What can you guys recommend for 3cc blue card draw? Which one do you prefer or have found more versatile?

I'm running both, but would run the instant option to support blue control if I only wanted one.
I feel like the land is worth a mana and -4/-4, but I'm not sure. It seems like they both smash sufficiently hard that I'd be happier with the land. This is for The Black Cube (post coming soon), so both are effectively mono green cards.
Which one do you think is better if you want to support aggro and control?
Apologies if this card hasn’t been released yet. I haven’t seen it spoiled anywhere.
Casting cost 2GGG with no body attached
Casting cost 4GG with 6/6 body attaches
I suspect this has been posted before, but
I left out Fecundity because the symmetry can be killer to the caster or the low cmc can be killer to the opponent. Neither is appealing.
I'm also open to the idea that neither of these are quite what I need. Deathreap is costed well, but a bit slow. Moldervine can be quick once it's in play, but 5 mana is a lot.
Easy Crow Storm. I ran thief for a while and she never did anything.
Alright, which of these two? They both kind of do the same thing, but in different ways. They both convert lands into action, but while Worldwaker's creatures are better, WStW's untaps hers and gives vigilance, so you don't have to choose between attacking and using the land for mana. They both create a lot of extra mana from forests, but in different ways. I'm kind of leaning toward Worldwaker right now because her lower starting loyalty means that she's easier to deal with than the current nemesis of standard, but what do you guys think?
Easy Crow Storm. I ran thief for a while and she never did anything.
Alright, which of these two? They both kind of do the same thing, but in different ways. They both convert lands into action, but while Worldwaker's creatures are better, WStW's untaps hers and gives vigilance, so you don't have to choose between attacking and using the land for mana. They both create a lot of extra mana from forests, but in different ways. I'm kind of leaning toward Worldwaker right now because her lower starting loyalty means that she's easier to deal with than the current nemesis of standard, but what do you guys think?
I think Bag of Holding is a better card than key. The only reasons I can see running the Key to the City over the Bag is if you: