I'm imagining these in some sort of semi-Un set where a lot of the cards are a bit comical somehow.
- Adventures should have separate names from the cards they're on, which is slightly problematic, since you tried to fit both sides of the card to the name. In some cases this works (Duck) in others it doesn't (Wind, Sewer). Anyway, ask yourself if you're happy with players saying: "I cast Wind."
- The reminder text on the adventure side of Extract, Match, and Object is wrong.
I agree and don't have a fix for it, I'll see if I can find another WU word, maybe.
- Wind feels disconnected.
Alright. I'm a bit nervous around adventures, but you're right.
- Sewer feels weird and underpowered as a 0/2. Doomed Necromancer is a 2/2 for
that is literally unplayable. I think you can get away with making it a 2/1 if you want to push it a bit.
Added "from hand" text.
- Match (the enchantment) pulls all the lands from your deck with a single land drop.
I was thinking that a match would be put out by something blue. There's also fewer blue creatures than the other colors.
- Match's (the adventure) nonblue clause sticks out like a sore thumb, blue even is an enemy color of both red and green...
I was so nervous to make the random too weak. It IS really wordy and the half text box is rough. EDIT: I removed the flavor text to save space, but then the dash ended up on a line of its own, so I removed the loot because it felt like the weakest effect. Now it's like a mix of Awakening Zone and Cunning Sparkmage.
- Object is really cool, but also really wordy. It also seems really, really strong compared to the power level of the others.
I thought about that, but I have a hard time imagining a machine as a religious convert.
- Convert feels disjointed. You could easily make the creature an artifact creature to fit a bit better.
I learned the word "homograph." Words that look the same but have more meanings.I actually find the polysemous names cute! They also helped me learn the word polysemous, so it's been educational too. Wizards wouldn't do it, but don't let that stop you.
Added so it's played from hand. The idea was to match your land drops. Like a Wild Pair for lands. I almost just did Wild Pair text, but it was enough wordier that it shrunk the text a decent bit.--Match should probably have at least one "basic" on it. As it stands, it's a busto T4 lands enabler that is also a removal spell from T1.
It might become 2 mana for 3 damage, but it's already limited to creatures, which hurts it.R for 2 damage to a creature is very, very good value--see Spikefield Hazard.
Yeaaaaahh... It's hard because both sides of the spell feel unplayable once you start costing them up. I was viewing it as good Thoughtseize and a Seal of Fire with a mana added to both. Maybe Extract becomes good Duress. I'll see where the overall power level lands and adjust accordingly.--Extract seems crazy good for a control deck as a more different Pyrite Spellbomb combined with Check for Traps, both of which are playable on their own.
Definitely my first time designing adventures and they're a weird card type. I was scared that some might suck if I don't have both halves cast, but I'm going to go look into this!--Might some of these work better with higher mana costs on the adventures? Right now if I'm playing these cards, they're mostly gold cards that I'm looking to juice for maximal value, and by making some of the adventures the primary mode you might be able to spice things up a little.
Thanks. They're pretty fun, I think.But overall I really like these!
CardConjurer sucks for making split cards. I'd have to go edit the art myself to have it fit across both sides of the card... Anyone have a strong alternative?
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