General CBS

I really should have screen shotted it but in last night's draft I had the nuttest nut curve I've had in a while:

Turn 1: Land + Deathrite Shaman

Turn 2: Play a second land. Cast Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath, put my third land into play.

Turn 3: Play Omnath, Locus of Creation. Play Fetch land. Crack fetch for my 4th land and generate WURG off of Omnath. Cast Bring to Light for rainbow to get Niv-Mizzet Reborn. Niv draws me 5 spells.

Spells: 23

Lands: 17

Sideboard: 24

Deck was absolutely absurd, one of the best Niv lists my cube has ever yielded. Easy 3-0 only dropped a single game to my finals opponent where they cast Dig Through Time, Treasure Cruise, Demonic Tutor *and* Mind Twist against, had multiple pieces of stack interaction to beat the bombs and they were on the play.

@Velrun Yeah, I had a fake made. My cube doesn't have any legality restrictions so I'll run silver border, playtest cards, heroes of the realm, etc stuff if it suits my design goals and exist within the allowable powerband of my format. Inzerva is definitely super fucked up and near the top of that band though but I don't think it's egregiously so, card's in the same tier as shit like the busted blue cantrips, oko, uro, etc so for now I'm fine with it.
@Velrun Yeah, I had a fake made. My cube doesn't have any legality restrictions so I'll run silver border, playtest cards, heroes of the realm, etc stuff if it suits my design goals and exist within the allowable powerband of my format. Inzerva is definitely super fucked up and near the top of that band though but I don't think it's egregiously so, card's in the same tier as shit like the busted blue cantrips, oko, uro, etc so for now I'm fine with it.

I respect that.
I also have no quarrels with including cards like Silver border, playtest, conspiracies etc. I haven’t found any good use for the Theros Hero cards or the Vanguard cards, yet :p

Is there any way I could get you to upload a picture (taken with your phone or whatever) here of your fake Inzerva?
I respect that.
I also have no quarrels with including cards like Silver border, playtest, conspiracies etc. I haven’t found any good use for the Theros Hero cards or the Vanguard cards, yet :p

Is there any way I could get you to upload a picture (taken with your phone or whatever) here of your fake Inzerva?

it just looks like the above scan but with the copyright info scrubbed out. idk the forum's policy on proxies but I can DM you info or post it here if you'd like to know where I got mine.
it just looks like the above scan but with the copyright info scrubbed out. idk the forum's policy on proxies but I can DM you info or post it here if you'd like to know where I got mine.

I don’t think this forum has any policy on such matters :) Someone correct me if I am wrong. We not only have a custom thread for home made cards. We also make our custom rules for our formats. And we even have an alter thread where some alterations are ‘just’ customs.

I think you should be allowed to do you <3 Just don’t sell the card and bring other parties into your decision ;)
Remember how we all agree that two-colored cards are difficult to add to a cube because not many players around the table is going to want that specific two-color card?

Seeing a Bloodbraid Elf as the 15’th pick is the norm in most cubes according to what I’ve read on this page.

Isn’t Bring to Light an even more color-restricted card that wants you to be even more colors than two but with the requirement that at least two of the colors are Simic/Quandrix?
I think that we should all agree that it depends on the density and quality of your fixing.
Yes, the more fixing the easier it is to play multicolored cards. However, the more fixing the easier it becomes to play and draft the best cards irrespective of color restrictions...
Yeah, for the most part, I prefer the commitment to go into a second/third/fourth color to really mean something. That being said, really colorful sets/cubes can be fun sometimes.
Remember how we all agree that two-colored cards are difficult to add to a cube because not many players around the table is going to want that specific two-color card?

Seeing a Bloodbraid Elf as the 15’th pick is the norm in most cubes according to what I’ve read on this page.

Isn’t Bring to Light an even more color-restricted card that wants you to be even more colors than two but with the requirement that at least two of the colors are Simic/Quandrix?

I think this is where the design of my format really distinguishes itself in that every deck at the draft table is expected to be 3+ colors and have a close to legacy quality manabase (albeit without Wastelands). What this ultimately means is that for gold cards from their respective color pairings, instead of being desired only by a single drafter at the table like they are in more traditional cubes, are now sought after by 2-4 players.

For an example, imagine a draft yields a pod comprised of:

1 5c Niv player, 1 Sultai mid, 1 Grixis tempo, 1 Abzan mid, 1 Naya zoo, 1 Jeskai control, 1 Mardu pyromancer, 1 Jund mid

This means that the pool has this many players interested in each guild:

2 Azorius, 3 Dimir, 3 Rakdos, 3 Gruul, 3 Selesnya, 3 Orzhov, 3 Izzet, 4 Golgari, 4 Boros and 2 Simic

The result is that the average pool has ~3 players in any given guild, meaning that individual gold cards are about a third as parasitic as they normally are. It's far from uncommon to be drafting cards from a particular color pairing and failing to wheel cards that, in a more traditional cube environment, would come back to you such as Izzet Charm, Maelstrom Pulse and yes, even Bloodbraid Elf.

Yes, the more fixing the easier it is to play multicolored cards. However, the more fixing the easier it becomes to play and draft the best cards irrespective of color restrictions...

This is in fact exactly what I want out of my format. I don't really support any narrow synergy archetypes although synergistic interactions can be built into to some degree. Synergy in my format comes more so in the form of Snapcaster Mage being the peanutbutter to Lightning Bolt's jelly, as opposed to lower floor interactions that require much more dedicated deckbuilding concessions. I expect players to draft Aggro, Midrange or Control and simply tailor their list to best execute that plan given the cards they see during the draft in their colors.

I also put a heavy emphasis on sideboarding as my format is drafted in 4 packs of 16 cards each, players are generally expected to draft a full manabase comprised almost entirely of non-basic lands, a cohesive and refined mainboard and a sideboard with reasonable options to bring in to adjust their specific tools to be better suited to their opponent's plan. A deep well of highly redundant and desirable effects coupled with a narrow power band is what makes the format tick. Games are less about playing the best cards, everyone at the table is doing that to some extent, but more so about understanding the nuances of specific matchup tables and coming out of the draft with a clearly defined plan for how you want to approach them, both on the play and on the draw.
To everyone above me: Yes but Bring to Light demands more than just two-colors, right?

In a two-color deck it is a 5 mana tutor for a very small spell. In three-color I would probably still not run it.

This should in theory mean that even in SirFunchalot’s cube, the card is bad in 7 out of 8 of the players’ card pool if the deck spread is like Sir described in his example. Correct?

Here are the 8 decks as listed in the example used above:

Jund Midrange can’t cast it.
Mardu Pyromancer can’t cast it.
Jeskai Control can’t cast it.
Naya Zoo can’t cast it.
Abzan Midrange can’t cast it.

Sultai Midrange can cast it but probably shouldn’t run the card.
Niz-Mizzet 5-color can cast it and should run it.