General CBS


Ecstatic Orb
I still buy CD's, so yeah, I value real stuff as well. My cube mostly consists of real cards, the only things I proxy are custom cards and enemy fetches. I would love to own those fetches, but I simply can't justify spending the price the secondary market is asking for them. Without those fetches my cube would suffer, so what's a guy to do? As soon as WotC comes to their senses and starts reprinting those lands so they'll dip into affordable price ranges I'll be the first to buy some, but until then I'm stuck either running my handmade proxies or playing an inferior cube.
Archive looks soooo bad in cube. 5 mana do-nothing unless you build around it. Yuck. I don't need more incentives for players to draft card draw and life gain is already pretty gross
Got a last-minute chance to play as a ringer in a MTGO peasant cube (i can debrief on this later if folks want), probably could've gone undefeated but I punted g2 of the finals for a clean 2-1, a.k.a. "on form"

The games where I played against cards like Curse of Shallow Graves and Path felt a lot more challenging than the ones where I played against cards like Jackal Pup and Borderland Marauder.

Not-aggro cards I like.
Some nice cards here. I think non-gold cards fit in more decks, and Living Death is a bit of a build-around (there's no reanimation package currently), but Trinket Mage gets:
Engineered Explosives, Expedition Map, Sensei's Divining Top, Everflowing Chalice, Relic of Progenitus, Adventuring Gear, Bonesplitter, Basilisk Collar
- 8 quite varied targets, so plausible.

All Suns' Dawn is a pretty decent pay-off for durdly multicolour decks.

I happen to know there's a Survival of the Fittest on the account already - this works well with Vengevine, Bloodghast, Gravecrawler et al and is also probably playable in Pod decks.

Yawgmoth's Will is a powerful card that doesn't do much for aggro - I don't think it does anything broken here, but at five or six mana you get another land drop and get a choice of a couple of cheap things in the graveyard.
Bequeathal is an interesting card to run in a sac engine.
Parallax Wave doubles as a good control card and an interesting way to abuse ETB effects.
Trinket mage is an awesome cube card because of how fun it is to build around him in a list thats designed well for him.
But he can totally be an aggro card if he's fetching bonesplitter or cursed scroll or the like :p
Also, i'll echo the vote for yawgwin. I didn't realize how cool that card was until i made the powered-combo-squadron cube and started seeing all the interactions.
Plus it goes great with fetches!
Got a last-minute chance to play as a ringer in a MTGO peasant cube (i can debrief on this later if folks want), probably could've gone undefeated but I punted g2 of the finals for a clean 2-1, a.k.a. "on form"
How were the other decks? I'm guessing it's a format that favours aggro over control?
What were the best/worst cards in your deck?
How were the other decks? I'm guessing it's a format that favours aggro over control?
What were the best/worst cards in your deck?

It was a varied field, but I think I played fish my first two games. Single-colour decks, no splash, no real plan beyond aggro or 'kill dudes'
Rd 1, Shrine of Burning Rage gave me some pause but i got to do things like swing in with Wickerbough, during attacks kill your newly-animated Factory, hit you for eight.



Rd 2, his removal just didn't stack up to my 4/4s. He played poorly (swinging with epochrasite to put me at 18 leaving no blockers, i alpha'd for six and Swords'd his guy) but when we played another match for fun I crushed him both those games, too. Maze of Ith should not have been in his sideboard.


Finals, I misplayed heavily but think I could've beaten him. He misplayed a little too, but we're talking 'didn't sac mortarpod against a lifelinker' vs. 'passed turn four without playing a land, spell, or attacking'. Curse of Shallow Graves was literally unstoppable g1; pauper needs wrath effects. It turns out this guy plays ANT, he definitely felt like a real opponent who was on top of the game at all times. Would've loved if the first two decks looked more like this one.

My best cards were probably Library, Eternal Witness, Rolling Thunder and Bloodbraid in that order. Sabertooth was too mana-intensive and conditional so I sided it out a bunch, but one game the Fire Imp/recur loop was helpful. Seeker was a bit of a dud, only swinging as a 3/3 twice, but that's more a function of how I timed things and I never cut the card.

