Supporting stormless storm
So I quite like how the cantrips and Strixhaven cards are playing a big role in my cube right now. However, I did notice that Blue and Red the traditional spellsmatter colors are kind of left out right now. I will be adding a couple of payoffs to try and boost them:

I've always found that I could use some recursion in my UR decks (a problem solved by splashing Green or Black usually), so having Breach is important. Storm on the other hand I am less sure of. I've had it before in the cube, but the support wasn't even remotely as good as it is now. Worth testing at least.
To add to the fun, I am considering the following enablers with a series of cuts:

As well as doubling up on both
Manamorphose and
Frantic Search (thanks dbs for the inspiration!).
I'd love your opinions on these as I feel I may be going off the deep end!
Dictate of Helios: Card is too expensive for what I am doing now, even if the impact is strong.
Leonin Lightscribe replaced this for me.
Enlightened Tutor: White's contribution to artifact and storm decks are less than what I would like and this tutor allows for some crossover with both.
Commit // Memory: Commit has always been a little overpriced for a temporary solution, but it is very versatile. The draw 7 mode is a nice way to recycle your deck when you self-mill hard, but 6 mana for the effect means it's dangerous since your opponents get their hands before you.
Timetwister: 3 mana means this can be played in a faster deck looking to refill it's hand. Also, no exile means you can potentially
Regrowth it down the line.
Time Spiral: Another draw 7, but this one gives you first crack with a new hand. Untapping your lands gives this a higher upside even if the floor is lower (6 mana is a lot).
Man-O'-War: Pretty mediocre creature for my format, it was there for blink shenanigans, but I already have
Venser, Shaper Savant and
Riftwing Cloudskate that are more versatile.
Mystical Tutor: Cheap way to get some of the better payoffs and enablers for all sorts of blue decks.
Scholar of the Lost Trove: This sphinx has a lot of synergy with what blue wants to do (artifacts, spells, GY, blink), but I think it might be just too expensive.
Ancestral Visions: I really don't love this card, but my players play it often in other cubes. My biggest gripe is that past the early turns it's a horrendous top deck. However, it's cheap and can set up future turns nicely.
Nullpriest of Oblivion: Not a bad 2 drop, but not exciting either. And if I am only casting it for 6 mana, then I'd rather have other options. I get that modality has value, but for a 5 player game, this seems too weak.
Dark Petition: Expensive tutor that refunds mana. Plays nicely with both Breach and Storm that I am adding, but I worry that between this,
Demonic Tutor and
Vampiric Tutor, it's too much. I could see myself cutting DT or VT, just don't have much experience with Petition.
Doom Whisperer: I love this card, but if I am adding
Griselbrand, this feels like a watered down version of it.
Griselbrand: Here I think I am going overboard. The goal of adding Griselbrand is to add a potential reanimation suite to the spells deck, but I worry it will just be used in a control deck or something and take over the game. I would also look into adding
Sneak Attack if the demon gets in.
Magus of the Wheel: The upside of this one is that you get to wheel end of turn and untap with a new hand. The body isn't embarrassing either. Just not sure it's really needed
Mass Mutiny: I love how threaten effects can blow up a stalemate or be used with sacrifice outlets. However, this one isn't great as 5 mana is pretty expensive. That being said, I don't want to run something like
Molten Primordial that is too easy to blink/recur and takes over a game. So this slot is expendable.
Jeska's Will: Ritual effect or card draw? Both are good options, I just dislike the commander text on it. This could also be
Birgi, God of Storytelling, but that card is too much in terms of complexity (wordy, irrelevant boast ability, double sided).
Also considering cutting
Explore for a second
Manamorphose (so as to give red more cantrips) and also cutting
Thirst for Knowledge for a second
Frantic Search (free spell that digs towards your next play).
So there it is. A bunch of top of deck tutors, some wheel effects and some draw. All generally good stuff that I know will be played, but might help propel the "combo" decks.
Once again any thoughts, insights or critics more than welcome!