Sets [EMN] Eldritch Moon Spoilers Thread


There are a few cards too that are symmetrical mass discard: you could have hellbent as a way to break symmetry and get into a top deck war. Not sure how well players would take that deck though. Probably poorly.
Oh man, collective brutality is beautiful. What an awesome modal spell.

Also, Bantmiyo:


That +1 being on ANY combat damage is insane. 3 colors makes it tough, but I'm down to try it out. She's so cool.
The darkness of the art with the bright gold border is kind of an eyesore. Hopefully better in paper. She sure has a lot of words in every ability- +'s many modes is neat, and I'm glad she can't do a port impression anymore.

Brutality is cool but all those modes are pretty weak, -2/-2 on a sorcery is especially dull. Pitching being the escalation is nice, though. Weird 'mini payoff' for graveyard-engine cards like squee and all cards friendly with him.

Really miffed about the second 3/2 with aggressive evasion and red card advantage after they JUST printed Sin Prodder. It's got madness, but I think the rest of the card is worse-off than prodder.
i havent played magic in a minute but that thing is my kind of card

you know overall i think this set for me is like very miss but some of the cards individually are wonderful
i think it's partially bc of how predictable the whole BFZ "where's emrakul lol nobody knows where emrakul is" thing is followed by a set called shadows over innsmouth innistrad and it's like all this stuff about the moon. it's just like okay, girls this is clearly emrakul. i was convinced it was a misdirect or something because it was just too damn obvious. like why even hide it.

also just like, it's too far from the innistrad horror stuff to me. like once you're just mashing eldrazi in my face, like sure they're big monsters that will kill me. but it's not like that innistrad creeping dread. it's scary in the same way that an invading army is scary. i mean hell, even with full on invasion stuff new phyrexia did a better job of being horrific.

actually, fuck, new phyrexia being the big bad would've been way fucking better. much more suited to a horror environ and also would've been a bit of a swerve

To be honest, this is the first time they've ever depicted Eldrazi as the actual cosmis horror / body horror they're supposed to be. Not just weird looking slivers, you know? Like this card looks actually unpleasant.


Ecstatic Orb
Storywise it's disappointing that they just beat three of the most alien and powerful creatures in the multiverse without breaking much of a sweat. These four, now five, planeswalkers swore an oath to protect the multiverse against threats too large to be handled by the inhabitants of a plane themselves. What threats? You just eliminated the three biggest ones! What's next, Bolas dies in the next block, Phyrexians go extinct in the block after that, Liliana's Demons get mopped up in the block after that one, and then you're out of a job? It would have been much more satisfying if the protagonists were forced to a standstill, acknowledging that they can't save this plane from the big bad (not-really-)evil and have to devise a new plan in a future block! Hell, learn something from George R. R. Martin and kill of a main character! Anyway, the story might be uninspired, but the cards are pure gold lately. There's been a lot of super fun cards that found there way into my cube the last few blocks!


Ecstatic Orb
so wait

i havent been following the plot that closely

they won???????????????


They basically banished Emrakul to the moon of Innistrad and bound here there, kind of like a supercharged helvault from what I gathered.


Fwiw, flavorwise, I like the immagery of gothic horror being supplanted by lovecraftian horror, because thats what actually happened in rl.

I will admit, the actual execution feels off. What makes lovecraftian horror lovecraftian horror isn't an army, its discovering that you're just an insect to some greater being.

This set looks much better for cube than the last one.
If they were designing a game from the ground up to capture the feel of cosmic horror, I'd agree, but I think the story works well enough given the constraints the creative and R&D teams have to fit into. Tropes from various genres have to be bent to fit into a serialized story shoehorned into a trading card game.

I will say that Wizards seems to have been printing a lot value 3/2 creature for 3 recently.
they could've have this block end with a loss

it's not like other blocks haven't ended with a loss

the lovecraftian horror set being the place for victory over like, the biggest creature ever printed, is just plain _weird_
I was hoping for an insane jace, tbh. They had so many story vehicles they could have rearranged, UWG Tamiyo in SOI, and then a UB "insane Jace" in EMN, side story can continue into the next blocks where Tamiyo works to heal Jaces mind (or not, and someone else steps in, Narset?). I'm sure there is more that could be tinkered with

But I also agree with whydirt. Their execution of their (potentially flawed) story is good considering the medium they have
Me too! That's why him undergoing an extreme character change like this would be great :p
though I guess this doesn't really solve the problem of him being the only blue character
Well, Tamiyo was supposed to be the other blue character. I'm actually genuinely annoyed that she's Bant colored in this set. Like, who is going to cast that?
I'm so excited that Tamiyo is not only alive, but giving us a phenomenal planeswalker card, too! She's absolutely making it into my list; Tamiyo has always been one of my favourite walkers, and this one is no slouch. Her +1 offers a lot of interesting decision points for both players, her -2 is incredibly spicy and worth the tricolor designation, and her ultimate is the sort of thing that makes me ready to double up on Tezzeret's Gambit. Aside from that, her artwork is pretty rad. A+!
Totally with RBM on this. I was really nervous they were gonna kill her off before/during SOI, and now we get a super cool PW card out of her? So cool! :)
I personally think this is a super unique take on bant colors, being very blue, but revolving a lot around creatures and interacting with them. Neato.