General CBS


Ecstatic Orb
Same here. I think I have done this for twenty years. It’s on my backbone and in my heart.

The reason why I thought that was the official was because it made so much sense. It goes in a perfect wheel and when you move from one Guild to the next you cut a color and add another in the order of the color pie.

With the current one, there is no overlapping colors.
Except it doesn't go in a perfect wheel, it jumps around across the color wheel.

colorwheelmono.png colorwheelstar.png

For monocolor, you go from W to U to B to R to G, forming a perfect wheel.
For allied guilds, you go from WU to UB to BR to RG to GW, once again forming a perfect wheel. The W in WU is adjacent to the U in UB, and the U in WU is adjacent to the B in UB. If you superimpose the two circles formed by a) lining up the first element of a guild with the first element of the next guild, and b) lining up the second element of a guild with the second element of the next guild, you get the exact same image.
For enemy guilds, if you go from WU to UR to BG to RW to GU, you get a perfect wheel. The W in WB is adjacent to the U in UR, and the B in WB is adjacent to the R in UR.
If you choose to go WB to BG to GU to UR to RW, it looks like a good wheel, but in fact you are jumping around. The W in WB is opposite to the B in BG, and the B in WB is opposite to the G in BG.

At least, that's how it is in my mind, and why I always went WB > UR > etc.

Dom Harvey

The thing that always made sense to me was:
- Take an adjacent colour pair
- The second colour becomes the first colour of the next pair
- If a new colour isn't directly adjacent, keep going forward until you find one

WU, UB, BR, RG, loop around to GW.
WB, BG, loop around to GU, UR, loop around to RW
We have to start the wheel somewhere so we begin at the top with white:

We add white as the first color. Then we add the next color in the clockwise direction until we hit a combination we haven’t hit before (Blue)
We get Azorius.

Moving from Azorius we lose the oldest added color (white) and add the next color in the clockwise direction until we hit a combination we haven’t hit before (Black)
We get Dimir

Moving from Dimir we lose the oldest added color (Blue) and add the next color in the clockwise direction until we hit a combination we haven’t hit before (Red)
We get Rakdos

Moving from Rakdos we lose the oldest added color (Black) and add the next color in the clockwise direction until we hit a combination we haven’t hit before (Green)
We get Gruul

Moving from Gruul we lose the oldest added color (Red) and add the next color in the clockwise direction until we hit a combination we haven’t hit before (White)
We get Selesnya

Moving from Selesnya we lose the oldest added color (Green) and add the next color in the clockwise direction until we hit a combination we haven’t hit before (Black)
We get Orzhov

Moving from Orzhov we lose the oldest added color (White) and add the next color in the clockwise direction until we hit a combination we haven’t hit before (Green)
We get Golgari

Moving from Golgari we lose the oldest added color (Black) and add the next color in the clockwise direction until we hit a combination we haven’t hit before (Blue)
We get Simic

Moving from Simic we lose the oldest added color (Green) and add the next color in the clockwise direction until we hit a combination we haven’t hit before (Red)
We get Izzet

Moving from Izzet we lose the oldest added color (Blue) and add the next color in the clockwise direction until we hit a combination we haven’t hit before (White)
We get Boros

Please notice the method is exactly the same from start to finish and doesn’t change even when we switch from Ally to Enemy. Please notice that each Guild switch keeps exactly one color intact with each switch.
In my opinion it's WB -> UR -> BG -> RW -> GU since you can see every colour as a number modulo 5, so if W=0, U=1, B=2, R=3 and G=4 the enemy colour pairs are (0,2), (1,3), (2,4), (3,0) and (4,1) and from each one you obtain the next by adding +1 (mod 5)


Ecstatic Orb
See, I use a similar pattern in my head @Velrun, but it goes like this:

Objective: We want to create an ordered list of color combinations.
Start: We start in W. This is our initial base color.
Rule 1: We cycle through the color wheel, shifting the base color by one position each time.
Rule 2: Whenever we hit a duplicate color combination, we add the next color along the wheel that gets us a new color combination.
Rule 3: If we can't create a new color combination using rule 2, we add the next color along the wheel to the base color, then reapply rule 2.

W > U > B > R > G > W+U > U+B > B+R > R+G > G+W > W+B > U+R > B+G > R+W > G+U > WU+B > UB+R > BR+G > RG+W > GW+U > WU+R > UB+G > BR+W > RG+U > GW+B > WUB+R > UBR+G > BRG+W > RGW+U > GWU+B > WUBR+G

This method is also exactly the same from start to finish and goes all the way from monocolor to wubrg. I totally get your method, and I think it's just as logically sound. In the end the order is fairly arbitrary, as the articles by WotC clearly show :)
I mean... I know I'm wrong in my way of thinking. At least that's what I can find online.

However I also know that I have been doing it like that for many years and I cannot imagine myself picking up a Guild-order system on my own. I am semi positive that Wizards must have given me that system.

I feel like they changed the Guild-wheel at some point but I haven't found any evidence of that online.

All I know is that my CubeCobra changed the way they ordered their Guilds from my one to the 'new' one. At least if we compare it to the cube I had (have) on CubeTutor.
The thing that always made sense to me was:
- Take an adjacent colour pair
- The second colour becomes the first colour of the next pair
- If a new colour isn't directly adjacent, keep going forward until you find one

WU, UB, BR, RG, loop around to GW.
WB, BG, loop around to GU, UR, loop around to RW

Same here. It just clicked for me early on when I started playing and I laid out all shocks in color order and the frames bled color to color with each adjacent card and looped back around.


Jason Waddell

Staff member
In my opinion the biggest consideration is your balance between aggro and control. If control is struggling you can afford more taplands, and vice versa.

Chris Taylor

Christ the xml that lets people play my custom cards in cockatrice was last modified in August of 2020.
It's officially been too long