Sets [DMH] Duskmourn: House of Horror

Personally, I am much more scared that, with the two hat-sets behind us and now an 80's world coming, and with omenpaths, that we'll soon see Urabrask and Chatterfang riding Skateboards together, wearing base caps and chewing bubble gum.
I'm not really sure what you're getting at here. No one is suggesting that planes like Innistrad should have cell phones, only that it's ok if new settings can work with that space if it fits the world.
I feel like that is the only conceivable way to interpret what you wrote.
To be honest, I think it's good that they're expanding the range of acceptable levels of technology and societal development in Magic. Keeping every plane somewhat close to a medieval fantasy level of technology has the side effect of making the worlds feel stagnant and unchanging.
To expand, introducing Duskmourn isn't going to make Zendikar or Innistrad feel any less stagnant or unchanging, I don't retroactively like Zendikar Rising any more as a set now that this one has been announced. So the only way that expanding the levels of acceptable technology would make those stagnant or unchanging would be to introduce those elements to those planes as well. Your central issue with long-term worldbuilding appears to be related to maintaining a status-quo, which is tangential to how many magic planes have invented radio signals, and Duskmourn will be equally dull by the third visit under the same priorities.
See, I get that people are skeptical towards UB, so am I, for several reasons.
Again, we agree.

I just keep my UB skepticism focused on UB sets and cards.

Becausw it's so arbitrary. Because we have so very different worlds in MtG already. The good choices they've made added characters to the game that could be from it.
Can’t really help you there. It’s my opinion and pretty damn logical.
Eh not a fan of some of the aesthetic choices here but it's whatever. I just pick and choose what I like depending on card functionality and art and then just ignore the rest. It is weird how contemporary this set feels almost to where the lines between UB and actual Magic sets are starting to feel blurred.
and sure, they retconned the literal definition of "Eye of Ugin", but "the eye of Ugin, the Spirit Dragon ... see his fiery breath" is really damn close to "Spear of the Void Dragon" and 100% original WotC IP from 2007
No they for sure didn’t retcon ‘the eye of Ugin’ into The Eye of Ugin. Did you just come up with that yourself?
One is the name of the spirit dragon and its flame. The other is a location named after that spirit dragon and its flame.

You can read more about it here:
And here:

Personally, I am much more scared that, with the two hat-sets behind us and now an 80's world coming, and with omenpaths, that we'll soon see Urabrask and Chatterfang riding Skateboards together, wearing base caps and chewing bubble gum.
This I also agree with.
I have just decided to not have two mortal enemies: Both the in-game lore and the UB.
I chose UB because it’s the greater sinner to our game.

Eh not a fan of some of the aesthetic choices here but it's whatever. I just pick and choose what I like depending on card functionality and art and then just ignore the rest. It is weird how contemporary this set feels almost to where the lines between UB and actual Magic sets are starting to feel blurred.
I’ll concede to this. It’s very season 4 of Stranger Things on Duskmourn. How would it feel to have Ajani, Elspeth, Bolas and Jaya visit Duskmourn? Super weird I would say
I’ll concede to this. It’s very season 4 of Stranger Things on Duskmourn. How would it feel to have Ajani, Elspeth, Bolas and Jaya visit Duskmourn? Super weird I would say
Shirtless Ajani would probably fit the survivor vibe. I know that's probably not what you were getting at, but it's still a fun thought!

Also, try to avoid spamming the thread; you can quote multiple people in the same post, just as I have done here!
Cool, huh?
I've been waiting to see TV's in MtG since the first Ravnica set. While I'm not crazy about the fanny packs, and I think the 80's fashion could be made a lot more fantastical, at the end of the day a Multiverse can't just be castles and elves and regurgitated-recannibalized Tolkien stuff.

The Planeswalker's Guide to Duskmourn article was very convincing for me. I think it's cool worldbuilding, but like a lot of recent planes it will suffer from the Single Set Block structure until we return.

Right now, I think the Multiverse has several planes that feel too thin:
Kaladesh, Amonkhet, New Capenna, Thunder Junction, and Kaldheim all need return sets so we can get deeper into the lore. Ixalan's crazy Hollow Earth twist really showed the lore-expanding potential of what remains to be discovered in some of these planes.

Anyway, I'm hoping for one really solid House of Leaves reference before this is all over.


Ecstatic Orb
Aggressive Response
Ehm no

You don’t have to attempt to give me advices unless I specifically ask for it. Got it?
You just triple-posted. That’s always been frowned upon, and Train chose to be very friendly and tongue-in-cheek about it. Maybe he should have been more direct?

Please don’t triple-post. Got it?