I might draft it again in a couple weeks, but the impression I had is that it was a proactive format with bad reactive control decks.
I never felt like this was an archetype before but lately I've been sorta thinking of it as a big theme or incentive. Red Green is good with blazes but with a couple of regrowths you are even better. We have more playable regrowth guys than ever and one of the few spell types that always seems to make red or green decks are fireballs. It's really not hard to imagine such a green deck only splashing for craters claws and lightning bolt or even just splashing for a demonic tutor.

midrange pressure + regrowth + ramp + reach is a formula I am drawn to but never conceptualized


Ecstatic Orb
I never felt like this was an archetype before but lately I've been sorta thinking of it as a big theme or incentive. Red Green is good with blazes but with a couple of regrowths you are even better. We have more playable regrowth guys than ever and one of the few spell types that always seems to make red or green decks are fireballs. It's really not hard to imagine such a green deck only splashing for craters claws and lightning bolt or even just splashing for a demonic tutor.

midrange pressure + regrowth + ramp + reach is a formula I am drawn to but never conceptualized

Well... The sickest blaze ever is {R/G}!


Chris Taylor

I never felt like this was an archetype before but lately I've been sorta thinking of it as a big theme or incentive. Red Green is good with blazes but with a couple of regrowths you are even better. We have more playable regrowth guys than ever and one of the few spell types that always seems to make red or green decks are fireballs. It's really not hard to imagine such a green deck only splashing for craters claws and lightning bolt or even just splashing for a demonic tutor.

midrange pressure + regrowth + ramp + reach is a formula I am drawn to but never conceptualized

Craters Claws + Rosheen Meanderer

Chris Taylor

So, drafting last night, strange problem

My first 5 picks were all really solid burn spells (4th pick lightning bolt), My 6th pick I had a choice between blood artist and zulaport cutthroat.
Okay, so that's a sign.

My colors were pretty well defined off the bat. And yet: 5/6 drafters were in red. 2 seperate people were in 4 color goodstuff.

A) the 4 color goodstuff decks tend to be not broken, but it ends up with all the other drafters having 1-2 nonbasics, which sucks
B) Did I just shuffle that really really badly or is it possible red is actually that deep? o.O


Ecstatic Orb
B) Did I just shuffle that really really badly or is it possible red is actually that deep? o.O
Depending on what cards got shuffled in, red can be a really good secondary color. White weenies + burn works, but so does black aristocrats + red sac outlets/fodder, blue+red spells, and green + red beef and blaze. Maybe there was simply a lot of solid, splashable burn going around?

Jason Waddell

Staff member
So, drafting last night, strange problem

My first 5 picks were all really solid burn spells (4th pick lightning bolt), My 6th pick I had a choice between blood artist and zulaport cutthroat.
Okay, so that's a sign.

My colors were pretty well defined off the bat. And yet: 5/6 drafters were in red. 2 seperate people were in 4 color goodstuff.

A) the 4 color goodstuff decks tend to be not broken, but it ends up with all the other drafters having 1-2 nonbasics, which sucks
B) Did I just shuffle that really really badly or is it possible red is actually that deep? o_O

Sounds like random variability to me. With 6 drafters you tend to have one color that has at least 4 players in it (if on average they are on 3 colors per deck, 3/5 * 6 = 3.6 avg drafters per color), and with random chance you'll have a fifth player joining in.

Chris Taylor

Yeah the bit that worried me was thus:
RB Aristocrats: 2 nonbasics
RB Midrange: 1 Nonbasic
GWBR Control: ~16 nonbasics
RU Prowess: 3 nonbasics
GW Pitches to Force: 1 nonbasic (Windbrisk Heights)
RUBG Wildfire: ~16 Nonbasics

I'd already been thinking about starting a ULD, and my brain's going "It'd fix these issues!"
But then, my cube is already real complicated