General Fight Club

Don’t run Garrison unless you also run Battlements. They belong together.

There is a limit on the amount of files you can upload per post. I believe it is 10.
EDIT: sigh, is there a reason you're against Hellrider? Was it too powerful overall for your environment I'm guessing?
My gripe isn't specific against Hellrider per se. But it's one of the most powerful things red can do in cube period, so it showing off how it's raw power overshadows some cool interaction that was being actively curated via squadroning... isn't really a measure of the Battlement's downsides in this case. Just that Hellrider is very powerful and potentially stifles unique and cool interactions.

To me it's like saying "well the player had the opportunity to do some cool stuff with [insert black cards], but then when the time came they just cast Grave Titan instead :/."

Chris Taylor

Also, you can't put in more than twenty card image tags, I believe.

twenty pasted images, I think you'll be fine with any number of [ ci] tags.

My gripe isn't specific against Hellrider per se. But it's one of the most powerful things red can do in cube period, so it showing off how it's raw power overshadows some cool interaction that was being actively curated via squadroning... isn't really a measure of the Battlement's downsides in this case. Just that Hellrider is very powerful and potentially stifles unique and cool interactions.

To me it's like saying "well the player had the opportunity to do some cool stuff with [insert black cards], but then when the time came they just cast Grave Titan instead :/."

You're probably right. I take solace in that both made the maindeck however.

Would you run Hanweir Battlements without the squadron?


Staff member
Good to know. With that in mind, I will try again to post my cube in the Blog section this weekend - hopefully without any issues again. Nothing worse than typing out everything, my browser bugging out then losing out a night's-worth of thoughts and ideas. That was demoralizing...

I keep copying and pasting into a text file if I do big posts, as this has happened to me more than once and it really is demoralising. My problem is I accidentally refresh the page, which is the real killer, as you can sometimes get it back by hitting the forward/back buttons on your browser.

I think Rhythm is probably just better than fires. It provides more flexibility in terms of creature stats and has the nice "can't be countered" bonus. Is the +2/+2 on board trick and haste to tokens provided by fires enough to compete with the "can't be countered" clause and the ability to add +1/+1 counters from Rhythm when you don't need to attack?
I agree Rhythm is probably the stronger card overall. The interaction with persist creatures is nice, but I see you aren't running those.

The ability to make your guys bigger if they otherwise couldn't attack into your opponent's defenses is nice. Fires can only help once in that situation.
I adore how ‘Rhythm’ is spelled in English :) And ‘Rhythmic’

Also I adore when cards give a player or both players choices during the games so Rhythm beats Fires IMO.
Is Birthing Pod still an archetype people put in their cubes?
Sell me on some number of Pods, some number of CoCo, and/or Prime Speaker


I love Pod and Coco and would run a number of Pods like Jason, but I can't get behind Prime Speaker Vannifar. She dies to all non-red removal (pretty much),and she forces you to be in blue. Now, blue is not actually a bad colour for Birthing Pod-esque strategies, since you can get untappers like Pestermite and Deciver Exarch ,and perhaps even the occasional Mystic Snake, but I would argue that you are far better off just simply running Pod and have these tools at your drafter's disposal. And perhaps my biggest gripe is that this is not even that good in a deck built around Pod, as it does not do anyhting immediately and more often than not waste a pod activation, but even if it was a second copy of pod in the deck, it is still to unreliable, slow, and colour-intensive. Of course, your milage may vary.
IMO, Evolution is the best to run on it's own, without any particular shell. I've seen people take it for lots of different decks, especially with some build around creature like The Gitrog Monster they want to get out consistently.

GSZ works well enough by itself too, but the G creature restriction is annoying...