Ecstatic Orb
Who hurt you?
I could ask you the same. Train stayed on topic, and casually remarked that it’s not necessary to double-or triple-post. They probably thought you weren’t aware of the multi-quote functionality, because you could have used that to avoid the triple-post. It was a polite and justified request and good advice. You reacted very defensively, saying Train shouldn’t even attempt to give you advice unless you specifically ask for it. I literally used your own language to make a point. If you read your own response again and compare it to my response, you will see that the tone is similar. It is a tone that’s not pleasant to read, as you have just experienced when reading my post. I apologize for the harsh tone of my message. I felt it was the best way, though not the friendliest, to get the message across. No hard feelings <3

PS But seriously though, please don’t triple-post. There was nothing wrong with the content of your individual posts, it’s just that you could have bundled them into one post.

PPS To get back on topic (sort of)… I’m still more excited about Duskmourne than about Bloomburrow, and I really hadn’t expected that based on my personal preferences (again, I hate horror and love Redwall). I feel like I embraced Universes Beyond already. The good designs make it hard to ignore. I just want to play good Magic, and Lorién Revealed is exactly what I like.

There is a problem there, however, which was recently touched upon by PleasantKenobi in one of his videos. The One Ring has been rapidly climbing in price, and because it’s from a UB set, it’s really hard to reprint it, and so it’s really hard to solve that problem for WotC. Their only option, provided they want to keep the format accessible, basically is to ban The One Ring, which feels really wrong. Someone somewhere lamented the fact that WotC didn't use the Godzilla frame, and I completely agree with them. They could have come up with an in universe name and printed that in small, just so they retain the option to reprint the cards under their in universe name. A shame, really!
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I could ask you the same.

You shouldn’t break down just because someone is answering three questions with three answers in three different messages to give them all focus. Something must have happened since you keep coming back to this situation again and again. It was just three answers to three questions.

Train stayed on topic, and casually remarked that it’s not necessary to double-or triple-post.

If only that were the case then everything would have been fine. You’re wrong on both regards though.

@TrainmasterGT I am still waiting for the answer to my question. Tell me you understand that you will not give me unwanted advice unless I specifically ask you. It’s rude and in bad taste. You are however welcome to send me a private message if you cannot keep your advice to yourself and you need to get it out.
Kirb Edit: Angry callouts are not on

Edit: Actually don’t answer that question. If you have any more problems you can text me in private. No more off topic !

PS But seriously though, please don’t triple-post. There was nothing wrong with the content of your individual posts, it’s just that you could have bundled them into one post.

I’m going to double post now but it wasn’t on purpose this time. I must have cut the rest of your reply by accident and only now just saw the rest.

I will try and remember not to triple post in the future. There’s nothing in the rules against it unless they’ve been changed without my knowledge. I didn’t know it would be so bad.

I triple posted on purpose to give each question a proper individual reply. But I will try and remember to not do that again in the future.

Don’t answer to this. No more detailing because you two want to talk about me as a person. Stay on topic now!!

Back to you @ravnic
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Staff member
Okay, that was a fun little side tangent now wasn't it.
I've merged some double posts so the forum flows a bit better.
I've given out some warnings and had some good talks.

They haven't spoiled any common cards for this set, so I have nothing else to really say on this set yet.
No they for sure didn’t retcon ‘the eye of Ugin’ into The Eye of Ugin. Did you just come up with that yourself?
One is the name of the spirit dragon and its flame. The other is a location named after that spirit dragon and its flame.

You can read more about it here:
And here:
When FUT came out, "the eye of Ugin" was like, he's blessed you! you can see the otherwise invisible (read: colorless) stuff! that's why this card has invisible fire on it! it's from the fuuuuuuture!

Then several years later, they used the name "Eye of Ugin" to refer to an actual, physical location.
Would they have called it the "Eye" specifically if they didn't have a preexisting phrase "Eye of Ugin"?
I don't know of some sight-based bit in the lore I'm not aware of that makes "the underground cave locus of a network of hedrons that locks the Eldrazi away" have to be specifically an eye? I certainly don't see one on the wiki, like, I don't see why it had to be an eye if not for that flavor text, but it actually has nothing to do with that flavor text.

And then ghostfire, Ugin's signature magic, is the key to "opening" the Eye of Ugin (unsealing the Eldrazi. wait, I get it, opening the eye. maybe that's why they reused the name?)
But the concept of Ugin "gifting people his eye" (to see ghostfire) is not one that has been referenced again at any point that I'm aware of? Like, the ghostfire spell was on the Dragon Scroll, and it's a thing that some Jeskai knew how to wield, but being able to see it was not something that came up anywhere?

So it's not a retcon in the sense of "oh yeah the eye has always meant this physical thing"
but it might be a retcon in the sense of "hey yeah we had this phrase 'eye of Ugin' lying around and we reused it so please be careful with this Ghostfire flavor text, it doesn't mean what you think it does now that the subequent Eye has become more famous", right?
Really hoping to see Glimmers at uncommon and common, and I'm excited to see Delirium in the set, too.

Hoping to see a card with a TV on it that has two or more Channel abilities. Maybe in a commander deck?

It would be cool of the Wickerfolk are green artifact creatures, like that Timber Paladin.