Chris Taylor
New stuff up:
Is this hearthstone magic?

Is this hearthstone magic?
Conspiracy 2 is looking SWEET. I'm kind of in love with this card, too:
Could this be Lab Maniac win enabler with Enter the Infinite Shenanigans?
Edit: Ohmygod it's an enter the battlefield effect. LET'S DO THE TIME WARP AGAAAAAIN
Edit: Seriously, I'm going nuts here. i'm a Johnny to the core, and this may be my favorite cube card spoiled in, like... ever.
I'm pretty sure if you're playing Conspiracy sealed you're officially Doing It Wrong. It's a class 3 Violation of Play and the Fun Police will take your cards away.Beastly in sealed, heh.
Conspiracy 2 is looking SWEET. I'm kind of in love with this card, too:
Could this be Lab Maniac win enabler with Enter the Infinite Shenanigans?
Edit: Ohmygod it's an enter the battlefield effect. LET'S DO THE TIME WARP AGAAAAAIN
Edit: Seriously, I'm going nuts here. i'm a Johnny to the core, and this may be my favorite cube card spoiled in, like... ever.
That's a horrible card ?Oh. My. God.
This is going in my cube YESTERDAY.
There are so many ways to play with this card! It's never a first pick, but can be a great late pick, and you can even try to wheel it to your opponents for their 15th, leaving them stuck with it! Amazing!
That's a horrible card ?
Why not play Desecration Demon or something else ?
I'm not running Ghostly Flicker, so Arcane Savant will create plenty of sweet 2-card infinite loops, like with any blink engine with Temporal Mastery, any sac outlet with Living Death or Exhume, or Incoming! into any number of combos. Exiling Upheaval doesn't go infinite, but it's pretty close to game-ending.