oh okay, I only saw gravecrawler in that post.
Do you already have 2 Deathrites? I think we've gone over why that would be a sweet idea, but I don't think 3 is necessary.
What are you looking to add in red? Another sac outlet? something big? something else?
I do have two, but... I'm not sure what I want. I kind of want to cut down on the mono-black zombies and create a bit of a deficit so the deck has to rely on other colors more. I'm really unsure of what I'm looking for and just have this vague feeling of not being entirely satisfied with that element of the design.
If I had to list things I wish were better...
- people are still hesitant to jump into red, to the point where I could probably 2 - 1 or 3 - 0 red aggro decks every week. I don't know how to make it as fun or enticing as the other things (Zombies, Lifegain, Pod, Post, good stuff, control, etc.)
- Zombies are still super strong when it comes together, and more ways to interact with its graveyard are good
- I feel like the weaker drafters force Pod all the time so I'm having trouble separating its design from its players. I know from when I've piloted it that it can win, I've gone undefeated in 4-mans and team sealed with it.
- Pod gets way better if you have more 1-drop accelerants
- I think midrange is a bit undersupported in my cube, and kind of wish more like, Jund goodstuff decks would make the finals
All of these things are pulling me towards another Deathrite. Well, I don't really have an answer to the red thing. Maybe I'll make a thread.