Hey there I have thing to discuss regarding a cycle I am trying myself on:
I want to make MDFCs with duals on the back. Since I also want to give Aggro al little boost when it comes to fixing (I play Triomes and some other tapped lands), I wanted to make them come to play untapped conditionally.
So my take is this:
You may have CARDNAME enter the battlefield tapped. If you don’t, put a pain counter on it. For as long as this card has a pain counter on it, it has “Whenever this land becomes tapped, it deals 1 damage to you.”

: Add


Now my big question is:
How do I balance the powerlevel of the front side?
Since those lands are pretty good anyways, the front side does not have to be that good for the card to be playable, but if I make them too bad, they are just lands that are unnesseraily complex.
I guess I have to make them expensive lategame cards, like the mythic MDFC lands. Or do you think I could make some of them situational removal cards for example?