Sets [EMN] Eldritch Moon Spoilers Thread

If i add it in my cube no one will think it's a bad idea per se, but the card to me doesn't do anything WELL. Even if it had kicker, i still probably wouldn't add it in my cube.
Rather go for Memory Lapse or Remand or some of the billion different bounce spells in existence.

Thing is, it's both in one. Two for one deals always increase the value of a thing. It may not do any one thing particularly "well", but it can do multiple things.

This particular combination also keeps the spell relevant throughout the game: Remand effect early, unsummon later. Generally speaking, no one bounce or conditional counter can say this.

Also shout out to #elegance. I think I will cube this spell for a long time to come. Any one spell that can fill multiple roles with so few words, freeing up my design space a little = awesome
Thing is, it's both in one. Two for one deals always increase the value of a thing. It may not do any one thing particularly "well", but it can do multiple things.

This particular combination also keeps the spell relevant throughout the game: Remand effect early, unsummon later. Generally speaking, no one bounce or conditional counter can say this.

Also shout out to #elegance. I think I will cube this spell for a long time to come. Any one spell that can fill multiple roles with so few words, freeing up my design space a little = awesome

Would you pick that card over Remand? I wouldnt. Would you pick that over Into the Roil ? I wouldn't.

James Stevenson

Steamflogger Boss
Staff member
Would you pick that card over Remand? I wouldnt. Would you pick that over Into the Roil ? I wouldn't.

In the UR decks in my cube, you want to be getting blockers out the way, setting your opponent behind, triggering prowess, and developing your board. I think I would take this new thingy over Into the Roil. The flexibility is awesome, and mana's tight enough that I wouldn't want to kick it all that often anyway.

Woooah awesome small natural order for every color, and not as busted? Sign me up!


unsubstantiate is great. Its a tempo card that lets you push an assault on whatever angle it needs to be pushed on: remove a blocker for a turn, hold back a critical spell, or force the opponent to delay their deployment by wasting mana regardless of what they do.

This isn't even really a utility card: it fills a unique niche and it does so im a very efficient manner. It feels much more like a blue lightning bolt than the modal cards we've seen lately.
Eldritch Evolution I think might suffer the same fate as "fair tinker". You are 2 for 1'ing yourself. In order for that to be worth it, you have to get something really valuable. Is +2 CMC creature tutor worth the price of admission? Maybe and maybe not.

Tinkering into Steel Hellkite wasn't quite good enough most of the time in my meta, so I don't see how this card will be playable in moderately powerful cubes, but I'll be happy if I'm proven wrong because I love Natural Order. ETB, undying, etc all would combo with it much like Pod, but single use is why I don't think you can compare this card to Pod. IMO, the true power of Pod is about setting up chains and you lose that with evolution.

Wharf seems really good. I think I still prefer the simplicity of Looter Il-kor though. That said, I might try and run both if I find room.
Honestly the ability to turn dead faties in your hand into gas looks INSANE to me. Only got 3 lands and a hand full of four and five drops? Not a problem! Army of horrors.

Eternal Scourge
You may cast ~ from exile.
When ~ becomes the target of a spell or ability an opponent controls, exile it.


GUNDAM WOLF ahahaha what am I looking at?

Kinda wish it was +3,

Scary with turn 1 elf/bird

I thought of Evolution less as a Natural Order but more as a "fixed" one-shot Birthing Pod.

I think it's closer to order because it's much more flexible. "X+2 or less" is way different than "X +1 exactly." Clearly downgrading/staying at the same CMC won't be the typical play, but it can be the right one.

I'm kinda down on the wharf- any saboteur that can't attack into a 1/1 token is pretty miserable imo. It turns into this weird minigame of "do I trade my elf or let them loot?" but since the 3/2 ability is pretty powerful you probably just always block.
This is going to be a turning point. I foresee future generations using the 'Before-Lupine-Prototype' / 'After-Lupine-Prototpe' terminology when discussing the history of MTG