General [Contest] 30+ Eggs in one Basket

I like contests, I hope you do too. Now that the previous contest is officially over, I figured that it was time for myself to take up the mantle to organise one!

Design a cube where at least 30 cards are identical
I really like the concept of the 100 ornithopter cube. Inspired by this concept, I challenge you to design a 180 card cube where at least 30 cards are identical. I chose for 180 cards because it makes the challenge a little less massive, allows for more focus (and maybe dropping a color or two), and is my personal preferences for a cube size. The real challenge will be to design the cube to fully utilize this one duplicated card.

No custom cards allowed!

Prize: 20 EUR (or regional equavalent)
Spendable on one Mtg card that I'll have shipped through an online seller. Shipping costs are included in the 20 euro.

Deadline: July 2nd
Gives everyone a month to brew and coincides with the start of BloomBurrow spoilers.

Can be done by replying to this thread with a CubeCobra link! Only one entry per person, but feel free to share your thoughts here. After the deadline, I'll make a poll where everyone can vote for their favorite cube. I'll post my own thought on each individual cube with the poll, but it's a democratic process. Have fun everybody :)

(if you have any questions, feel free to ask below)

The real question: go easy mode and pick a land or a colorless card, or go hard mode and just, I dunno, make the entire green section 30 Gladewalker Ritualists?

EDIT: There's also the option of just throwing caution to the wind and making it 30 copies of Curse of Silence or something similarly heinous.
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I did a cube with like 50-100 Endless One for an old contest, but I can't find it.

Probably won't participate in this one, but might drop some interesting picks in the final day or two.

On the topic of intense multiples, I always thought it could be cool to only run one card per color per MV. Probably split it into creature and noncreature. So red one would be like 7 Goblin Guides for the creature and 12 Bolts for noncreature. Green two might be like 8 Nest Invader and 6 Grapple with the Past. Multicolored you can choose your own rules. 4 of the same card per section, 4 cards of different mv, whatever.
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How awful would a cube with 30 Lore Seekers be, in terms of the drafting process? Asking for a friend.

(In all seriousness, my brain is screaming at me that I should use one of the Conspiracy "draft matters" cards as my egg. Lore Seeker wouldn't be on the table, if only because I think that would legitimately be one of the shittiest possible cubes.)


Staff member
I did a cube with like 50-100 Endless One for an old contest, but I can't find it.
I got u fam:

Because I was also one of the people who did a lot of one card in that contest.
I really liked that contest and this one seems a little bit harder since instead of thinking of 100 cards for a cube we need to think of (maximum) 151 cards. Restrictions do breed creativity though.

I still like watching Jason's reaction to both my and Brad's cubes, I find it pretty funny.
Before I go off the deep end, what does a cube with 30 Gitaxian Probes and no Blue color sound like???

I would use Foretell and Morph to hide some information and use the Probes for spells matter stuff. Maybe a few incidental sources of Blue mana.
Before I go off the deep end, what does a cube with 30 Gitaxian Probes and no Blue color sound like???

I would use Foretell and Morph to hide some information and use the Probes for spells matter stuff. Maybe a few incidental sources of Blue mana.
I don't think you're hiding any information against the 0 mana Probe, but there's some spell velocity and life-total-matters stuff to be had.
Some Egg Thoughts:

  • 30 cards is a lot in an 180 card cube. If you assume 4 players, that's 7-8 copies each. On the one hand, that means that
  • The high density means that you can throw whatever niche synergies you want into the cube, since that's 100% enough copies for those synergies to show up. If your cube is built around Packsong Pup, you can totally toss in Runebound Wolf because holy crap everyone has wolves.
  • On the other hand, you really need to pick a card that can be built around in a bunch of different ways, because otherwise it's going to collapse into a mush. I'd stick to enablers over payoffs, if only because enablers tend to allow for many different Types Of Nonsense.
  • Something else to keep in mind is that whatever card you pick is going to "eat" a mana value or color. To go back to the Packsong Pup example, you've now got 30 green 2-drops — in a cube this small, you're not going to have much more room for 2-drops or Green cards unless you're skewing the cube. Pretty obvious, but sometimes obvious stuff is the easiest to forget.
  • The hardest thing is picking a card that doesn't have a bad mirror match against itself. For a while I was musing about a Vampire's Kiss cube, but the tug-of-war element seems like it'd be frustrating to play.
Love that Spirit Guide choice because it would definitely catch me off guard! Plus it’s essentially colorless so maybe more open ended?
Honestly, I think they're all excellent choices!

The Spirit Guide is certainly something! I would have to wonder if that specific one isn't a less flexible lotus petal in most cases.