POV chapters wasted upon them.
This is the correct games of thrones allignment.

Ned - W
Catelyn - W
Arya - W
Jon Snow - W
Tyrion - BR
Cersei - BR
Jamie - BR
Joffrey - BR
Hound - BR
Robert - BR
Tywin - BR
Petyr Baelish -BR
Varys - BR
Daenerys - WR
Viserys - BR
Jorah Mormont - BR
Khal Drogo - BR
Robb - W
Stannis - BR
Sansa - W
Boltons - BR
Bronn - BR
Brienne - W
Theon - BR
Bran - W
Oberyn - BR
Melisandre - BR

Its a series of novels about ambition and moral ambiguity. The Starks are supposed to be the only major moral centers of the story. All of the other characters are variations of the same themes (ambition and moral ambiguity) and the novels would be better if most of them either did not exisit, or at least did not have entire POV chapters wasted upon them.

Its a series of novels about ambition and moral ambiguity. The Starks are supposed to be the only major moral centers of the story. All of the other characters are variations of the same themes (ambition and moral ambiguity) and the novels would be better if most of them either did not exisit, or at least did not have entire POV chapters wasted upon them.
There is no better theme than moral ambiguity. I'll take that all day. Ambition makes for a good story, too.

Plus, the Starks are reduced to ruin rather quickly, and survivors like Arya turn dark and vengeful in a jiffy.


I'm not saying the books are bad, just that Martin is likely to die before he completes them. The first three books are great, the 4th one focused on B characters (martin admits this himself) while the 5th book scaracly advances the plot to the point of its existance being questionable.

We still need to get Dany to Westeros, unify the seven kingdoms, and defeat the snow zombies. Thats at least another 4-6 books, not counting any unnecessary character arcs that get thrown in.
Good lord what happened to this thread while I wasn't looking?

As far as GoT goes I actually prefer this Stephen King-style durdling (AKA going on forever about nothing) when it's in fantasy land and a fair number of the characters are relatively interesting. Too many fantasy novels push their plot too hard too fast and end up feeling both rushed and empty. Filling the world with weird NPC-tier characters makes it feel much more 'real.' I'll spare attempting to join the color pie debate but will say that Baelish = Nicol Bolas.


As far as GoT goes I actually prefer this Stephen King-style durdling (AKA going on forever about nothing) when it's in fantasy land and a fair number of the characters are relatively interesting.


Never got into the series myself, but with 14 novels, and the author dying before completing them, it seems like the very personification of that type of fantasy.

Dear George R.R. Martin, please don't become another Robert Jordan. :(

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
I'm not saying the books are bad, just that Martin is likely to die before he completes them. The first three books are great, the 4th one focused on B characters (martin admits this himself) while the 5th book scaracly advances the plot to the point of its existance being questionable.

what's incredible (or dubious, depending on how you look at it) is that the author wrote three amazing books in the span of nine years (started writing in 1991, third book published by 2000). then, in the next eleven years, he essentially wrote... next to nothing? i mean, he wrote page after page of rambling text, but altogether his body of work after 2000 didn't amount to much of anything.

not to sound like too much of a callous asshole, but at this point, it doesn't really matter if George RR Martin bites the bullet, as he's essentially "spoiled" the outcome of his series to the tv show's producers. i mean, everyone is aware that the show is going to overtake the books in terms of timeline very soon. right now, the books are the canonical source of information about all the characters; but i can see a time in the near future when the show becomes the canonical history, especially if the books are never completed.


Ecstatic Orb
According to a colleague, the last book in Robert Jordan's series, you know, the one he didn't write himself, is the best part after the first few books.