Alright, so we have the baseline idea for a card, imagine for an environment where
doom blade is standard:

Destroy target creature with CMC 2 or less
But this is a really narrow, essentially anti aggro card. Let's make it broadly more applicable in the easiest possible way with kicker.
But what to add?

doom blade
Well I don't love the nonblack clause. Since you essentially never have control over the cards your opponent plays,
doom blade in draft can be annoying for the same reasons something like
Chill can be. Let's change that.

This card isn't particularly interesting since the kicked version is something we'd already play, so this feels less like kicker and more like evoke: the spell feels more like the full price version and you occasionally get a discount. As well, a lot of these arguments apply to the doom blade example as well.
(There's arguments here that the card is overpowered that I'd rather not get into in this excercise)

Alright, we're getting warmer.
Murder is quickly becoming the black
cancel anyways (Not quite good enough on it's own, but a fine addition when a little something is tacked on like
hero's downfall or
dissipate. "Slightly easier to cast" is a nice enough upside on this case, but not enough that I think I'd just run the card on it's own)
But again, I'm getting the creeping feeling that I'm not much making a choice here, my actions are being dictated by the game situation almost entirely. Perhaps another:

, pay 2 life
(I'm just going to skip over the partial evolution here of just kicker: Pay 2 life which is more unacceptably powerful, while
doom blade without a targeting restriction is powerful, but I feel more acceptably so)
Alright, interesting. Now the player has to weigh the value of life paid now to destroy a threat that might cost them more if left unremoved. As well, unlike cards like
dismember (played where it always is, in decks without access to black mana) there is another viable option if you
can't spare 2 life: kill something smaller. It won't always have a target but on a more or less stalled board it'll still help.
It's still not perfect. I've long lamented players being forced to board out
thoughtseize in matchups where it might otherwise have helped because they couldn't spare the 2 life, and would have happily kept in a narrower card like
duress. Certainly won't make or break the card (It didn't
thoughtseize, after all), but maybe we can do better:
Kicker: Sacrifice a creature
Alright, this is definitely weaker. Having a spare creature lying around is a tough sell sometimes, as
bone splinters has demonstrated in many limited formats. It's not an impossible sell, since things like
unearth creatures, and
disposable tokens can all make the price more manageable, but all of those things make the card more narrow again, which was the problem we were trying to solve with this kicker. Maybe something simpler?

murder is probably strong an uninteresting, but

murder might be a more interesting restriction. However, it does run counter to a lot of pretty core cube design principals, though it does dodge the issue of

being a tough goal in the early turns, since that's usually when you could cast it unkicked (Unless your opponent just
reanimated a 7 drop or something)


Alright now you're trying too hard, this card is losing focus. Phyrexian mana won't work either, 3 ways to cast a single simple kill spell is too many when one of those ways targets different things.
Kicker: discard a card (Assuming no
madness theme in the cube)
Assuming there's not some hardcore good reasons to just be throwing stuff away, this is going to feel AWFUL to kick, and like an absolute blowout if the downside is mitigated in any way (Playing this to discard your reanimation target AND kill an important creature is a lot going on for a single mana instant)
Alight, I can keep inner monologuing in circles forever about something like this. Hopefully the sheer number of variations and their progression to one another is insightful rather than confusing. What do you think is the better designed card?