Back in ~2008 you could find cases of 12 pre-constructed decks from Ravnica on eBay for like, $30-40 USD? So my friends and I bought a few cases and brought them to Scout camp and sold them to kids who got spending money from their parents for the camp shop and such for $10 each, making around $400 in profit across the four of us sales guys and bought booster boxes of Shadowmoor to draft with it. We taught everyone how to play and so the fomo was insane, everyone wanted to get in on it. Since it was at that Scout camp that I had learned how to play just two years earlier, it only seemed right!
You could tell from the prices that, unless they messed up and included Top, no one wanted those precons, but I still loved them a lot, they felt a lot more formative and interesting than the theme boosters possibly could today. EDH precons still have that level of resonance, but they don't come with a flavorful printed guide to the deck these days IIRC, and that was one of my favorite parts. RIP to the $20 commander precons btw, those were a great idea for the few sets they had them.