There are a few cards too that are symmetrical mass discard: you could have hellbent as a way to break symmetry and get into a top deck war. Not sure how well players would take that deck though. Probably poorly.
I always found Rafiq of the Many was too strong, and Rhox War Monk too weak. Maybe this is at the right level?Oh man, collective brutality is beautiful. What an awesome modal spell.
Also, Bantmiyo:
That +1 being on ANY combat damage is insane. 3 colors makes it tough, but I'm down to try it out. She's so cool. wait
i havent been following the plot that closely
they won???????????????
I honestly just kind of hate Jace.
Well, Tamiyo was supposed to be the other blue character. I'm actually genuinely annoyed that she's Bant colored in this set. Like, who is going to cast that?Me too! That's why him undergoing an extreme character change like this would be great
though I guess this doesn't really solve the problem of him being the only blue character