Glad to hear that what I am working on here is helping more than just me.
I am not convinced that I can support tribal very effectively. The cards just aren't there. All of the key tribal cards just seems too all-in. I am looking for cards like
Bloodline Keeper, which is a fine card, but benefits from having extra Vampires in your deck, but they don't seem to exist for most tribes, everything kind of assumes you will commit completely to the tribe.
I think I am up to hole filling for most of this cube. I still need some ramp targets, black needs some discard, blue needs some card draw/filtering, the whole thing needs some more 2-drops, etc.
I made alot of additions to the cube today.
I bolstered Devotion a little, branching out from just black. (Since I looked at all of my hybrid symbols and thought, why not?)
I continued to add to the counter theme I have. Some of these are ideas from the +1/+1 counter thread, others are because I think I can get away with going a little deeper, since I suspect I have more counter manipulation than most cubes.
I added some more Suspend cards, since I touched on these earlier in the thread, then seemed to forget about them.
Delay is simply an on-theme counterspell, and my counter density was a little low (only the 4 Evasive Actions). Fury Charm seems like a 'just-fine' card here, in the way that most modal cards are.
I have this feeling that Domain and Ramp will commonly be the same deck (since most of the Domain enablers ramp), which is a little worrying as I feel it could be incredibly strong. I am not sure how to handle this, or even if I am just worrying over-much about it.