Chris Taylor
Tutor is good in aggro unless you have all good cards with good curve and no synergy cards.
Tutor is busted in control
I think tutor in control decks is better impulse
Tutor is good in aggro unless you have all good cards with good curve and no synergy cards.
Tutor is busted in control
When did 2 mana Jace and 4 mana Jace start costing the same?
Seriously, I usually don't complain about card prices and just bite the bullet ordering cards I know are going to go down in value, but this time thanks to Jace Skyrocketing in price, I probably saved money buying early (assuming I didn't want to wait for rotation to buy when MAYBE it would be cheaper).2-mana Jace is probably my favorite Cube card right now, and I would cry if I hadn't preordered him at like $15. I kind of wish I'd got a set so I could turn the others into some store credit for board games now.
2-mana Jace is probably my favorite Cube card right now, and I would cry if I hadn't preordered him at like $15. I kind of wish I'd got a set so I could turn the others into some store credit for board games now.
I couldn't find our top of library thread. Somebody included this card in a submission:
Is this effect worth a card?
I've been long contemplating taking the transparencies to any card over X$ in my cube. I don't think I could bring myself to proxy the whole thing since each of these takes so long, but if I slash everything over 20$ or something I could make some real headway.
Maybe after I'm done moving
@CT you might try my approach of paper cutout proxying the full cube and slowly taking transparencies to it when you find some idle time and want something mechanical to do to just shut your brain off. In large doses, foil proxying is torture. In small doses it can be a relaxing little hobby you do while you half-ass watch a show or some tournament coverage of whatever game you like.
I discovered that the big secret to decent paper proxies is setting your printer quality to "high". It makes a way bigger difference than quality paper. I'd imagine it consumes more ink, but I haven't noticed a dramatic difference. The biggest difference is that print time triples, but who cares, right?
I won one from a draft and thought nothing of it, cut to two months ahead and I just traded that guy for like a deathrite shaman, noble hierarch, thoughseize and a bunch of other stuff. That price sky rockeded.I love the flipwalkers, I might just have to get a Nissa now
(tfw you open a foil Kytheon and it's not even worth 1/4 of a normal Jace)
Doa Thread idea: 10 most expensive cards in your cube
Doa Thread idea: 10 most expensive cards in your cube